Chapter 9 Ludere

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(Y/N) was standing on Ryuko's tower looking out on the arena after the battle with Gamagoori.

(Y/N): Now I want to play.

(Y/N) then Takes off his hoodie and throws it to the crowd. Before He continued to the arena he looked down to where Mako was, he saw Gamagoori next to her.

(Y/N): Is it just me or do those two look cute.

(Y/N) then jumps from the platform to the arena Startling Ryuko.

Ryuko: AH! (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Yes?!

(Y/N) began to stretch his body preparing for the next fight.

Ryuko: What are you doing here!?

(Y/N): What do you mean? I'm here to fight. Go take a break, you need it after that beating.

Ryuko: I-I can keep going!

(Y/N): I know you can, but you need to rest, I'll take care of the upcoming fight. Then afterwords.....

(Y/N) finished stretches then turns to Ryuko.

(Y/N): We could Tag Team. Besides don't you want to prove Mr. Teacher wrong?

Ryuko: .....

Ryuko then looks to the School Buildings to see Aikuro staring at the arena

Ryuko: R-right.

She then walks close to (Y/N) and patted him on the shoulder.

Ryuko: Go get 'em

(Y/N): You know I will.

Ryuko then arrives atop her tower and stares at Satsuki

Ryuko: That's one down, Kiryuin!

Inumuta: I suppose that means That I will be the next opponent.

(Y/N): G'day, I hope you have insurance.

Inumuta: Huh?

(Y/N): nothing let's just get to it.

Inumuta: so impatient, but...

The uniforms 'mask' released to show the rest of Inumuta's face.

Inumuta: I'd hate to waste time.

(Y/N) then looks at Inumuta has he looks to have something in his hand.

Gamagoori from the crowd began to yell with all his might.

Gamagoori: INUMUTA, WIN! Trounce him thoroughly and utterly!

Mako: (Y/N), TAKE HIM OUT!

(Y/N) begins to chuckle.

(Y/N): I feel like Gamgoori sat next to Mako on purpose.

(Y/N) then returns his attention to Inumuta.

(Y/N): shall we get to it?

Inumuta: You are most fascinating, after that stunt you pulled on Sanageyama.

(Y/N): It was just you're average Thursday.

Inumuta: heh. Let's begin.

Satsuki from above: Round Two.... begin.

A large horn then sounded as the battle commenced.

Inumuta: Understood. Inumuta then begins to transform his Three-Star Goku Uniform, Revealing.....

Inumuta: Three-Star Goku Uniform, Probe Regalia.

(Y/N): "Probe?" What are you gonna do, abduct me?

He then begins to pose in very disturbing stances , He types vigorously all around his body.

(Y/N): From what I can tell you're gathering information off of me. Right?

Inumuta: You are quite the thinker, Yes I gather data. It's my job after all.

(Y/N): Alright I guess I will do the same then.

Inumuta: ?!

(Y/N): watch.

Suddenly four Ice cubes started to come out of the floor. They began to spin around (Y/N) at speeds where they left after images. Suddenly they hovered above (Y/N) and stopped. After they stopped they retracted and smashed against one another. (Y/N) then lifts his hand just under the fused Ice Blocks. The Ice blocks then begin to shape. (Y/N) then brought the Ice block right in front of him. It transformed into a shield. The shield then began to spin around (Y/N). It stood right in front of him floating.

(Y/N): I'd suggest moving.

Inumuta: W-What?

(Y/N) then points to the circle Inumuta was standing.

Inumuta: What is-

(Y/N): A data collector. It collects information from where the subject stands.

Inumuta then began to walk around. The circle, all though slow, followed Inumuta.

Inumuta: Hmmm?

Inumuta then began to test out of the circle works.

(Y/N): I know you aren't most offensive when it comes to combat, so I came prepared. But even if you don't attack I can improvise.

(Y/N) then sent off Snowflakes with the tips sharp as a blade.

Inumuta sees this and easily dodges them. However the circle was still following him.

(Y/N): meter 1 is filled.

Inumuta: Hmph, too predictable.

