Oliver x Reader

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My favorite vocaloid, so easy to guess. Maybe I should do Len next? Who knows. I NEED REQUESTS PEOPLEZ!!!

"Good morning! Time to start the day!" You wake up and stretch your arms out wide. It was eleven or so and a Saturday, automatically a good day for you. You sit up just as your cat jumps onto your bed and into your lap. "Good morning Kirby!" The cat meows and purrs as you stroke his back. 

You stretch again but Kirby lays down on your legs. You sigh and reach for your tablet on the table next to your bed. Kirby purrs in the little ball he curled up in and you stroke him gently and slowly. Once you were certain he was asleep, you open the tablet and immediately go to YouTube.

You search up your favorite vocaloid, Oliver, and songs he sings. As well as songs people have moderated to have him sing like your personal favorite, The Lost One's Weeping. You play that song and open up a separate app, safari, so you could go onto Wattpad to make a fanfiction about your favorite song. You were waiting for the perfect day, like this one, to do your favorite song.

The small box playing the Oliver Cover playing loudly and your cat sleeping in your lap you began to type with speedy thumbs a story that fits into the song. You had this:

Haruki studied the board in utter confusion. His glasses pressed up against the bridge of his nose and his schoolboy's uniform pressed and tidy. He had no clue what was written for the whole class to see. Some sort of Kanji he did not understand. 'I have to get used to not understanding.' He sighed quietly to himself as he desperately tried to decipher the message on the board before the teacher moved on.

It was familiar, on the tip of his tongue. 'I know this one, what does it mean?!' He was mentally screaming and scolding himself for not knowing this, the language of his homeland. He had to know this if he was going to get anywhere in his life. 'What is this? How do I not know this?!' He pressed his glasses tighter to his face as he just kept searching for the answer inside his mind but failing miserably.

In a small hope that somewhere in the room was a cheat sheet where he could find it, but no avail would relieve Haruki. He looked at the other students in the fifth grade classroom. They all were smiling or had that look that clearly conveyed they knew what the kanji meant. He gulped and look back to the board, his jet black hair falling over his face and his frantic eyes looking from the board to the walls and back again.

That was when he met eyes with his mentor. She shook her head at his helplessness. She walked over to the board, figuring out he wouldn't know. She tapped her fingernail on the blackboard next to the kanji. "This means child." She stared Haruki down, causing the whole class to look at him in either disappointment or mockery. Heat rushed to his cheeks and rushed across his whole face, feeling as though it had knocked his glasses right off. His purple orbs looking straight downwards. He was ashamed of himself.

'Why do I even try if I am cursed to fail?' He held back the hot tears wanting to stream down his face and cry himself a river. 'How Come I am the only one who can't do it? I don't See them struggling.' His whole mood changed from pathetic to envious of his classmates who could read Japanese just fine. 'Why am I the only one not able to read it?!' His fists clenched under the desks as he forced himself to look back up to the blackboard. A new Kanji was written. 'I will get this one. I will beat them and show I'm not worthless!' He studied it, pressing his glasses towards his eyes again focused as a predator awaiting its prey.

No use, it was still confusing. He had literally no clue what that symbol on the blackboard meant. It couldn't be child, since they just went over that one. 'Why is this so difficult?! If only I was smart like the rest of my class.' That's when his gaze went to the window across the room. A Snow White cat was resting on a tree branch, staring right into his eyes.

He cocked his head at the cat and it only mirrored the action. 'What?' That's when the teacher tapped on his desk. "Haruki!" Startled, the jet black haired boy jumped in his chair, his glasses now crooked, and stared at his teacher. It was obvious she was annoyed. "What does it say?" Her stern voice made the middle schooler gulp. He looked at the blackboard, but the cat grooming itself in the window in the corner of his eye distracted him. "Umm... Neko?" She stared at him blankly. "Excuse me?" The whole class was staring him down, he wanted to shrink. 'If only this was math or science, then this wouldn't happen.' "Neko, as in cat." A group of girls who sat on the corner started snickering and gossiping while the rest of the class just stared at him. The teacher looked extremely aggravated. In annoyance and rage, she struck him.

