

317,965 13,393 32

« Sequel of RÚẞÅRÚ - Í$H¶ » «Stand Alone Book» ~ ZÁ¥¥ÁÑ ~ "The world is all about give and take, Create your OWN°°°~ Á¥€DÁ ~ "The world is full of fake people, The real is you, YOURSELF°°°✨✨✨"Calm me down" His beautiful blue eyes ranked through every inch of my body sitting calmly on his chair. His eyes were glaring in my soul like he wanted to eat me alive. His slender long fingers tapping slowly yet impatiently on the desk infront of him waiting for my answer. I don't know who made him angry again but that was the first time he asked something from me other than the work. But the question was how can i calm him down?I averted my eyes to the floor because his gaze was very intense, piercing my every core with his hardcore death glare.He stood up from his chair making his way towards me as a predator towards his prey. My breath hitched in my throat with fear engulfing me slowly."How"? I finally dared my voice out and as usual my voice came out low and meak. He stopped a step away from me as i smelled his minty cologne in my nostrils which every time overpower my senses to think properly."Kiss me" I snapped my head towards him as my eyes widened in response. Is he for real?✨✨✨For her, he was her husband, her family after the death of her parents, after the betrayal of her family but For him, She was the burden from his parents, A mere responsibility.She don't love him but still there was a spark of attraction towards him as he was her rightfully married HUSBAND.He disliked her but there was one rule in his life.What was his, Will always remain His. Doesn't matter how much he dislike her, what matters to him was, she has his name and that makes her, HIS. His WIFE.✨ Two confused souls living in the same roof, same room yet so far. Will they ever be together?✨ Both were like a closed book. Will they ever try to open up to eachother?Stay tuned with ZÁ¥¥ÁÑ x Á¥€DÁ!Allah Hafiz!…

•••RÚßÂRÚ - Í$H¶•••✓

•••RÚßÂRÚ - Í$H¶•••✓

594,495 23,380 31

~ ZA¥DAN ~ 'Life is a Game of chess' Move in silence only to say CHECKMATE°°°~ HA¥AT ~ 'Life can be a game of chess' But with a calm mind, Life can be crystal CLEAR°°°✨✨✨"Your name"? He asked as he stood up from his chair, taking slow steps towards me making me take steps backward, his voice extremely dark with a slightest bit of anger, his blue eyes roaming to every inch of my body taking his pleasurable time, as his blue eyes stopped at my eyes and met mine amber one, A chill rustled through my spine.Confusion spread across my face as fear engulfed me. Why is he asking my name? Like he don't know, I really wanted to roll my eyes but held the urge in."Hayat" I replied confidently as my back hit the wall. A dead end."Full name"? He asked fully invading my personal space as he placed both his hands on each side of wall trapping me in. We stared at eachother in silence."Hayat Malik" I replied still staring at him. As the words slipped out of my tongue, a small smirk made its way to his lips. This was a simple action but I could sense danger from his eyes."Aren't you forgetting something Miss...." He trailed off as he took a hold of my face from his right hand, left hand still on the wall. Tinkles spread across my stomach as his hand made contact with my skin. "Hayat Zaydan Malik" He completed and with that he slammed his lips against mine.✨✨✨Just two words took to break everything, Misunderstandings aroused, Their friendship broke, Their bond broke along that unknowningly they broke too.She was in love with her cousin, Her only best friend, Her ZAY.He was in love with his other cousin Rameen.✨What will happen when they will come face to face after whole 5 years? ✨What will be the end of the pure bond called 'NIKKAH'?✨Will he get RUBARU with his real ISHQ?Stay tuned with ZA¥DAN x HA¥AT!Allah Hafiz!1# possessive«45.9k»1# spiritual «31k»1# LoveHate«10.3K»1# jealousy«38.2K…

Short Love Stories✔️

Short Love Stories✔️

678,477 28,805 52

(NOT EDITED) This book is the collection of short love Stories.1. Way to your heart (completed)2. Fragrance Of Love ( unpublished)3. Unexpected Love (completed) 4. Tangled Threads (completed), the edited better and different version of Tangled Threads is available on Amazon, those who are interested, the link is on my bio.…

Married To Mafia ( Series One)

Married To Mafia ( Series One)