Inumuta then began to charge at (Y/N).

Inumuta:So you're not gonna fight back.

(Y/N): No I'll fight back, just not the way you'd expect.

Inumuta: Interesting.

(Y/N) then launched more snowflakes at Inumuta. He dodges them.

(Y/N): meter 2 is filled. *smirks*

Inumuta: hmm?

Suddenly (Y/N) throws one of his arms in the air. On cue a white spot on the arena glows. Suddenly a Spike of Ice pierced the arena. Then more came about going in Inumuta's Direction.

Inumuta: hah! Too predictable, He then runs around the spikes dodging all of them.

(Y/N): Meter 3 is filled. Hey Inumuta! I'd recommend NOT standing on the circle.

Inumuta smiles as he goes behind a pillar. When the Ice pillar disappeared, so did Inumuta.

(Y/N): hmmm...

Unknown to (Y/N) Inumuta was invisible. He was walking closer to (Y/N). Unknown to Inumuta, even though he was off the circle, it was still following. (Y/N) smiles.

(Y/N): Oh Inumuta! Where ever could he be.

(Y/N) then waves his hands upwards as a white light covered the arena. After about a second There stood a figure that was covered with ice. Guess what it was Inumuta.

(Y/N): Meter 4 is filled. Unless you do something Inumuta something bad will happen.

Inumuta then suddenly broke out of the ice and charged at (Y/N). Full speed. When he was close (Y/N) lifted his arms and Ice pillars surrounded him disabling Inumuta to attack him. When the Ice pillars went down Inumuta was invisible again. This time He was right in front of (Y/N).

(Y/N): Where could he...

Suddenly (Y/N) felt the shield being hit. Inumuta was sending a barrage of kicks towards the shield.

(Y/N): 4.5

Inumuta then starting kicking harder.

(Y/N): 4.7

Inumta was panting.

(Y/N): 4.9

After (Y/N) had spoken, the shield had broken. (Y/N) was then knocked back.

(Y/N): Wow! That takes a lot out of you.

Inumuta: Hmph!

Inumuta then started to send barrages of kicks towards (Y/N) again.

Inumuta: I can see it, I can see it.

(Y/N) tried dodging but Inumuta kicked him wherever he was.

Inumuta: You are going to Lose!

After a second a giant mountain of Ice pierced under where Inumuta was. Launching him into the air.

(Y/N): Damn, you made me sweat for a moment there. But thank you, You filled in 5 meters of Data.

Inumuta then sweats, because what he saw was something he shouldn't have. Right in front of (Y/N) stood a dark figure. Clothes, face, hair everything was dark and had an oozing scent coming out of it. Yellow eyes that looked directly into you.

The figure then ran at Inumuta. In a split second it began to hit Inumuta quickly, So fast that he knocked him into the hair. The beast flailed its arms around damaging Inumuta. After lifting him in the air, the beast then was above Inumuta and Summoned a dark ball with energy surrounding it knocking Inumuta down. The beast came down and Walked slowly towards him. One step at a time. Getting closer every second. Inumuta then deforms and Lifts his hands.

Inumuta: H-Houka Inumuta hereby forfeits this battle!

(Y/N)'s eyebrow twitches.

(Y/N): You..... Forfeit?

Inumuta: Y-yes...

(Y/N): After I collected so much data, stored so much info, and was attacked.... You forfeit?

Inumuta sweats then gulps. (Y/N) was about to lash out.


Before (Y/N) could finished he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

(Y/N): Just.... Get off the stage.

(Y/N) points to the stairs leading off the arena.


(Y/N) had put away his shield along with the beast that was summoned in the match.

Nonon: That data-lover is grandstanding again.....

Sanageyama: Still, Lady Satsuki is allowing it.

(Y/N) then returns to Ryuko.

(Y/N): Ryuko?

Ryuko: Y-yeah?

(Y/N): I wanna die.

Ryuko then smiles at (Y/N).

Ryuko: C'mon we can't do that yet.

(Y/N) smiles back.

(Y/N): Right!

Satsuki: Jakuzure. Prepare for battle.