The sound of her palm making contact with his cheek echoed throughout the room. His glasses fell to the floor with a crack in the left lens and tears filled his lavender eyes. 'I'm so stupid! I'm so stupid! If only I was smart like them! If only I knew japanese!' His hand covered where he was hit and he looked at his teacher with pain and regret. She appeared as if she felt absolutely no remorse. "Retarded boy, maybe we should show you what a Neko looks like. Right class?" Without skipping a beat, they replied. "Yes Mrs. Hikaru." She gestured for everyone to stand up and before He knew it, my glasses were stomped upon making Haruki practically blind and He was surrounded. Haruki's teacher had a maniacal grin and the ominous atmosphere scared him.

"Mrs. Hikaru, what are you doing?" She smirked as struck his back, right in the middle of his spine, stinging him. Pain surged through him traveling over his spinal cord. He screeched in pain then he was dropped onto the floor, on top of his shattered glasses. Students then began to kick him chanting the most hurtful sayings. "Retarded boy!" "Stupid Child!" "Learn to read!" "Illiterate idiot!" "Figure out your Kanjis!" "We have no room for retards like you!"

Haruki tried to cover his head but his arms just kept getting kicked and kicked. 'Why? WHY?!' HE was screaming to himself internally while the abuse and bullying happening to him was being encouraged by the mentor of the class. "Kick him harder." Mrs. Hikaru's voice was cold as ice and sharp as a blade. He coughed up blood when a girl nailed him right under the diaphragm. "Oh, Look! Retarded baby needs to be burped!" A girl mocked loudly for the whole class to hear, starting one of the cruelest jokes Haruki had ever heard.

"We have to burp the baby!" "Burp the baby!" "The retarded, fat, ugly baby!" His hands managed to reach his face, which he covered instantly as tears poured on his fingers and down his cheeks. It didn't help that he was blind as a bat without his glasses and couldn't see what was going on, only hear. "Aww, look! Baby's cryin!" The classroom erupted with laughter. The teacher snickered and lifted Haruki by the collar again. She pried his hands off of his face with her non dominant hand while her right hand held him up. 'Why? Why? Why?'

The only words running through Haruki's mind right now. 'Why? Why Why? Why? Why?' She struck him back and forth with her left hand. Tears flew off his face like it was dew on a spring leaf. She laughed and so did the students. His peers. 'Why couldn't I be one of them? Why can't I be smart like them? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?' He felt something salty on his lip as she was smacking him senseless. Salty, warm, familiar. 'I drew blood.' She cackled along with her students and tears mixed with the blood coming from his nose. His cheeks were raw and stinging and his eyes were swollen. 'Help. Please. Help.'

He made it out of school alive, but beaten. He was broken and he couldn't take anymore. He grabbed the sharpest thing around and impaled himself. He couldn't take it.

Yes the story was depressing but it is what your readers wanted for some bizarre reason. The song ended when you finished typing but there was something odd. There was an extra ending you never heard in the video before. It was Oliver talking. 'How odd.'  You listen t it closely and flinch so hard when he says your name, Kirby gets up and sprints out the door in fear.

"N-nani?!" You stare at the small window on the iPad and enlarge it. Oliver's Kawaii face is seen on the screen. "Can I come out now, (your name)-chan?" You stare at him, unknowing what was going on. 'Come out, nani?!' "Umm... Hai?" He smiled with glee, his bandages becoming a tad looser and his sailor suit looking two times as adorable as usual. In that moment, he hopped out of the screen and was standing by the bedside.

"Konichiwa, (your name)-chan! I know you like my music a lot, so I came here!" You gawked at him. 'What? Where? How? Nani?' "Ano... Knoichiwa Oliver." He smiled kawaiily at you and his little bird, James, flew through the screen and perched himself on Oliver's shoulder.

And that was how Oliver came into your life. Ever since then you became a song artist who wrote songs and Oliver sung them and you recorded it and put it on YouTube. You earned a lot of money despite your young age and your family loved Oliver. But Kirby and James became an episode of Tom and Jerry...

And that was it! I had a dream about this once and the story you wrote is actually one I'm working on right now I am not uploading to Wattpad yet

I would love some requests, my beloved readers, and I hope you are enjoying.

Also when the story is based off of a song, I put in the link! And I think i figured out how to do the cover! Like it?


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