944,708 35,178 67

Highest raking 1#spiritualHe pinned me to the wall his face were inch away from mine , I turn my face because of smell of alcohol suffocating my breath " you are disgusted with me aren't you ? " He asked in his deep husky voice . Tears filled my eyes , I press my lips together trying not to utter any word ." ANSWER ME !" His dark grey eyes filled with fury .'' y- yes " I cried , my body shaking violently in fear .He lean near my ear , I turn my face closing my eyes shut tightly " So am I " he spat before walking away leaving me shattered into pieces .What I have gotten myself into ???Khalid Mirza most feared Mafia in Pakistan . He is ruthless, cold hearted and dangerous . His one glance can make a full grown man pee to himself .He was tortured to be strong to rule the world without any fear there is no humanity in him.Amira Sultan is a beautiful soul filled with light , her smile is enough to make someone days , Her heart is soft like a petal and her mind is strong like a rebel . All she wanted to do is survived this life with her evil sister and a step mother breathing down her neck and a job which doesn't pay well .what happen when her step mother trick her to marry the most ruthless Mafia to save her daughter ?what happen when Khalid is hell bent on making her life hell ?will she able to survive?? join their roller coaster journey.... a journey worth remembering .…

Mr. Perfect & Miss Troublemaker

Mr. Perfect & Miss Troublemaker

1,141,846 59,283 66

"Look Ayan...," I started, ready to announce my decision, "I know your brother is a total weirdo and can't do romance and stuff but I can't ignore his good qualities. I mean it's not like I am head over heels for him but yeah, he seems like a good guy. Now, if he proves to be a jerk in future, then I'm sure I won't think twice before breaking his bones. Therefore, you can tell him I'm ready for the marriage." "Well thank you, my lady. I promise you won't regret your decision," I heard him and immediately recognised the owner of the voice. It wasn't Ayan. Shit!! Did I just make a fool of myself in front of HIM. Oh my Allah! "And about that romance thing..." He spoke again as he turned to me and I swear I could hear my heartbeats, "I'll prove you wrong after marriage." ...Ashiya Zarin, a 24 year old practicing muslimah who is crazy, sweet and innocent. She's cheerful and loves to make others happy. What happens when she meets Ahan Rahman, a smart, straightforward and serious guy? Start reading to know about their journey full of comedy, surprises and of course romance.…

Only You

Only You

605,513 34,562 46

Dr. Humza Khan is the Pediatrics Attending at Lakeside Hospital, but with him comes his 6-month-old daughter. The man is handsome, mature, and successful and is focused on creating the best future for his daughter- Haniah. Dr. Huda Siddiqui is the Chief Resident of the Pediatrics Department at Lakeside Hospital and every child's favorite doctor. Her optimistic personality shines in the pediatric department at Lakeside. Huda is a mature, and kind-hearted girl. She is very unexperienced in her love life as she she's focused on her career and her relationship with Allah.What happens when Huda and Humza's circumstances conjoin to create their beautiful love story, but their love story is bruised by the reappearance of Haniah's mother?…

Stand by me

Stand by me

28,344 1,471 69

STAND BY ME❤️#10 in spiritual ranking( 10/12/2023)😍#1 in spiritual (15/12/2023)Life as a female Muslim, growing up in a strict community in Pakistan wasn't easy for Safiyya. With the zeal for education in the young girl's heart and her parents' determination, it was hard but she got past high school. College became a greater deal but Safiyya found her way out to the States to further her education. She wants to work and prove that a Muslimah can work whilst keeping her dignity but life became harsher living in a foreign country with islamophobia. What other challenges would she face when she meets a broken family?....and relationship?......He is a rich and influential businessman and has built an empire at a young age, he didn't indulge in any romantic relationship. He finally got married even against his family's wishes because she was a Muslim. Alfred didn't care and trusted in the religion but his heart was broken by his wife who even attempted to murder their baby boy. Alfred had to live a life, taking care of his company whilst taking care of his child. Will he ever trust another Muslim and even fall in love with them?Can the love for a child bring two people together? Can A Muslimah achieve her dreams while keeping her dignity as a Muslim?......"I used to think that making my parents and Muslim women proud was my goal but then Allah brought the cute Youssef to me. I can't describe the feeling but some relationships are formed by Allah."…

