Zack's POV
You were prepared to take the bullet for (y/n), but that situation never came to pass.
An arrow pierced through Danny's shoulder from above. Father gray stood upon the scaffolding, holding a crossbow.
Gray: "I never knew what a truly selfish man you could be, Danny."
He paused.
Danny: "'s you...why...?"
He angrily pulled out the arrow and tossed it away. He wasn't ready to go down.
Danny: "Not yet! Goodbye, Zack. You've eluded me for the last time!"
Another arrow was shot into Danny's knee, and he fell. He clenched his teeth angrily.
The priest turned his attention to you.
Gray: "Now, son. Are you still able to move?..."
Reality hadn't reached you yet.
Gray: "Well?!"
Your gaze was fixed on (y/n)' s face. You completely ignored the fire inching closer to you. Your heart was in pieces.
Zack: "Listen, preacher. I ain't got time for your games. Save it..."
You shook as you spoke darkly. You didn't want to be toyed around with anymore. There was only thing you wanted, and it was gone forever.
Gray: "If you have any strength left to gather, then you should use it to carry them to safety."
You snapped your head toward the old man.
Zack: "What for?! See all that blood?! No one lives through that! What's the point in tryin' to save somebody who's dead?!"
Tears welled in your eyes.
Gray: "(y/n) (l/n) is still alive. If you leave at once, then their life will be saved."
You couldn't trust him. It could be a trap.. But, it also may not be.
Zack: "What are you sayin'?"
You heard Danny stand up behind you. Gray readied his crossbow.
Gray: "Make haste, and you will see, but you must go immediately! You'll understand in due time!"
You shook away your suspicions and complied. You picked (y/n) up in your arms as gently as possible, completely ignoring your own pain.
You had accepted so quickly that it was over, all the struggle and confusion. You wouldn't have had to kill them yourself. You could have died alongside them, and by some miracle, you'd end up together. That's all you wanted in the end anyway, was to be with them. You didn't want to get your hopes up, but the prospect of neither of you having to die to achieve that fate, was too good to pass up.
Danny: "Die, Zack...Just die!"
You heard the crossbow shoot again, and Danny shouted in pain behind you. You entered the door without paying him any mind. Behind it was a long hallway to another door. You limped toward it.
3rd person POV
Danny groaned and pulled the arrow from his arm. Father Gray approached him calmly.
Gray: "Who could have imagined that things would turn out this way?"
Danny: "Reverend Gray.. Why?"
Danny looked up at him from the ground.
Danny: "I admit, I was self-serving. And I know I was supposed to do as you told me.. But still, none of the things that I did were wrong! Even if It was for myself, I helped you! My efforts to thwart (y/n) and Zack were protecting the rules of his building from being broken, so it was your gain!"
Gray: "It's fair to say your endeavors allowed me to see something of profound interest to my study. At the start, I was convinced Isaac Foster was a being that possessed invisible wings. But now, after all that's happened, those wings are entirely imperceptible to me."
Danny: "Invisible wings? did you actually believe Zack was some kind of angel?"
Gray: "Yes, for a while, I did. Because he thought only of killing. To me, that made him seem so pure. But recently, Isaac learned to wield his blade for the benefit of someone besides himself. As a result, his weapon was destroyed, and he fell from heavens ranks to become human. No, perhaps I should say he was human all along.
What's more, the one who open my eyes to the reality was (y/n) (l/n), The young murderer whom I had denounced as a witch. Their transformation was as striking as it was confusing. How could one be so self-serving- and rife with contradiction so much? But looking back, it was I who tried to stamp out Isaac's humanity. The blame is all mine."
Danny: "..If that's how you feel, then why did you shoot me?"
Gray: "...I suppose, it was my vain attempt to atone for what I've done. I was in a debt to those who I had misunderstood. Now, my observations and experiments are complete.. As is my responsibility to stand in place of God."
Danny: "..After all this.. it ends here?"
Gray: "Danny, you are the one who brought me (y/n).. But although you were meant to steal their soul, your true intention was to keep them from having one. Admit it, everything you did for them was part of your attempt to become someone they valued, was it not? But it was no use because they had no soul. Doctor, you must have been aware of that contradiction-"
Danny: "Without becoming someone in (y/n)'s eyes, I'd have had nothing!...