(Y/N) and Ryuko then turns to see Nonon Arguing with Sanageyama. After that Ryuko and (Y/N) look down to the crowd to see Mako cheering for herself.

Senketsu: Your friend has started cheering for herself.

Ryuko: it sure looks like it. Still, that's classic Mako.

(Y/N): Who wouldn't love her.

Senketsu: Your pulse and respiration have returned to normal. So, she's the key to getting you to relax?


Nonon: Entrance march! Under the Double Eagle!

Suddenly a marching band appeared on the Stairs to Nono's Tower.

(Y/N): The hell?

She began to march her way down to the arena.

Senketsu: She knows how to make a cheery entrance.

Nonon: Sorry for the wait. This won't be like the clumsy fights you've had with those boys so far. Prepare to be pummeled Cheerfully, Jauntily, and utterly one-sidedly!

(Y/N): well Ryuko have fun.

Nonon: Actually I plan to take both of you on!

Ryuko: huh?

Nonon then transforms into her Goku Uniform. Which isn't an... actual........ Uniform.....

Nonon: Three- Star Goku Uniform: Symphony Regalia Grave!

(Y/N): That.... Isn't a uniform.

Ryuko: nah, that's a tank.

Nonon: I can get a better sound this way. Okay, for my first song, Light Cavalry Overture!

Sounds from her Tanks went off.

Ryuko: She's gonna fight while playing music?

(Y/N): so loud.

Ryuko: We can't have that. Let's do it! Life Fiber Synchronize Kamui Senketsu!

She charges towards the big tank, the sound from the tank then launched her back to where (Y/N) was. (Y/N) put his fingers in his ears with a deadpan expression.

Senketsu: Her attacks pack a wallop.

Nonon: The bass really reverberates, doesn't it? Next up is a really sharp performance!

Nonon then fired physical notes at Ryuko and (Y/N). Ryuko dodged them. (Y/N) just stepped to the side avoiding all the shots.

Nonon: Dance Harder!

Ryuko dodges more of the notes and tries to attack nonon, again she was knocked back. Everyone in the crowd felt the resonating sound. Ryuko was panting quite heavily.

Nonon: hmmm? The music is lacking a certain something, you know?

(Y/N): Probably a mute button

Nonon: Oh, I know! It's missing your screams!

(Y/N): oh....

Nonon: In that case, I'm gonna wring you a better performance out of you!

Suddenly the Giant tank begins to open and spread mechanical wings.

Nonon: Symphony Regalia Presto!

(Y/N): Now it's an air fleet.

Ryuko: That huge thing is flying!?

Nonon: Yes indeed, this big thing is flying! That's my power! The other Elite Four could never do this! I'm the one who can best use this Goku Uniform, this power you got your hands on! Isn't that right Satsuki!?

(Y/N): ooh boy.

Nonon: Ever since that day, I've promised myself to always be with you. That I would look out from the same height as you!

The air tank.... Thing, flies higher than Satsuki's tower.

Nonon: Actually, I guess my view is higher now. Now listen to this! The William Tell Overture Finale!

She then fires more notes to Ryuko and (Y/N). Ryuko tries to block them. (Y/N) just walks in a zigzag form dodging all the notes.

Ryuko: Hey! I thought you were disqualified if you left the battle area!

Nonon: Not if you leave it, only if you fall out of it. I'm flying, so no problem!

(Y/N): Oh! In that case.

(Y/N) begins to float in the air, His fingers plug in his ears still.

(Y/N): Also, BULLSHIT!

Ryuko: WHAT!?!?!?

Nonon: Goodness, it seems like you have time to spare to complain.

(Y/N): And complain I Shall! Let's give you a taste of something bigger. Let's see you dodge Jauntily! If you can, that is!

Suddenly a giant flute was pulled out from the air tank. It was aimed at Ryuko.

(Y/N): shit...

A huge explosion had gone off from the Flute. After the dust cleared Ryuko tied her Scissor blade and had launched it at Nonon.

Ryuko: Chew on this!

It wrapped around the ship and pulled it down to the arena.