In The Midst Of Serendipity

In The Midst Of Serendipity

165,533 5,211 47

DO NOT COPY MY WORK Mir's! The name itself screams power. Mir's are the most influential and rich nawab of the whole Karachi. Feared and Respected by everyone, Mir's are unbeatable. They had the whole government in their hands. All in All Mir's rules the area. Shah Zain MirHe is the oldest in the family. Being the oldest, he has grave responsibilities upon himself. Taking over his ancestral business, Shah Zain is set to rule the world of business that was once ruled by his father and grandfather. Shiza Almirah HussainShe is an orphan. She has no one to call her family except the Aunt that raise her. She has no one she could turn to but yet...she is optimistic. She is full of hope. She believes in the Mercy of the Almighty. She may not be rich like the Mir's but she is content So, what happens when the eldest son of the Mir's got tangled with our innocent and bubbly Shiza. will Sparks fly or the status between will crush their very relationship which was not even started yet?? join me in yet another story of love, power and twist and turns.STARTED: 20th DECEMBER 2022ENDED: 4th JULY 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED…

Her Innocent Heart   (Masoom Dil)

Her Innocent Heart (Masoom Dil)

3,873,334 149,963 62

⚠️ Kidnapped Romance:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb0EOwy75EU8UQVbvkI-H8ARunning through the woods, she suddenly fell to the ground, because of the outer root of an old tree...Ignoring the sharp pain in her foot, she again started to run.A lower bark of some tree hooked on her rustling veil and It tore with sound.Ah!Branch made a peel on her skin too.Running, running. She just ran. The cold air was shocking her throat and lungs as she inhaled deeper, faster. After crossing many trees, she looked over her shoulder. No one behind but some howling thuds. He must be wearing heavy boots. Compared to him she was bare feet.Suddenly a dried tiny branch cracked beneath her foot. She winced as her sole got pierced, but continued her running that was now transformed into limping.Her heart was beating in her ears. She kept her unsteady pace with her lower lip clamped between the third.She then bumped into maybe a tree trunk and fell with a thump. "Ouch!" With the lowest groan she got up....but...She saw the tall, broad figure in the place of which she assumed the tree. She started backing away but a harsh tug on her scalp stopped her. "Where?" He was having a fistful of her hair with a bitter scowl on his face. "Leave me!" She screamed as he started walking with the same demeanor."Let go of me!" She yelled while punching in his stomach.He left her hair at once. "Bitch! Keep quiet straight away." With this, he flung and carried her on his shoulder. In the moonlight, he was looking as fierce as a giant werewolf."Get me down!" She punched his neck and tried to dig nails into his tough yet thick skin. He stopped and hauled her down.She was laying shocked on dry foliage. Then he knelt beside them and got on top of her."No!" She went pale.***An innocent Beauty... And a famished Beast.Warning! Grammar sucks#1 in Spiritual many times. Alhamdulillah.…

Living Royalty

Living Royalty

336,379 29,313 51

Two sisters. Two brothers. As different as polar opposites...but then, doesn't the saying go "like poles repel and opposite poles attract"? It sure doesn't seem like it in their case. Samaah and Samiha Ashraf have no idea what they are getting themselves into when their father asks them to get married to the Hamid brothers. They agree to what their father says, considering their perfect upbringing, although reluctant, but they know who to trust - Allah. He knows what is right for them.Arif and Asif Hamid are the heirs to the Hamid fortune. Brought up like princes, the brothers are as arrogant and harsh as they can get. They have lived the life of royalty, and they are not used to having to do anything for themselves. Besides, their father's money and success having reached their heads makes them care about nothing else.How would the Ashraf sisters adjust with the Hamid brothers? Would it end up a disaster as predicted by everyone else? Or would their fathers' plans work out?Read "LIVING ROYALTY" to find out.[A COMPLETED STORY]--------------------------Guys this is my first story and I've worked really hard on it, so I would really be happy if y'all would please give it a chance.…

Married To My Best Friend

Married To My Best Friend

570,153 36,858 43

Highest ranking : #1 in spiritual on 24.2.2018, 24.4.2018 & 4. 5.2018#2 in spiritual on 14.10.2017 & 11.11.2017#3 in spiritual on 11.10.2017 , 15.10.2017 & 7.11.2017#4 in spiritual on 18.10.2017#5 in spiritual on 8.10.2017"What is wrong Amaan?" Haya asked in a concerned tone..He stared at her for few seconds and then replied "I talked to Daila" "Did..did you?" She stuttered and he nodded"So..So now?" Haya asked"Now...Haya kareem" Amaan said and walked towards her with a dangerous glare on his face"Never ever show me your face again" Amaan said in a monotone"What?" Haya yelled"You don't deserve to be a friend" He said, his jaw clenched and his gaze piercing holes in her body..."Bu..But what did i do?" Haya was on verge of tears..What had she done to deserve Amaan's hatred?"I hate you Haya!! I hate you!!" He semi yelled and left♡☆♡☆♡☆♡TRUST...Just 5 letters but very rare..Its important in every relationship, be it friendship or love...But What happens when this very combination of letters is missing?It destroys relationships!!!♡☆♡☆♡☆♡Click on 'read' to meet Haya kareem and Amaan syed...the childhood friends turned enemies..NOTE: This story does not represent Islam. The characters are muslims but they are not the perfect muslims. So don't judge Islam based on this book…



