The team were all gathered in the lounge in S.T.A.R. Labs. Y/N was sitting on one of the long couches. Judy was sitting in the chair next to him while Joe was in the other across from her. Barry and Patty were both standing near the table grabbing a beer.
Caitlin was sitting on the couch with Y/N. She was leaning into his shoulder with his arm wrapped around her. His winged helmet was sitting cockeyed on her head as she groaned in a tired state. The temporary touch of the Speed Force was currently leaving her body, leaving her tired and sluggish as she returned to her natural state. Y/N rubbed her shoulder as she tried to fight off her exhausted body.
Caitlin: I am really starting to miss speed healing.
Y/N: Look on the bright side. You don't have to eat 8,000 calories just to stay moving.
Judy: And you can actually get a beer on your wedding night without needing Cisco's special formula.
Caitlin: Nope. I've learned my lesson with alcohol. Never again.
Y/N and Joe looked at one another. They both shook their heads, dismissing Snow's claim. Patty walked over with an ice pack to help with Caitlin's sore muscles that were no longer supported by a quick healing factor.
Cisco was in the workshop taking off his gear. He placed down his gloves and brought up his hand to look at his palm. The cut he'd received earlier was still present, but now more faded than before. He'd be back to full strength soon enough.
As Cisco examined his hand, he turned his attention to the wheelchair next to him. He walked over to it with a sunken expression. Hesitantly, Ramon brought out his hand and pressed it against the arm of the wheelchair. He ran his hand across it, feeling the plastic controls and leather arm rests.
As Cisco took in the feel of the wheel chair, he allowed himself to vibe it. His mind went into the memories of the wheel chair, this time looking at the past instead of the future. He saw the first time Harrison sat down in the chair. He seemed miserable, but chose to focus his attention on everyone else who had been hurt during the accident that had put him there.
Cisco saw further memories associated with the chair. The three of them escaping with the still unconscious Y/N, the first time Y/N woke up, Wells and Cisco working together in the lab, Eiling injecting Harrison with the energy that allowed him to walk once more.
When he was done, Cisco opened his eyes. He looked down at the chair and thought fondly about the man, the mentor, the friend he had lost. He thought about all the times they had together, both the good and the bad. Finally, Cisco allowed himself to sigh and smile for the first time since his friend's death.
Cisco: Thank you.
Cisco turned to leave, walking away from the wheel chair. As he did, he passed by Dr. Wells' old desk. Cisco was about to completely walk past it when something caught his eye. One of the locked drawers on the desk had been left open. He walked over to it and examined the drawer. It appeared to have a lock sensor that had been tied in with a heart monitor.
Looking inside the desk, Cisco found a few documents. They all listed out billing statements, residual affairs, and even wills and last statements made by Wells. Then there was the flash drive. Sitting on top of all the files was a small black and green thumb drive. It had a piece of tape put over it with three letters written on it. R. I. P.
Everyone gathered around the TV in the lounge. Cisco inserted the flash drive into his computer and projected the image onto the larger screen. The black screen flickered for a moment before showing a new scene. Everyone gasped at what they saw. Before them sat Harrison Wells. Behind him was the workshop, but as to when the video had been recorded, nobody could tell.
Wells: Hello, my name is Dr. Harrison Wells. But, if you're playing this, then you probably already knew that. And if you are playing this, then that means that I've most likely...
He cut his hand across his neck, motioning what he meant.
Wells: I thought I'd better record this message in case anything... unearthly were to happen to me. Being both a man of science as well as a man surrounded by so many people with extraordinary abilities really puts into perspective ones own mortality.
He paused for a moment, looking down and folding his hands.
Wells: I want to use this moment to speak to the people I care about most. People who started as coworkers and fellow researchers, but who quickly grew into something more. A family. At least, that's what you all mean to me. I hope I mean the same to you.
The group all looked at the image of Wells, tears filling their eyes.
Wells: After I loss Tess... I didn't think I'd ever feel anything like that again. I buried myself in my work and... became a different man. And being with you all, I thought that I had become yet another type of man. As it turns out, I actually became the man I once was. A better me. You all pushed me to be there, and in return, have given me connections that I could never replicate or replace.
He paused again before pulling out a sheet of paper. Wells put on his glasses as he looked at the notes he had taken for this particular part of the message.
Wells: You can consider this my last testament and will. Since I have no heir or kin of my own, I wanted to give my belongings to the three who I started this journey with. Starting with Francisco Ramon.
Y/N, Caitlin, and Cisco all looked at one another in surprise. Cisco looked on with interest at the video. Why was Dr. Wells mentioning him?
Wells: Cisco, I have always admired your mind, your ability to think through any uncertainty, and your... unique charisma. As I've worked with you through the years, I've grown to find a better appreciation of your work and have grown fond of your companionship. I know I should probably be saying this to you in person, but... you've always been like a son to me, Cisco. Like the son I never had.
