I love this movie. So. Much. You have no idea.
I just hope that other people, equally, love this movie. I'm sure fanfictions like this have definitely been written before, but I want one. An original Vanessa thoughts.
Think of all those puddles you splash in. All the beautiful moments of dancing in the rain. Well, surely those storms come from somewhere. (Y/n) Rain doesn't know how she got here, or why she was even chosen. She isn't well known like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, no one can see her, but she gave up caring long ago. The Guardians have always lived busy lives, so she found a friend in Jack Frost. A fellow unknown.
They make quite the pair.
But as trouble and darkness becomes a threat to this beautiful world, (y/n) and Jack need to step up and help. Try to, at-least .