191,953 9,968 40

-UNEDITED BOOK : 1 | YASIN SERIES |BOOK : 2 | IBRAHIM SERIES |A BILLIONAIRE'S STARDUST A HALAL LOVE STORY OF TWO WOUNDED SOULS.." Missed me sunshine? " she turned to the voice of her love, where he stood in all his glory, how much she missed him calling her his sunshine! she ran and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug buried her face deep in his chest, his warm musk cologne filling her senses as he held her tight to his heart smiling wide " thank Allah you're back, don't leave me next time! " she sobbed on his chest in fear but happy that he was back." I'm not leaving you ever again sunshine, I promise ! " he kissed her hijab clad head & smiled, how long he had wished to hold her in his arms, finally his prayers were answered & he cherished the moment wholeheartedly by mumbling a thousands of Alhamdulillah." I Won't Leave you sunshine, not now nor ever because you're stuck with me forever even death can't do us apart ! " he said looking at her eyes meanting every word which he uttered & her teary eyes which held pure adoration & love for him, which warmed his soul beyond expectations.MEET ZAAMIN YASIN the multi-billionaire & the most feared Airline magnet to ever exist in history, he's tall ruggedly handsome with chiseled features to perfection! A perfect eye candy for every female population but he wants only one! he's cold & arrogant for the business world but a softie when it comes his loved ones..MEET AALA IBRAHIM the "Reserved princess " she's calm sensible a breathtaking beauty for sore eyes not to forget a proud mama for her three year old cutie but she believed love & marriage is not her thing after her husband's tragic death she had no room for any other men in her life ...BUT DESTINY HAD OTHER PLANS FOR THEM.. ALLAH SAYS " INDEED WHAT IS TO COME WILL BE BETTER FOR YOU THAN WHAT HAS GONE BY " QURAN 93:4...Join the journey of a man who never gives up on his women until he had made her his till & in jannah...…

MAFIA LOVE ( Series Two)

MAFIA LOVE ( Series Two)

77,919 3,321 30

" where do you think you are going " his dark brown eyes glare at my scared face.I tried to struggle in his death grip " please... please let me go...I don't want to stay here... You promised that you leave me once the year is over " whimpering I tried to remind him his promise .He smirk an evil smirk on his handsome face didn't lessen my disgust toward him " sweetheart that time I didn't knew you are going to be mine " he bring his face closer and my eyes widen horrified by his word .Aamal Fatima a 24 year old girl struggling from her past trauma and trying to be independent fell into more traumatic situation where she got to know that she has to work as a maid for a year in a Mafia house . Forced and emotionally blackmailed . She agreed not knowing her future .Haider..... That's the only name is enough to make an soul shiver in fear . He is cruel , emotionless , heartless and most selfish. There is no good in him . He is the villian everyone talk about in the story .Didn't we all heard ??? Bright soul always attracts the darkness soul??Join the journey of Aamal trying to survive a Mafia obsession . Who do you think going to win in the end ?? Aamal purity or Haider obsession??…

Love Stories ✓

Love Stories ✓

883,149 40,559 84

A collection of short stories. Explore the world of Pakistani novellas✨1. Love Lessons by Professor ✓2. Bitter Sweet Love ✓3. Silent Tears ✓4. The Dazzling Beauty ✓5. The Entangled Love ✓…

Replacement Bride

Replacement Bride

155,066 16,132 38

Amani wasn't ready for marriage, nor was she willing to marry her cousin. She was just 17 and had recently rounded up her secondary school. Her intention was to further her education before thinking about marriage but then something happened, something very big... ***Hamid was set to marry Rahmat Ali, his colleague and long-term girlfriend. She was the girl he had ever dreamed about and the girl he would forever risk his life for. But just a day to their wedding, she was caught up in a big mess that forced his parents to replace her with his cousin, Amani.•••••••••••••••••••• Whatever your relationship status is, read this story at your leisure time. It is not your usual love story of a boy and girl, it is a lesson to behold. •••••••••••••••••••• Dedicated to all my fans, I love you all💝…

