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y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name


Your POV

You walk downstairs while braiding your hair, your cheeks still a little red because of what happened earlier. y/b/n and Hiccup look up when they hear your footsteps and smile at you. You smile back and then see d/n and Toothless playing together.

"I think they really like each other!" y/b/n chuckles and you nod with a smile.

"Yeah, he came here without telling me!" Hiccup said laughing a little bit after, making you smile even wider. You're glad that she's already found a friend. Or maybe more than a friend ;).

"Well, as much as I'd love to stay here, Toothless and I really need to go. See ya later maybe?" He says and you nod. He's about to leave when he stops and turns back to you.

"Would you maybe like to come to the arena with d/n later? She's got a lot to learn." He asks you, and you nod quickly.

"Of course, sounds fun!" You say and Hiccup smiles. He walks to Toothless and pats his head.

"Come on bud, we've got some stuff to do!" Toothless groans and looks at d/n, who looks a little sad as well. They rub their heads against each other softly as a sign to say goodbye and then Hiccup and Toothless walk away. You say goodbye to them and close the door.

"So, I wanted to ask something." y/b/n says and you turn around to look at her. By the look in her eyes, and just the way that she's standing makes it clear to you that it's something serious

"When are we going to look for Gothi and tell them about, uh, you know?..." she asks quietly. You sigh and bite your lip.

"I really don't know. They'll find out eventually of course, so we need to tell them before they do." She nods in agreement.

"But, what if they won't believe us? Or they'll send us away?" She says, her eyes widening. You can see a bit of fear in them, and you've never seen her this scared before.

"I-I don't know what will happen then.. but we can't keep lying to them, y/b/n." You say, and she nods again. This may seem like a small thing to anyone else, but to you it's something huge.

"I know, but.. I'm just scared for their reaction." She says softly.

"Me too." You say honestly, looking at her.

"How about we tell them today. Then it's off of our chests, and we'll see what happens then. If they don't believe us, we'll ask them where Gothi is, maybe she can show them that what we're saying is true!" You say, trying to make her less scared and to cheer her up a little bit.

"That sounds like a good plan." She says with a small smile. D/n is giving you a questioning look, as if she's asking what you two are talking about, and you look at her.

"You'll know when we get to the arena okay? It's nothing bad." She nods and you smirk.

"So, Toothless, huh?" You say and she looks down shyly. You chuckle and y/b/n just smiles at her.

"You know, I think he likes you too!" She looks up and her eyes are sparkling, as if she's asking me if he really does like her. I nod quickly and she starts jumping around the house, making happy noises. You giggle at how happy she is, it's so cute!


You walk to the arena, your hands shaking and your legs feeling like jelly. You're really scared of their reaction. You've tried to stay calm, but when you and y/b/n left, you started getting so nervous that you couldn't push it away.

"Hey, y/n, y/b/n! There you are!" Hiccup says. You wave and y/b/n does the same. You see Ruff and stuff playing with Barf and Belch, Astrid is training with Stormfly, Fislegs is feeding Meatlug and Snotlout... it seems like he's trying to get on Hookfang, but he doesnt seem to be in the mood for that. When they see you two, they all smile at you.

"Hi!" You an y/b/n say in unison. You feel the nervous feeling coming back, and you glance at y/b/n, who's biting her lip and playing with her fingers.

"Hiccup? Uhm... there's something we need to tell you. It's about... Where we're from." You say, and you feel like you could faint at any second. Hiccup notices your and y/b/n's nervousness and frowns slightly. D/n rubs her head against your head, as a sign of comfort, it's like she's telling you she'll be there for you no matter what.

"Hey, its okay. You can tell us anything!" He says, sending you a small smile.

"I-we-it.." Y/b/n stutters. She stops and sighs deeply. She closes her eyes for a bit and opens them again. "It's just... it's really hard to believe." She says, her voice slightly shaking.

"Are you guys actually one person with two heads and four feet who wants everyone to be just like you so you came here to take over?" Tuffnut says. You look at him confused and y/b/n just stares at him. How does he even come up with something like that?

"No, of course not!" She says. Ruffnut nods and crosses her arms.

"Okay, if it's not that we'll believe you no matter what. Because, that would be really weird." She says. Hiccup just stares at them and Astrid shakes her head.

You're so scared. What if Hiccup is going to get angry? What if they won't believe you? What if they kick you out, or they think you two are psychos?

There are so many things that could happen, and it's scaring you so so much.

"Okay." You say, while staring at the ground. You feel a hand on your shoulder and look up, seeing Hiccup looking at you. He's smiling at you.

"We're not going to think of you any different than we did, remember that okay?" You nod quickly.

"Okay, so, how do we start this.." you mumble to yourself.

"It started with this book...."
okaaayyy so Toothless has a crush hehehehe ^_^. What's the ship name 👀😂.

I hope you guys liked the chapter! Seeing the reads go up really makes me happy! ^_^. Feel free to vote and comment anything, I love reading them.

xxx damla

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