Jacob should've said something, responded in some way to the declaration, but it hit him like a bucket of cold water. He can feel his eyes widen a bit before he seizes up, legs subconsciously locking themselves around Edward. He knows he's either making a lot of noise or none at all as his lips part on their own. He can see black dots forming at the edge of his vision before he can't see anything at all, physically feeling his eyes roll back before he can even process that it's happening.
When he finally unclenches and takes a breath, he can feel something warm running down his thighs. Soon after, he can feel the exhaustion set in as his eyes fall shut and he can barely bring himself to open them. He can hear a quiet hum above him, can hear as it slowly fades away.
He wakes up to Alice smiling down at him.
He should be more concerned than he is for multiple reasons. When he fell asleep, he was naked from the waist down and he was pretty sure there was some trace of Edward somewhere on him. That and the whole wet t-shirt contest that he'd joined against his will. He should be mortified. Instead, he feels warm and fuzzy and tired. The kind of tired that seeps deep into a person's bones. He's not sure he'll ever leave this lumpy mass he and Edward now call a bed.
It's without his conscious consent that he frantically starts looking around for him, forcing himself up in his search. His body ached, sure, but that didn't stop him from tossing half of the laundry he'd been hoarding onto the floor.
Edward's not next to him. He probably could have figured that out with a single glance, but hindsight sucks. He lurches forward out of the bed, almost stumbling face first into the floor. He only has about .1 second to thank his ancestors that he has clothes on.
His legs are basically noodles and he ends up falling directly onto his ass anyway, trying his hardest to suppress the groan that came from somewhere low in his gut.
He finally decided, since it was going to take him a while to get up, to acknowledge the voice calling his name. When his eyes found Alice's, she seemed alarmed. He hadn't hurt himself, he was fine. He just hadn't thought this entire thing through properly.
"What?" he finally sighed out, trying not to seem as embarrassed as he felt as she continued to look at him like he was going to shatter into a million pieces.
"Edward's making breakfast," she lets him know and he wished she'd just left after that, but of course she appears in front of him, offering her hands out to help him up.
"I'm good."
He's not good. His knees, lower back, and ass hurt, but he would rather keep that kind of information to himself.
"Well, maybe, but how am I going to explain how you got on the floor to Edward?" She looks down at Jacob as if he should understand exactly what she means. Maybe he does, but he doesn't want to talk about it, so he takes her hands without any further protest and tries to contain any grunts of pain on his way up.
The way she moves makes him feel self-conscious as she zips back over to where she previously was, waiting patiently for him. He reluctantly and slowly maneuvered his way across the bed.
When he finally gets comfortable, he glances back over at her again. She has this pitying look on her face and he almost feels defensive. His mobility wasn't that bad.
"Maybe you should rest, you look a bit tired." She gives him what is probably supposed to be a reassuring smile, but after seeing the expression on his face, it drops into an apologetic grimace. She decides to continue on with why she's here in the first place.
"Leah dropped off some more things for the baby," she chirps as she turns to pick up something. Jacob realizes it's another handmade bag. The reminder makes him want to fold in on himself as he remembers last night.
"She told me to tell you that the boys sent this one."
Alice places the bag on the bed and then she turns to leave the room. He's almost surprised when she doesn't stay and display the things to him like she was the hostess of a game show.
He doesn't want to open the bag. He's not sure why, but he knows that what's inside is going to upset him. So, he instead runs his eyes over the material, it looked like cow hide. He looks at the designs. They remind him of home. He stops looking at the bag to stare into space.
He hadn't ever really felt homesick. He spent all of his time at his dad's house. His pack was always there, milling around, keeping each other company, making sure everyone was okay. They were always there. He definitely expected them to be there when he...whenever he had his first kid. Expected them to be protective over whatever partner he brought home. He knew they'd protect his kid like they belonged to everyone. He thought he'd be home whenever he had his firstborn.
He could feel a knot forming in his throat, but he really didn't want to cry so he tried to swallow it down.
He grabbed for the bag, probably more aggressively than he should have, and dumped the contents onto the bed before he thought too much about it. When his eyes registered what they were seeing, he could feel a pang in his chest again.
It's little, handmade items. There were some toys that, he recognized, formerly belonged to Quil. There were tiny clothes, tiny moccasins. There was a baby swing.