Uncle Jalal ✔

Uncle Jalal ✔

91,386 3,256 13

STARTED ON 6 AUGUST 2021FINISHED ON 27 FEBRUARY 2022#1 in Africa On 29-April-2022#1 in Believe On 29-April-2022#1 in strangelove On 9-feb-2022#2 in delusional. On 9-feb-2022#3 in honest On. 25-feb-2022#8 in hiddenfeelings On 9-feb-2022#16 in Uncle. On 10-feb-2022#17 in Nigerian On 27-feb-2022#1. In twistedlovestory. On 25-feb-2022What happened when 21years old Afrah is posted for her NYSC far away from home and have to stay with her aunty for the next 11months in her husband house but one glance at her Aunty's husband Afrah knows she's smitten.Follow the story of Afrah as she fall helplessly in love with her uncle.It's a twisted Romance!…

The lie in my marriage (EDITING)

The lie in my marriage (EDITING)

280,780 9,034 62

The story of Zainab and Malik, a young couple in their own little bubble living their best life. Then,Amal shows up into Malik's life. Somewhere along the way,feelings were involved and Malik falls for her leading to a huge rift in his marriage. Truth was revealed,secrets were exposed and choices were made leading each of them to live with the consequences of their choices. Khal2mukay 2017…

Her Personal Secretary (Vol I) ✔️

Her Personal Secretary (Vol I) ✔️

389,919 27,085 63

Genre: Romance, Suspence, and Spritiualranking#1 IN MODEL She is his boss and He is her PS. She is a model and He is Worker. She is Bold and He is reversed. She party and he read Salah She eats Haram and he eats Halal She breaks rules and he follows orders Mahia Salah is a Top business men's daughter and she is a Model. She is an only child and is living with her father. She changed her boyfriends like clothes and doesn't look back at them. She doesn't believe in Love and marriages. She is Bold, arrogant, possessive and rebellious. She parties hard and drinks alcohol. She knows nothing about her religious and despise low-class people and stays miles away from them as if they are diseases. Adam Safl is a middle-class man with big dreams. He works Under 'Saleh Inc.' with all honesty and faithfully. He is trained Bodyguard and is living with his grandmother as he have lost his parents when he was small. He is down to earth and dignified men. He is quite, reserved and respect women. But Everything will change when out of blue his Boss, Abdullah Salah asked him to protect his daughter from his evil business rivals but without anyone else knowing about it. He has to work as her Personal Secretary and she is ready to make his life hell. He is counting time when he will be free from here But What will happen when he will have a hard time to run away from her as she is not letting him go. She orders and has rights over him as if she owns Him?Editor: @smiling_sobiya…

His Soul

His Soul

325,834 16,547 41

On the wet sand beside the seashore, the strong, tall man was laying with a cigarette in his hand. His bike parked a few feet away from him. The environment there was serene and noiseless as no one was allowed then on the beach that he owned. It was not a big deal for a billionaire like him. He had a lot more than that. Wealth, power, the respect he had all of them but lacked the most important thing that couldn't be bought with money. He lacked inner peace.He inhaled the vinous smoke as the corner of his lips twitched in a sad smile. His eyes deceived him being moist and a lone tear slipped down his face on the sand. The sand sucked the water as soon as it fell on it, and he wondered if his pain disappeared in thin air like that.He breathed out a puff of smoke through his nose and mouth. Looking up at the sky with the sad smile plastered on his face he spoke up, "Why so hatred for me, ya Rab?"Miles away from him the girl with a cuddling baby in her arms uttered looking up at the sky, "I express my deep gratitude to You for sending this angel to me, Ya Rab."…

Heal Me

Heal Me

220,182 7,357 40

Damon was happy. He had everything he wanted: a strong family, awesome friends, great grades, a beautiful girlfriend... He had never had any reasons to cry...until the accident. After that, the world had no colors for him. He never smiled again and almost everyone left him because of that. But had he ever dreamt about a smiling, brown-eyed angel? Had he ever hoped for such salvation? Did he deserve it? To him, Evangeline was nothing... And everything. Would he let her heal him? ~ *OFFICIAL TRAILER ON THE RIGHT SIDE OR HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFZJ56rZaC8* ~ Copyright © 2013 *ALL RIGHTS RESERVED* All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work (username/pseudonym: XenaraDaolftan) and any infringement of copyright is punishable by law. ~ *I DO NOT OWN ANY FRAGMENTS FROM DIFFERENT BOOKS THAT MAY APPEAR HERE.*…