As he regained consciousness, before Izuku opened my eyes, he realised he was somewhere new. Midoriya could feel an uncomfortable bed underneath him. He could smell cleaner and disinfect. Finally, he my wounds were bandaged and he could sense someone sitting next to him. Izuku slowly opened his eyes and was blinded by lights.
Looking to his left was the man, curled up fast asleep. Sun streamed through a large window. It was already morning? He must of stayed by his side the whole night and fallen asleep.
He noticed he was wearing simple, clean clothes and all his wounds had been cleaned and bandaged...
"You're awake kid."
He flinched and saw the man had woken up.
"I- uh...yeah...Am I at the hospital?"
"Yeah kid. You passed out and I brought you here"
Izuku sat bolt up right and swung his legs out.
"I need to go I-"
"No kid"
He pushed him back into bed.
"You have not healed yet. You need rest."
"No you don't understand they-"
Izuku was cut short by a nurse walking in.
"Excuse me? I need to see if- Oh, Midoriya I see your awake. I'll send the doctor up in a second." The nurse bowed his head before leaving.
"Kid, Midoryia. I'd like you tell me honestly. Where are your parents?
" mother's an...alcoholic....she gets....abusive..."
"Your father?"
"Left when I was a baby......."
"Does anyone know what your mum does?"
"Well...Midoriya do you want your mother to be brought to justice and go to jail?"
"Alright kid, I'll need you give me as much information as possible"
"She...would hit me....throw bottles at me....use her q-quirk to tug at my nails hair, bones...she can make things float towards' me n-names..."
Aizawa's heart ached hearing the pain this young boy went through. By the end of it he was trembling and tears were streaming down his face. Shota reached out to hug him, yet Izuku flinched away.
"Thank you kid. Get some rest, the doctor will come in a second. I will head to the police station and explain what happens...I'll be back soon."
He tucked Midoriya back into the hospital bed before hurrying to the police station and messaging Mic on what he learnt.
(Time-skip to after Aizawa finished at the police station)
Aizawa hurried back to the hospital room where Midoriya was. He was greeted by the sight of boy him curled up fast asleep. He looked so peaceful unlike when Aizawa left him. His wounds had been cleaned again and re-bandaged. A man was waiting there for him.
"Mr. Aizawa, Midoriya is to be discharged soon. As a pro hero you have been asked to sign the documents to let him into an orphanage or foster care. Until we can contact his father"
"I have a licences. Could I foster him?"
"That would be easier and better."
The doctor bowed his head and left.
He sat next to Midoryia's bed again and pull out my phone.
"Shota! How's the kid!"
"He's read my messages?"
"Mhm...that poor kid...all the p-pain......"
"Yes well while they try contact his father...they said he can stay with us......if that's alright with y-"
"I'm glad...I'll tell the kid now and I'll message you when we need picking up."
Shota hung up the phone and looked at the sleeping child.
"Hey. Kid wake up. I need to talk to you."
He gently shook him, trying to wake him, not wanting to wait ages to tell the child..
"Mmmmgh.....5 more minutes....mgh..."
A whiny voice replied as Midoriya turned around so his back is to Aizawa.
Aizawa couldn't help but chuckle as he pulled him back around.
"This is important Midoriya"
A pair of groggy, unhappy eyes looked up at me. "What?"
"Well as you're being discharged soon you need to stay someone. I'm a pro underground one-"
It has taken Izuku awhile to recognise him but he was a smart boy who knew basically every pro hero...
"It's rare for someone to recognise me...correct...well...I said you could come stay at mine, fostering till we contact your father and figure out more..."
This woke Midoriya up fully.
"Wait really?! I could stay with you until we find my dad?!"
His eyes were wide and hopeful.
"Of course Midoriya."
Izuku hugged the pro hero tightly as he sobbed tears of joy. He was gonna have a nice family...and then hopefully he's be with my dad! Aizawa wrapped his arms around him and held close as Izuku mumbled thank you after thank you into his chest. Midoriya heard the door open and a doctor walk in. He didn't look up he just wanted to stay close to Aizawa and have a nice family. Izuku felt if he let go he'd wake and realise it was all a dream. He had to make sure he was real and this was real.
"Kid..let's've been discharged. You can come to my house"
Midoriya looked up a the hero and sheepishly let go wiping away the tears. He picked up my bag next to my bed and swung it on. As he went to stand up my legs buckled beneath me and collapsed into Aizawa.
"Don't be sorry kid."
He set me to my feet.
"It's not your fault...Do you think you can walk?"
Clinging into Aizawa for dear life Izuku took a shaky step forward.
"Let me restate myself. Do you think you can walk without holding onto me for dear life"
"No. I don't think so..."
He looked at the floor.
Suddenly, Aizawa picked me up in his arms.
"Well I guess I'll have to carry you"
"I- uh...are you sure? I'm not too heavy?"
"Kid you're seven and very malnourished I can easily carry you."
Izuku wrapped my arms around his neck and looked around the hospital as he carries him out. We walked out into the early morning sun and towards a car. Looking inside he saw another pro hero. PRESENT MIC! I KNEW THEY WERE DATING...He looked over and rolled the window down.
"Shota! Took your time. You must be Izuku Midoriya. I'm Hizashi Yamada or the pro hero-"
"Present Mic!"
"You know your pro heroes I see."
"He definitely does."
Aizawa opened the back door allowing me to crawl into the car and buckle up as Aizawa walked round the passenger seat. He'd never been in a car before and Izuku flinched slightly when the car started. The two pro heroes quietly laughed.
"Never been in a car before?"
"'d ya know?"
"The way you're acting."
Midoriya turned his attention to the window and watched in awe as the world zoomed by. He heard Mic and Aizawa having a hushed conversation in the front but Midoriya didn't pay attention to it. He finally had a family, a foster family, who would care.
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