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Teen Fiction



The Bad Boy and My Cookie

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I crossed my arms defiantly,"Listen here buddy, you either give back what's mine or we do this the hard way," I glared, my gaze not straying from his.

That pack of cookies is mine and I'd be damned if I let it go without a fight.

Without breaking eye contact, he let go of my pack of cookies letting it fall unto the ground before he gave it a harsh stomp.

An amused expression crossed his face as he turned to look at me,"What are you gonna do about it tesoro?" He taunted.

"I'd gladly show you," I sneered, before doing something that every typical female would do.

Kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

Highest Ranking: #1 in TeenFiction (9/26/2020)
#1 in Jokes (11/16/2020)
#1 in Skittles (2/13/2021)
#1 in Cookies (3/4/21)
This is the Rewritten Version of The Bad Boy and My Cookie. Copyright 2020 ©ElaBearXx. All Rights Reserved.
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