...when I first gazed into those perfect (e/c) works of art, I knew they belonged to someone who lost all hope, and would never love another soul.. So I wanted to give them my love for eternity. I thought my life was over.. Then, those peepers gave me a reason to keep living! I felt like I could do anything at all!
B-But, I can't love them any longer.. If (y/n) isn't alone anymore, there's no one left who'll accept the ugly thing that I am..."
Danny: "Then, you mean, that by offering your devotion to them, you were hoping you could eventually earn their love in return, is that correct?"
That was exactly right. That's all he wanted. In the end, he couldn't force that upon them. After all he had done, Zack was the one who achieved his dream instead.
Gray: "...Danny, despite everything, you and I are nothing but human beings."
Danny: "That's all? No more?"
Gray: "No one whoever set foot in this building was anything but human. Humans are the ones who create God, and angels, and the difference between. In fact, (y/n) (l/n) may have been the best example of all. The only entity whoever damned anyone wasn't God... But mankind."
Danny: "Reverend Gray, the people in here, what was it that you saw in all of them?"
Danny grasped for answers as the life in his eyes slowly began to fade.
Gray: "Sadly, what I observed was no different than what I'd always seen in humans. They were all so ugly.. So selfish.. So lost..
Yet so beautiful.
Such simple truths.
Of course, as one of my 'angels', the same thing is true of you. But somehow, even though you were here longer than any of the rest, I didn't see it until now. Forgive me."
Danny looked at the ground, illuminated by flames. He smiled in spite of himself.
Danny: "I think it's obvious that this is the end for me...Thank you, but saying I'm beautiful doesn't do much good now, y'know?"
Not long after he said that, the building's pipes busted. The stained glass window above the exit hall shattered, and Danny swore he could see his mother in the falling shards. He reached out to her.
Danny: "Mother..."
Flames spewed everywhere. Large chunks of the ceiling fell onto the floor below, instantly killing the two men.
Zack's POV
The ground rumbled. You grunted as you made your way to the exit. You were in a lot of pain, but you put theirs in mind first.
Zack: "Hang in there, (n/n). We're almost out- Don't you die now!"
You finally made it to the door, and you kicked it open, limping out of the building.
You were on a street, the blue moon shone brightly above you. People were gathered around murmuring worriedly, but you ignored them.
You looked down at the beautiful person in your arms, a small proud smile on your face. They were still breathing.
Zack: "..Hey, look, we made it out."
They didn't stir.
Zack: "He said if we escaped, you'd be saved... What does that mean? What do I do now?..."
You looked around. The people stared at you in shock.
Zack: "...(N/n), would you please just wake up already...? Come on...."
You lightly jostled them, their head lulled to the side.
Zack: "I'm beggin' ya...please open your eyes..."
You held them closer to you, holding back the tears that wanted to spill from your eyes.
Suddenly you heard sirens, and soon after, red and blue lights flooded your vision.
Zack: "Wait, when he said that, he meant the cops were here?...Your kiddin' me...."
You deflated as they surrounded you. The bright headlights were blinding.
Officer: "We have you surrounded, put them down immediately! Don't bother trying to run for it! Just set them on the ground and slowly get on your knees with your hands behind your head! Hurry up!"
Zack: 'I knew it was too damn good to be true...
..but, still...if they could at least be saved...'
You looked down at them again, with an ironic smile adorning your face. You brushed some hair out of their face tenderly as you spoke. This would probably be the last time you saw them.
Zack: "..Well, this is it, (n/n)...but don't forget what I said...I promise I'm gonna make good on our deal, okay? We're.. gonna get free.. I'm- gonna come"
You rested your lips on their forehead, and held them close once more before gently laying them on the ground. You did as the police told you to do, even though everything sounded like it was underwater.
They immediately swarmed over to you, harshly forcing your head down onto the pavement as they cuffed you. From the ground, you could faintly see (y/n) being taken away in a stretcher. You smiled and closed your eyes.
They were safe.
Envy is a five-eyed monster
Man, this smarts. Right in the heart.
Don't worry, it isn't over yet!
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