Here, they are 7 years old, and in Grade 2
Lila's POV
I was jumping up and down. And I was already HERE!
Bingo's house. For a SLEEPOVER!
It was dinnertime, and I could NOT stop moving!
If I was standing, I was jumping and dancing and flailing my arms about!
And if I was sitting, I would be bouncing, or flailing my LEGS about! Tonight's dinner was a BBQ!
We were sitting outside, because it's REALLY hot! And there are about 2 or 3 fans set up around the table. I really just couldn't believe it. There was only one thing that was going on in MY head today!
A lot of people in Bingo and I's class (A.K.A. Hsiu-Hsiu), don't do sleepovers. They think they're too old. Well, I think that is a pile of POOP.
Sleepovers are the BEST!
But my thoughts of sleepovers were interrupted from Bingo's mum.
"Dinner is served!", Bingo's mum said, putting a plate of sausages and salad in front of both Bingo and I. We both grinned at each other, and then started shovelling in our food at lightning speed.
After dinner, we had some AMAZING dessert of icy poles, and then we headed upstairs for dinner. Bingo and Bluey's room was super cool! I haven't been here for 🕸AGES🕸, so it had certainly changed a LOT since I had last been.
The bed had different doona covers on them from last time. Bluey's bed had a cover which had bluebirds on it, and Bingo's cover had little polar bears on it (They were ADORABLE), and their beds were at the other side of the room, not like last time! And there were some new lamps and toys scattered around Bingo's side. Bluey's side was horribly messy with clothes EVERYWHERE and a few different devices on her bed. All her toys looked as if they were long gone, and even though she was only 9, acted like she was 15! Bingo, was the complete opposite, with toys everywhere, and never wanting to be a teenager! At 7 years old, Bingo is VERY book smart, but not amazing with logic (That is also like the creator of this book, 27quil😊).
Bingo and I leaped over the piles of clothes on Bluey's side of the room, and dodged all the toys on Bingo's side, to collapse onto the bed with a sigh. Bingo was terribly tired, and wanted to go to sleep immediately. But I had other ideas...
So a few minutes later, we were partying in our bedrooms, dancing to the lollipop song! And let's just say... we weren't singing the lyrics. More...well...screaming them...
"LOLLIPOP LOLLIPOP YUM YUM YUM! DA DA DA LOLLIPOP LOLLIPOP-", but just before we finished the song... we were interrupted. By Bluey, who turned the music OFF.
"GUYS. I CANNOT put this ANY nicer! SHUT UP! YOU'RE ACTING LIKE 3 YEAR OLDS!!", she yelled overtop of us. The room was silent, the only noise being the bed creaking as Bluey layed down, grabbing her phone. My head was hung, and after a few moments of silence, it was broken.
"Lila, do you want to go to bed?", Bingo asked. I could tell she was annoyed at Bluey, but didn't have the energy to yell at her (And yet she had the energy to dance and yell song lyrics?!).
We both laid down in her bed, and even after Bluey turned off the light, and only with the dim light of Bluey's phone, I could still see that Bingo's eyes were still wide open. I closed mine, and tried to sleep. But Bluey's words echoed in my head the entire night long. Were we really acting like 3 year olds? I didn't think so, but the words were still there.
What felt like an eternity later, the morning light shone through the windows, making me open my eyes from a night of no sleep. I could see the faint outline of Bluey opening the curtains, but it was still blurry, as I had just woken up. I rubbed my eyes, and rolled over to where Bingo was. She yawned, arms stretching up to the sky.
"Morning Bingo!", I said, hoping she wasn't just stirring. Luckily she wasn't, as she opened her eyes and smiled.
"Morning Lila!", she replied, pulling her doona to the side of her, and pushing herself off the bed. She tried to grab my arms, and pull me up with her, but I was not budging. Bluey was looking like she was going to sleep for years, but me? I was probably just going to lay in bed staring at the wall. But a few seconds later, Bingo pulls me up off the bed, stretching my arm muscles while doing it.
"Come ON Bingo! We gotta go to breakfast!", she whispered, careful not to wake Bluey.
"Nooooo!", I tried. But it all changed when she said the next sentence.
"But Lilaaaaa, we're having bacon and eggggggs!", she groaned, grabbing my arm again to bring me out to the kitchen. But she didn't have to tell me twice! I ripped her hand off my arm, and ran straight into the kitchen. Bacon and eggs, here we come!
As soon as the oily hash browns hit my mouth, I was in love. And a few minutes later, I was already done. Chilli put my dishes in the dishwasher, and smiled at me.
"Lila, if it's not much trouble, are you okay to go and wake up Bluey, considering you've finished your breakfast?", she asked, smiling wider.
"Of course, I agreed, heading to Bluey and Bingo's room once more, nervous to wake up the dog that scolded me last night. I could feel my tail shaking, but I pressed on, secretly hoping that she was already awake so I didn't have to say anything. But as I got to the room, and I peeked in, I remembered. Bluey usually doesn't wake up until 8:30am most days. And it was still only 7:00am...
I carefully walked on the floorboards, and stretched out my arm to the bed, gently shaking her until she stirred. When she rolled back over, I shook her more, hoping I didn't have to shake her any harder. When she opened her eyes, I breathed a sigh of relief. But before I could leave, she sat up...
"OY! 3 year old! What'd you do that for?", she said, staring into my soul. I froze, carefully waiting for good words to appear in my brain.
"Your mum told me wake you up for breakfast", I mumbled, hoping the words I chose were good enough.
"Fine... But you better stay away from me you gay nerd!", she said. I thought for a moment.
"But gay means someone that likes someone of the same gender! How is that bad?", I asked, confused. We had learnt in health that everyone was unique and beautiful!
"Is faggot or dyke better?", she asked me. I gasped. I heard Hsiu-Hsiu call Bingo those words after we left health. I knew it was a bad word. I immediately ran out of the room, hoping Bluey would listen, and to come out for breakfast, so that I didn't have to go back in there.
"Is everything okay?", Bingo asked as I sat back down at the dining table. I thought for a moment. I was scared Bluey would get in trouble, meaning she would know it was me, making her be even meaner to me.
"No.", I replied. "Everything's fine..."
I hope you enjoyed this part, as I uploaded this part on my birthday! When I publish this part, it'll probably already be the 15th (A day after) but still, I hope you guys enjoy it😊
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