Cisco was starting to tear up. He felt his heart breaking, saddened by the loss of a great friend who admired him with equal satisfaction. But he was also happy to have known that he meant that much to Harrison. Caitlin brought her hand out to his and gently squeezed it.
Wells: That is why I am giving you complete ownership of S.T.A.R. Labs and all its assets. Effective upon the moment of my death, all of S.T.A.R. Labs' facilities, patents, assets, and technology all belong to you.
Everyone's eyes went wide. Cisco nearly fainted. He was the now the owner of the Labs. With that meant not only a huge responsibility, but also a slew of income from partnerships and deals. He had control over one of the world's largest laboratories and command centers.
Wells: I know that you are the right person to continue my legacy and forge your own. Now, I would like to move onto the other two people who have changed my life for the better. Mr. and Mrs. L/N. And if you're not called that by the time you play this, then I hope you will be soon.
Y/N and Caitlin perked up at the insinuation of the two of them.
Wells: Dr. Snow, you are without a doubt one of the most brilliant bio-engineers and scientists I have had the privilege of knowing. You know how to operate a lab, but also how to make sure everyone working in that lab is well cared for. For months I called you my own personal doctor. And you always took care of me and others who needed attention. Even when we refused service, you made sure we were well cared for. Everyone deserves to know that type of compassion you share. I hope that whatever journey you find yourself on in life, that it is a happy one.
Caitlin smiled. A tear rolled down her eye and she wiped it off her cheek.
Wells: Mr. L/N. What can I say about you? When I met you, I labeled you as one of my greatest tragedies. Someone I had wrongfully done unjust things to. But, from the moment you woke up, you proved to me that you were one of my greatest successes. You showed extraordinary skills not just in your powers, but in your heart. You are the one who helped call me out when I needed to be put back on the right track. You are the one who invited me into your house and made me a part of your family. And for that, I am eternally grateful. You didn't just show me how to be a hero. You showed me how to be a kind, hopeful, considerate human being. One who never loses hope and aways strives to help others, even when it puts his own self at risk. Thank you for leading me back to the light.
It was now Y/N's turn to cry as a few tears fell down his face. Wells looked at the camera with a smile and read off the next part of his list.
Wells: For you two, and the happy future I hope you both have with one another, I leave my fortune as well as a 70% stock in the company. All my inheritance money and bank records will be moved over to you two in joint-custody. This includes a net worth of roughly $800 million as well as individual accounts granted by your share in the company.
Y/N and Caitlin's mouth dropped down to the ground. Both were in shock by what they had just heard. Together with Cisco, the three were now millionaires. They had been left with much more than they could ask for and were shocked by their friend's surprise.
Wells: I hope this is enough for all of you to manage and get by without me. And, even though I'm not a very religious man, I do hope that I get to see you all in the next life. I wish you all the best and hope you are well cared for. This is Dr. Harrison Wells signing off.
The video ended. Everyone was left with gaping jaws. There was a long silence as everyone took in what they'd just heard. It was all so surreal. Judy was eventually the first to break the silence.
Judy: Now I see why you guys never worried about my college tuition.
Y/N and Cait looked at one another. She both yelled in excitement and hugged one another. Barry and Joe grabbed Cisco and hugged him. Ramon grabbed a beer from Patty and cheered with all of them. Everyone celebrated together, all in memory of their dear friend who had done so much for them.
After a round of drinks and sodas, Judy eventually sighed. She walked over to her belongings and grabbed her suit, her bag, and her helmet. The group watched her as she collected her belongings.
Judy: Well, I guess with my speed back, it's probably time I get back to the time where I belong.
Patty: You're not staying for the wedding?
Judy smiled and shook her head.
Judy: No. I think I've done enough meddling with time. Plus this is supposed to be Mom and Dad's intimate moment. I'll have my time with them soon enough.
The group all nodded in understanding and smiled. Joe walked over and hugged his future granddaughter tightly.
Joe: You be safe, you hear? Make sure you come and visit your papa regularly.
Judy: I will, Papa Joe.
Barry and Patty hugged her goodbye as well followed by Cisco. Ramon eyed her suit while separating from her.
Cisco: I'll have that thing made and ready for you by the time you're ready. Probably even by the time you learn how to walk.
Judy giggled at his statement.
Judy: Thank you.
After that, Judy was left with her parents. The three family members all stood around awkwardly, none of them really knowing what to do. Judy swayed on her feet for a moment before clicking the roof of her mouth with her tongue.
Judy: Well, uh, I guess I should just grab the tachyon device and be on my way.
Y/N looked at her and showed a wide grin of his own.
Y/N: Or you could just run back to the future without it.
Judy looked at him with a puzzled expression. She got her answer when everyone went down to the porthole entry into the particle accelerator ring. Both Y/N and Judy were wearing their respective speedster suits. Cisco and Y/N were making some last minute adjustments while Caitlin and Judy shared a familial hug. Caitlin brought her hand up and cupped her daughter's face, looking into her eyes.