Ryuko: In that case. I'll just have to bring you down to my level!

The ship hits the arena and bounces.

(Y/N): Jeez, I just got up here.

(Y/N) begins to lower himself into the arena.

Nonon: I'll cut those flimsy ropes of yours!

She throws a circular blade at the Rope. It bounces off.

Ryuko: Each part of Senketsu's body is a bundle of Life Fibers! You think you can cut him that easily?

Nonon then fires beams of notes at Ryuko. Creating explosions and such around her.

(Y/N): I should probably help.

Ryuko was now falling off the arena.

Nonon: Oh dear, she's fallen.

After a second Nonon begins to fire at (Y/N)

Nonon: You're ne-

She then noticed a red and blue figure speeding towards her in the air. It was Ryuko.

(Y/N): now she can fly now, man I wanted to be special.

Ryuko: Did you see that? Senketsu Shippu!

Ryuko then smirks on Nonon.

Nonon: The sky is my world...

(Y/N): huh?

Nonon: The kid gloves are off,

(Y/N): Did something happen?

Nonon: You stinking bitch!

Nonon then chases Ryuko.

Nonon: Listen heaven or Hell. My performance can't be stopped just because she can fly now!

Ryuko then charges above her. She was atop the airship and was cutting it with her scissor. Then a barrage of fire was launched at Ryuko. She jumped off the ship and fly away.

(Y/N): ..... Y'know I should do something...

(Y/N) then looks to see Nonon's ship explode. And Ryuko beating the shit out of her.

(Y/N): nevermind.

Ryuko then knocked her off the arena.

Crowd: ENCORE!

(Y/N): oh no....

Suddenly a bright pink light shone down from where Nonon was launched.

Nonin: Symphony Regalia Da Capo!

(Y/N): I'm done.

(Y/N) then lands on the arena. He then lifts his hand above himself and summons a guitar.

(Y/N): Ryuko I'll handle it from here.

Ryuko: O-Oh...

Nonon: For my finale, a tune known to children everywhere! Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 "Fate"!

(Y/N) then points at Nonon.

(Y/N): Bring it!

Suddenly a bright purple beam was shot from Nonon's hat.

(Y/N): huh...

The beam hit (Y/N).

Nonon: I'm just warming u-

(Y/N) gets up from the attack and strums his guitar.A beam of water was launched back at Nonon.

Nonon: W-What!?

(Y/N): Dance! Water! Dance!

The beam hit Nonon back knocking her back.

(Y/N): Ryuko!

Ryuko: Right! Scissor Blade: Decapitation Mode!

Ryuko then had cut down Nonon from (Y/N)'s attack.

Nonon: N-No Way!

Nonon then Landed into (Y/N)'s arms.

(Y/N): That.... Just happened.

The medical students then came in and took Nonon away.

(Y/N): ...... what the fu-

Sanageyama then steps into the arena.

Sanageyama: I'll take the liberty of taking her down, Lady Satsuki.

Satsuki: very well, Round 4 begin!

(Y/N): Already!

Ryuko: Shut up and Fight!

The two then transformed into their modified uniforms.

(Y/N): okay..... Hmmm?

(Y/N) then looks to his side and sees a girl in pink clothing and an umbrella.

(Y/N): who is..

Suddenly Ryuko and Sanageyama were about to strike each other. Until that girl appeared between them.

Satsuki: Sanageyama! Get Back!

(Y/N): Whoa... Satsuki lost it.

Satsuki: Why have you come here, Nui Harime?

(Y/N): oh.. So she has a name!

Nui: This isn't fair, Lady Satsuki, Doing something this fun without me!

Satsuki: I'm not obligated to tell you anything.

Nui: Gosh, how cold! I thought you and I were two hearts beating as one! Both day and night!

Somehow from far away Nui was toying with Satsuki's hair.

Satsuki: Don't be insincere. You associate with no one.

Nui: You're as breathtaking as ever! Your Icy stare and Icy skin are simply too much! My fingers are tingling!

Sanageyama then tried to assault the little girl.........................

(Y/N): ya worded that wrong.


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