Previously: The kid go get their costumes on and the teachers head to the stadium seats. Deku goes ahead and walks like he is dreading already being here. Aizawa is stuck talking to Mrs. Joke, so he's dreading today too. He exhales very slowly and heavily with irritation. Mrs. Joke doesn't recognize Deku yet but she will soon. The announcer is explaining to the students that only 100 students can pass the first test. And there is at least 1200 there. Since stains ideology is spreading through the hearts of many villians. And since All Might is retired they need pro hero's that are actually going to be good hero's. This is their attempt at thinning out the wannabes and rejects. People have to hit three Targets and get two people out to pass. Friends Against friends. Students Against other students. It's a race to who passes first. There are different terrain and then suddenly the walls fall around them and the test begins. Now let's go back to the 3 teachers in the stadium.
Meanwhile back up in the stadium seats. Mrs. Joke sits a few chairs Down from Aizawa, he isn't enjoying it at all. Deku is sitting above them in seat wise. He's keeping an eye on them and the students down below. Mrs. Joke still hasn't recognized Deku yet and thinks he's a student teacher. After Mrs. Joke keeps badgering Aizawa about his students and how she thinks they will fail and saying how he must like them since he still has all 20 students still. Deku starts staring at her intensely so much so that she can feel him eyeing her down. His eyes are burning into her mind, she can't move out of fear. Aizawa notices she went to non stop talking to complete silence. He looks upwards and See's Deku intensely staring directly at her. With deadly serious red glowing eyes, and is breathing heavily. "Eraser w-ho is he?" She says forcing out the words in terror. She is shaking and can't stop doing so. Deku speaks up for himself in a creepy and sadistic tone of voice."Me? I'm the Vampire Demon Serial Killer known as Deku." He jumps onto the seat infront other two of the Heros. He smiles creepily at her with his red glowing eyes."Shhh." He puts his finger over her mouth saying Shhh. "Don't Worry Mrs. Joke I won't harm you, I'm a teacher at UA high school. And to answer your question or statement per say. Our students will do just fine. After all they did train under ME!" She stops shaking and activates her quirk to make Deku laugh. "Hahahahahah!!" Deku starts laughing genuinely but in a very sadistic way. "He sounds like he just killed someone..." She said in fear deactivating her quirk. Deku stopped laughing and grit his teeth activating his fangs and black claws. "He looks like he's about to slit her throat an eat her."Aizawa thinks to himself. He uses his eraser quirk and uses his scarf to tie up Deku so he can't act on his thoughts. Deku struggles in the scarf but then looked into Shota's eyes and saw that he over did it again. Deku calms down and stops resisting. Mrs. Joke looks at the two of them and thanks Eraser for saving her. He lets go deku and gives him a glare saying,"Apologize to her!!" (In his eyes he said that)
Deku jumps on the seat that is infront of them yet again and bows in respect and regards for his actions."I'm so sorry for overreacting Mrs. Joke. You see I'm very protective over my students and you just openly insulted them and I couldn't hold back anymore." Deku bowed and said sorry and explained why he did what he did. And she just smiles at him." No I'm sorry for antagonizing you Mr. Deku. It was wrong of me to assume that they would fail instantly." Aizawa looks over at her and almost smirks but then a huge explosion happened on the battle Field. The whole ground floor broke apart, just like what would have happened if a earthquake happened. Deku lost balance and started to fall backwards. Shota instinctively used his scarf to grab Deku and bring him over to his side. He woke up to reality when Mrs. Joke called his hero name.,"Eraser!" He looked up and saw her scooting away from Deku. He looked down at Deku leaning up against him passed out because of not having anything blood all morning and he didn't eat any human food. After that happened Mrs. Joke and Aizawa talked about how Deku became a teacher at UA while Deku slept up against Aizawa. And they discussed what was happening between their two classes of students on the battle ground.
To be continued...
(Sorry about not uploading this series, tbh I just haven't written it all yet, plus I'm dealing with school.)
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