Caitlin: You be safe. Watch out for yourself and keep a lookout where you're running.
Judy: I will, Mom.
The two stared at one another for a moment. They both then chuckled, thinking about the absurdity of the situation they were in.
Judy: It's funny. The next time I see you guys will be just a few short minutes. But it'll be years until you two see me again.
Caitlin: Yeah. I guess the next time I feel you will be when you kick from inside my womb. You better not keep me up all night.
The two women giggled again, both's laughs sounding near identical.
Caitlin: I can't wait to meet you for the first time, my baby girl. Remember that I will always love you.
Judy: I love you too, Mom.
The two shared another hug before separating. Caitlin wiped a tear from her eye as Judy walked over to Y/N. The young man spun around to address his daughter.
Y/N: Alright. We run around the ring. You use some of the energy I excrete from my lightning to give yourself the boost you need. The two of us together should be able to open a vortex that will allow you to travel back to your own time.
Judy: Sounds good.
The two paused for a minute. Judy put her head down before looking back up at the younger version of her father.
Judy: Dad, I'm sorry that I brought this trouble on you guys. I know you don't blame me for any of it, but I can't help but feel like this all is really my fault.
Y/N smiled and put his hand down on Judy's shoulder.
Y/N: Oh, Judy, my sweet purple comet. If anything, I am thrilled that you came back here.
Judy: Really?
Y/N nodded his head.
Y/N: Really. Because of you, I got a glimpse as to what my future is like. And I am so grateful to have met you like this. You gave me the greatest gift I could have ever received. You. I got to learn that I have a daughter. Not only that, but she is the smartest, bravest, most kind and caring person in the world. And you showed me what I should have been doing from the start. You took on this responsibility and worked with everyone to try and fix it. I am so, so proud of you, my little girl.
A tear fell down Judy's cheek. She lunged forward and embraced her father in a hug. Y/N wrapped his arms around her and held her body close to him. The two stayed together, hugging each other. They eventually separated and stepped back.
Judy: Thanks, Dad. You really are the best. I love you.
Y/N: I love you too, sweetie. I'll see you again, just the long way around from my perspective.
Judy: And I'll see you again in a flash.
The two chuckled together at her joke. They were then ready. Cisco opened the porthole entry door and stepped back. Y/N and Judy put on their winged helmets and crouched down into a runner's positions.
Cisco: Get ready. On your mark... now.
The two speedsters shot off into the ring. They ran around in circles, building up speed. An orange line of lightning circled the building followed close by a purple blur. The two speedsters raced around and around the inner ring of the cortex.
As the two raced, the air began to vibrate. A small blue vortex started to open up on one end of the ring. The two raced over and around it, giving it the energy it needed to reach the future.
The vortex finally managed to open up all the way. As the two speedsters came around to it, Y/N stopped. As Judy approached him, he grabbed her by the back of her shirt and tossed her up into the swirling tunnel. Judy ran through the vortex before it closed with a small gust of wind. She used it to run all the way back to the future. Y/N tipped his hat as the portal closed.
Y/N: That's my girl.
The Flash ran back to his friends and stopped before them. He held up his arms in accomplishment.
Patty: Is that it?
Y/N: Yep. She's gone back to the future where she belongs.
Joe: Good. I've had enough mind tripping altercations for a while now.
The group laughed a bit. Joe, Barry, and Patty walked away, leaving the other three in the chamber. Y/N wrapped his arm around Cait and held her close. The two's sweet moment was interrupted by Cisco who pushed himself into Y/N's other side.
Cisco: Alright. Us newfound millionaires should probably get some rest. We have a fortune to inherit and you two have a wedding to get to tomorrow.
Y/N: Sounds good to me.
Y/N brought out his other arm and wrapped it over Ramon's shoulder. He looked at his two comrades and held both close.
Y/N: This. This right here will always be Team Flash.
Caitlin: You bet.
Cisco: To infinity and beyond.
Y/N chuckled with his two friends.
Y/N: Come on.
The three walked together back down out of the port chamber. As they walked down, still holding onto one another, they began to goofily sway side to side. The comedic trio all chuckled and laughed at their antic.
Caitlin: Guys, what are we doing?
Cisco: Just roll with it, sister.
A low church bell rang out, indicating the time. Inside the small but well suited church were hundreds of guests. Some of them were family of the bride and groom, others friends and teammates, and still others a bit more of the heroic kind. Bruce and Clark sat next to one another with their respective women. Diana was seated near the end of the pew chatting with John and Katma. Victor stood near one of the stained glass windows talking with Professor Stein and Jefferson Jackson.
Y/N looked around the church, seeing his friends all gathered for his special day. Looking around, he thought he could have sworn he spotted both Mick and Snart near the entrance to the church. Both men were keeping close to the walls,
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