Elizabeth spent the next few hours furiously packing her few belongings and unpacking them, dressing and redressing, combing her hair and then wetting it. If she was going to meet her father, she had to look her best.
Because after all, how reliable was Robin anyway?
Just because he told her that her father gave her away doesn't mean it was true. It could be the farthest thing from the truth for all she knew. And besides, he'd proven himself to be very untrustworthy. Her heart ached at the thought of being lied to by the most important person in her life.
Elizabeth pushed those thoughts aside, dumped her small bag onto the floor and marched out of her room. She didn't need anything. The few hours she'd spent getting ready now seemed futile as she trudged through the halls and towards the forest.
Either her father would accept her or he would not; her attire would make no difference.
A few more steps and she'd be out the gate and into the forest. She'd practically lived in the forest but it felt different now; she could taste freedom and it was sweet.
"Elizabeth!" Coeur reared his horse before her. "Robin has defected. Chosen to side with the Merryweathers after all this time." Her heart sped at the thought. "I need you to put an end to it; to him." Coeur seethed.
She recalled the look of horror on Robin's face when she announced who her father was - a mixture of shock and disgust. The mere suggestion that he had sided with the Merryweathers was absurd but a small part of Elizabeth hoped that it had something to do with her. "I will." She told Coeur but had no intention of killing Robin.
While she began her search for the curly-haired boy, her mind raced.
Perhaps his change of heart had nothing to do with her at all. Maybe he was sick of his father, maybe he was double-crossing the Merryweathers, maybe he was putting his own plan into action. The possibilities of Robin's whereabouts and what he was doing were endless. Elizabeth hoped she was a part of it and if she wasn't, well... That's where her dagger would come in handy.
Footsteps sounded from behind her and for a brief moment she thought it was Robin, but realized - with annoyance - that it was his band of misfit friends instead, telling her Coeur had asked them to aid her in finding Robin. Thugs, all of them.
Elizabeth stuck her nose up and turned away from the group as they mucked about.
"You hear that?" One of them asked. "Howling. That demon dog's on the loose again. Probably with that insane girl."
"How about a trap?" Another suggested.
"For the dog or the girl?" The question was followed by cackles that had Elizabeth rolling her eyes.
"The dog. Take that thing out and the Merryweathers don't stand a chance."
"We were told to find Robin." Elizabeth placed her hands on her hips and took in the group. She wouldn't dare admit it, but part of her was always thinking of the dog, Wrolf. How he'd tackled her and kissed her instead of maiming her, how his actions had set her in the direction she was in now - so close to having a real family.
"We'll find your boyfriend, don't worry, Lizzie," Dulac smirked. "This will just make it easier."
"Suit yourselves." She fumed and turned, continuing her search for her so-called boyfriend. It was ridiculous, really. She had never so much as kissed Robin, although... There had been times when she was tempted by him.
Moments of weakness they shared when everyone else was away or asleep. Times when his hands had lingered too long on her waist, times when he'd knock her down while sparring and fall on top of her, his eyes only leaving hers to glance at her lips and then quickly to her low-cut shirt. One time in particular they had been in a most compromising position, only for Dulac to walk in on them. She hadn't heard the end of that one.
Her thoughts were cut short when she spotted her prey - Robin and Maria.
Elizabeth's face went hot at the sight of them. Anger, betrayal, jealousy. She could kill him she was so mad.
She slid behind a tree, falling into an unassuming position as she waited for the pair to pass by. When they were close enough, she grabbed Robin by the arm, pulling him behind the tree with her and shoving her hand over his mouth and her blade to his neck before he had a chance to gather himself.
He struggled as Maria called his name but the more he squirmed, the harder Elizabeth pressed her blade into his throat. A spot of red appeared on his usually flawless skin beneath her blade.
A cry in the distance stopped Elizabeth from remarking how weak Robin was - Wrolf's cry.
Those cretins!
Her mind wandered to the dog. She swore if they hurt a hair on his head–
Robin had her pinned against the tree before she could finish her thought. She struggled against him but it was no use - she may have been more strategic, but he had always been stronger than her.
"What the hell are you doing, Beth?" He held her firmly in place, fury in his eyes as his gaze darted across her face.
"I could ask you the same thing. Traitor!" It was clear to her now that Robin's betrayal had nothing to do with her and everything to do with Maria.
"Are you stupid?" He tightened his grip. "You just told me your father's a Merryweather. I'm trying to help you and you call me a traitor!"
"Help me?" She breathed. Was he being serious? "Why would you help me?" She couldn't fully trust that he cared about her after lying to her for so long. It was hard to wrap her head around him doing something like this.
His eyes searched hers for a moment, all anger dissipating as his grip on her loosened. "I think you know why, Beth."
She melted under his gaze, all aversion she had toward him falling away, replaced by an amplified version of what she had always felt for him.
"Robin, I–"
Robin lurched forward, crashing into her with a groan. Behind him, Dulac grabbed the dagger and threw it to the side before binding his hands.
"No! Stop it!" Elizabeth tried to push Dulac away but she was yanked off the ground and thrown over another man's shoulder.
"Trust Lizzie to betray us for his sake." Dulac gestured to Robin with a foul grimace. "To the dog. We'll tie them up there."
She fought against the strong men who only laughed at her feeble attempts at escape. She was unarmed save for one dagger that she couldn't reach; looking at Robin only made the need to reach the blade more desperate. Blood splattered his cheek and his head hung at an angle that made her sick. Still, she thought she could see him breathing.
Wrolf's barks became louder the closer they got to him and despite what the De Noir's thought, it was a rather soothing noise for Elizabeth. She knew Wrolf would not hurt her and she had a feeling Robin would be safe too.
Coeur approached on his dark horse and tore off his helmet. Elizabeth took his appearance as a lucky break - the guards were distracted and if she knew Dulac (which she did), she knew he had done a poor job of tying her and Robin to the tree.
Coeur's rant fell on deaf ears and Elizabeth struggled to grasp her dagger. They hadn't disarmed her like they had Robin, having missed the tiny blade she kept tucked in the back of her belt. If she could only reach it...
She shimmied down slightly as Couer retreated, the metal poking out from her belt just enough to cut the rope. It fell but no sooner than it hit the ground was she snatched up again.
Her screams only intensified Wrolf's barks and with a jump and loud thud, the black dog appeared from the hole in the ground, scaring off the De Noirs who scattered in every direction, along with Robin.
Dulac didn't release Elizabeth as he retreated, despite her struggling and when he stopped, she thought she might be able to escape but the sound of a gunshot and a dog's cry that faded out had her collapsing to the floor as she screamed Wrolf's name.
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