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Your POV:
"About 4 decades ago on this day you decided you wanted to be my friend, and you turned out to be the most honest, grateful, gracious and devoted friend I've ever known, or needed" Jason calmly began to explain just what he meant by anniversary to me with a small smile. I blushed a bit at all the praise he gave me, it made me happy to hear such kind words from my favorite person in the world despite the sharp stabs I felt in my heart ever time he said 'friend'. Make no mistake, I value Jason's friendship above all else, above diamonds and rubies, above platinum and gold, heck even above my own life. However, for every waking moment I've spent in the presence of the Toymaker my heart has grown fonder and harder to control. I've longed to be more than his friend and assistant for 4 very long decades.

"And look at us, you and I, we haven't aged a bit. I'm glad I decided change you, that I can spend eternity with such a devoted companion. I was beginning to think I'd have to build a clockwork girl to keep me company" he giggled as he pulled me into a hug, his tone becoming serious but not less happy. "I rather prefer you to that alternative" he mumbled as he rested his head atop my own. I swallowed and hugged back, trying to keep my heartbeat steady.With mild hesitation I tightened my grip and breathed him in.
"I hate to think about the predicament either of us would be in, had we not met each other that soulless and freezing December's night" I murmured into his chest, not wanting to let him go.

Jason pulled away eventually "me either" he smiled as he turned to the work table and grabbed a small (f/c) box and held it out to me. I hesitated a bit, but smiled at his graciousness.
"Go on, take it, open it. It's yours!" He said eagerly, to which I lifted the lid off the box and pulled out the two presents.

One was the key to a wind up toy on a chain, it was tarnished but beautiful. The other, was a small dagger, that was very oddly shaped (imagine, like, a smaller version of the sword Pyramid Head from Silent Hill [as shown above] carries, or Cloud from Final Fantasy).
"Oh but that's not all, hold the notch on the side of the handle and flick your wrist." Jason giggled, clearly excited "oh, but, do mind the toys and the work table" I did as he told me and the dagger expanded to a full blown great sword. I was in awe and set my newfound toy down aside a half n half teddy bear, to hug Jason as tight as I could.
"ILoveItILoveItILoveItILoveItILoveItILoveItILoveItILoveItILoveIt!!!!!!" I squealed in delight. He grinned at me and hugged back. "Although....uh....what are these for exactly, the key and this badasssery? (is that a word? Eh....)" I inquired as I gestured to the huge sword on the ground.

"All in due time, dearest friend. For now we have work" Jason chuckled, knowing how impatient I can get. "Remember," he giggled and ruffled my hair as he was leaving the workshop "good things come to those who wait"
With that I sighed and got to work. Yes my love, and I've been waiting decades for the good thing to come.

A/n: Holy wow, the quick amount of support for this is astounding. See, I'm just over here like "oh, it'll probably be a week 'fore anyone really sees that" and y'all just blew me away. For that, my lovelies, I'm grateful. I don't deserve such beautiful readers. Anyway, enough of my modest author junk, here's your chapter. Thnx a million all of you.

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