Jason's POV:
The rain was pouring down upon on our backs as we stood there staring at the chiseled marble that made up her grave stone. She faked her death in order to come join me. Where we stood was where the body of a girl who merely looked like her was buried, a girl who had similar features and the same (h/l) (h/c) hair but never in a million years could her dull (color that's not your eye color) match (y/n)'s gorgeous (e/c) eyes. She gave up her old life for me, now how loyal is that?
She shivered as the rain soaked her black dress, I sighed and offered her my waistcoat to her, silly thing left her jacket in the car.
"I told you, pet. The angels are crying for "you". I told you you should wear a coat, but you told me you'd be fine. And look at you, all shivering an' making me worry" I scolded a little as she accepted my waistcoat.
"Thank you Jason, it's very generous of you to do this despite how silly I acted" she grinned a little. And huddled into the warmth.
We went back to our "mourning" for just long enough before we could take our leave without being hassled about paying our respects.
"Where do we go now?" She questioned.
"My little shop in London. It's, well where I live. And now that you're my friend and assistant, you'll live there too" I explained, smiling down upon her. My heart thudded a little at the thought of such a gorgeous girl living with me.
Gorgeous? No, shut up! Ahh. I mean gorgeous as an admirable sort of thing, like she sorta reminds me of a doll.
I blushed and rolled my eyes at my thoughts, but thankfully the gloom seemed to mask it. I lead her to the car, her new life awaits and there's no time to stall.
I opened my eyes to sunlight streaming through my window, gently rubbing my eyes I sat up in bed. What a curious dream to have out of nowhere. Wait, not out of nowhere because, of course, how could I forget. I slipped out of bed and quickly dressed. Today was a very special day indeed, an anniversary of sorts. I rushed downstairs, grabbing a small and simple (f/c) box on the way down. Her present.
Fortunately, she was awake and setting up the workshop as she does every morning, ah such devotion. I tiptoed quietly behind her, carefully stepping in between the large assortment of dolls, and teddy bears, music boxes awaiting small wooden ballerinas to twirl atop of them, and the occasional dead body that littered the floor until I was mere inches away from her feministic frame.
It gave me chills, being this close to (y/n). It was a rarity in itself that I approach her, let alone get within this range of her. It was kinda, almost comforting in it's own way, to feel the heat radiating off her back. I set the box down on the workshop table soundlessly and wrapped my arms gently around her.
(Y/n) stiffened a little, muscles tensing up, and the heat became more. It was really nice, to show this friendly sort of affection which I don't often, so I upped the ante just a little and nuzzled my semi-sleepy head in between her shoulder blades.
"Good morning, my most valued asset~" I sang out, she chuckled at this and relaxed.
"Good morning. Why so affectionate today? That's rather uncharacteristic of you" she noted as she looked back at me with a puzzled expression. I simply shrugged with a sigh, she clearly didn't recognize today's significance like I did, poor thing.
"Well, let's think....it could be any number of things. However I find the most relevant to be the fact that today is our anniversary" I said calmly as I unwrapped my arms from her waist and grinned at the shock and evident crimson that painted her face.
"A-anniversary?" (Y/n) stuttered out.
"Ah, you poor thing. Let me explain."
A/n: and, that's where I'll leave it. Ah, I'm such a tease. Don't worry my lovelies, you will get your fill of the Toymaker in due time, for now I wanna give you this chapter, to get you nice and settled in for the ride. It's my gift to you, you ungrateful little sh💝ts. As always night my lovelies, thnx a million.
-Cresent Moone
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