Read Stories The Toymaker's assistant: Jason the Toymaker x Reader [Discontiued] - TeenFic.Net




The Toymaker's assistant: Jason the Toymaker x Reader [Discontiued]

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You've been his only loyal friend and assistant for a nearly a lifetime. But halfway through it seemed the turn from friendship to something more, at least you hoped it would. You've hopelessly fallen for your beloved Toymaker and have let most your life pass by treating him as only a friend, creating this imaginary façade in which you only feel friendship for him, you, much like him, never aging not a day. You never loved anyone else and have sworn you will wait for him, even if it means waiting forever, keeping that secret till the day you die. But what if he stops wasting his time, finally notices the beauty that's been staring him in the face for all these years? What if all this time he's felt something for you, but never could explain to himself so he paid it no mind? What if-

[the tape ends there]
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