He stares down at them for what must be minutes. Maybe he thought that they'd just sit this one out. It was weird; he knew it was weird. So, he wouldn't blame them for just "forgetting" about it until he showed up one day with a baby. Maybe they'd dote on them like werewolves do when a baby is added to the pack. Hell, maybe they'd even celebrate them.
He glances over at the other bag that is sitting on the dresser. He heaves himself up, snatching it before he can regret standing, and plops himself back onto the bed. He dumps out what looks to be a papoose.
He's almost startled by Edward pushing open the door, tray stacked with breakfast in his arms. Edward seems just as startled for some reason and quickly comes over, abandoning the tray on the dresser.
"You alright?" He's already got a hand running through Jacob's hair before he can even think to answer.
"I'm fine." He sounds breathless as he pushes Edward's hand away.
Edward doesn't bother to let him know as he glances over the stuff on the bed.
"Care package?"
A tiny, stuffed wolf grabs his attention and he scoops it up with a knowing smile.
"Yeah, are you going to feed me before I die, or what?" He wishes Edward seemed more annoyed by his tone as he grabs the tray and hands it to Jacob.
"Seth really wasn't joking..." Jacob thinks it's meant to be a comment said under his breath without much thought as he continues to look through everything without any further explanation.
"...have to say these are going to fare much better than some old war toys..." That part was barely audible as he tilted his head and examined another one of the toys.
"What?" Jacob's voice was tiny. It wasn't intentional, but it was like he was speaking without any oxygen.
"Hm?" Edward looks over like he'd just realized Jacob was still sitting there.
He wants to know what they're planning, but he'd already had a rocky start to his morning so he instead shoves a spoonful of eggs into his mouth and stares at the curtain-covered windows.
"You sure you're feeling alright?" Edward mumbles, his hand coming up to rest on Jacob's forehead lightly.
"Tired, fell on my ass like ten minutes ago." Jacob let him know before picking up his toast and taking an abnormally large bite out of it.
"Fell?" Edward was at full attention now and Jacob was grateful that his distraction had worked.
"Relax, Romeo, I hit my knee and fell directly on my ass. The only thing I hurt was my pride." He followed this up by shoving a spoonful of rice into his mouth and wishing that there was peanut butter somewhere on this plate.
By the time he'd thought to look up, the bags were back on the dresser and Edward was tugging insistently at Jacob's legs to get him to put them on the bed.
"I told you-!"
"Relax, Juliet, if I thought you were lying to me, I would've called Carlisle." Edward's fingers dug into the back of Jacob's knees before he could think of a response. If it wasn't for Jacob's iron grip, he would be eating breakfast off of his lap.
The massage Edward was trying to give him wasn't working very well.
"Will you just-," Edward tugged Jacob's foot back into his lap, "-loosen up for me?"
"The last time-!"
"The last time was different, you weren't eating breakfast." He says it casually like it's supposed to make some sort of sense.
Jacob still doesn't trust him but he tries to relax anyway, putting all of his focus onto the bacon on his plate.
He had about two mouthfuls of rice, half of a pancake, and a slice of bacon stuffed in his cheek when the groan surged through him.
"Feel good?" He could hear Edward's voice somewhere, but he was focusing on not choking to death.
Jacob was about half-hard when Edward finally reached his lower back.
"Time out." he huffed, throwing his hands up, his plate abandoned on the nightstand.
"Time out?" He could feel Edward's laughter against his forehead, ruffling the hair there.
"Yeah, I'm gonna pass out." Edward finally pauses to assess if Jacob is, indeed, going to pass out.
He must've looked rough enough because Edward moves off of him, scooting down the bed. Jacob thinks he's about to leave until he feels cold fingers pushing his loose shirt up.
Jacob wants to groan, less out of pleasure and more out of annoyance this time, because he knew he'd accidentally started something with the nipple incident.
That's why he's almost startled when he feels a quick kiss to the side of his stomach.
"Love you, too." It's a quiet whisper between just the two of them.
Aw, isn't that sweet?
The sound of Seth's voice startles him enough to have Edward whipping his head up to look at him. He's not sure what the look encompasses exactly, but he's too stunned to really think too far into it.
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