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Cherophobia: the fear of happiness. After the 3 star ending, Vanessa manages to get back to being more like her old self. But a chance encounter on a date with Luis might change all that.…

FNAF SB 3 star ending fic ideas that no one has really used yet

FNAF SB 3 star ending fic ideas that no one has really used yet

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January 20th Update: New stories and art created, links added to chapter 2I've decided to try and spread my 3 star ideas to a wider audience in the hopes that they can inspire people. The people that I've sent these to have said that they are "good". I would like to make full fledged stories out of these ideas, but I can't because I am not a writer. But who knows? Maybe I can try and inspire some people to make something beautiful out of this stuff! I want to see more 3 star wholesomeness!…