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Tay's room POV

It was just 5 am in morning and Tay's phone alarm starts ringing. It started to get bright outside as the sunrise had just begun. 

Tay grabbed his phone that was putting near to a table lamp beside his bed. He slightly opens his eyes, turns off the alarm, and looks at the time. As soon as he turns off his alarm, he turns his body to the right side, her little sister, Kanikka is still there sleeping soundly. Kanikka has such a calm aura, every time Tay and Off get too stress about works, she is the person who makes them smile again. Kanikka is a teen version of their mom, her face and attitude are being copied and paste.

" Now I understand when dad said he will automatically happy and calm every time he looked at mom, " Tay said everything in his mind. 

While he is still looking at her, somehow he feels sad when days passed by, Kanikka is now already an 18 years old teen. He was reminiscent of the days when Ohm and Kanikka were still newborn babies. At that time, both of them were chubby, their face was in cherry red. Up until they are 15, mom has no time for them, she has to always go outstation with dad. Tay, Off, and Singto were adults at that time, therefore their mom is at ease if she let 3 of them replace her responsibility in the house. Since that day, Tay could feel like Kanikka's growing up, she starts to take care of people around her, starts to be a teen, learn to dress up, makeup, joining the community.

He feels glad that her sister was growing up well and become an understanding person. Kanikka suddenly woke up as Tay starts playing with her hair. She rubbed her both eyes to make her sight clearer and starts to stretch her body. 

" Good morning P'Tay ", she greeted him and hug him. That was a common thing among their siblings. 

" Good morning, kid", Tay smiled, he rubbed her hair. 

Kanikka gets up from the bed and grabs her dress, prepared for today's activity. After half an hour of taking shower, she blew her hair with a hairdryer. It's Tay's turned to take bath. While they both were busy with their stuff, someone knocked on the door. Kanikka put down the pins and comb. She walked towards the door and opened the door for Off. 

Off was standing right in front o the door, in his Hawaii shirt, giving her a bright smile. 

" Hi, P'Off, where are P'Sing and P'Ohm?" 

" In the living room, waiting for you two to have breakfast," Off replied.

" Okay wait a minute, I pinned up my hair and I'll get P'Tay along," 

She then walked towards her makeup table meanwhile Tay just get out of the bathroom. From her makeup table's mirror, she could see Tay's reflection. He was just wrapping himself with a white towel on her lower body. His body was fit and there were abs. 

" Ohooo, P'Tay even if you were busy with your work, you can still have abs huh, is that for the cafe manager, P'New ?" Kanikka smirked and start teasing Tay.

His face all of sudden turns red, maybe because of that ' New ' name. 

" You little bastard! Get out, I wanna change my clothing," shyly he said.

" Don't forget to have breakfast with us, everyone is waiting for you," 

He nodded, showing that he understands. 

Kanikka walked to the living room, Off, Singto and Ohm were there sitting at the dining table waiting for them to have breakfast together. There are two chefs in the kitchen busy preparing breakfast for us.

Kanikka grabbed a chair beside Off and sat down. Ohm and Singto were still sleepy as it was only 6.30 in the morning but Off was energetic and fresh. 

" Who are two of them, P'Off? " she whispered.

" Chefs, they will prepare breakfast for us every morning or any meal if we wished to, "

" But, didn't we canceled the chef because we wanna have our meal outside, "

Off nodded. Ohm started to interrupt their conversation. 

" Yes, but Mae Pompam was here, Mae said it will be healthier if we have this food," he replied but his eyes were still closing, his head was on the table.

" Mae was here!?? Isn't Mae in Hong Kong?" shockingly Kanikka said.

Tay was there standing near them watching his other four younger siblings having the conversation. He then walked towards the table and have a seat, " Yes, but Mae is here, she knew that we're in this hotel, Mae said that she wished to meet us later, "

Mae Pompam was actually the owner of this hotel, she babysat Ohm and Kanikka when they were still young up until they graduate from their primary school. Mae was actually part of their family, Mae raised their mom until she gets married and helped her to raise five of them. Their mom was actually an orphan, luckily she gets married to a great businessman so she could live a great life now. 

" Here, Master and Miss, your breakfast is ready," said one of the chefs. 

" Ermm, excuse me, can I have a cup of iced latte, " Kanikka said.

Tay looked at his younger sister and became speechless as she always has her latte every morning but still sleepy whenever she gets up in the car. 

" Sure Miss, I'll get for you,"

Five of them enjoyed their breakfast and have great conversations. Outside, the morning was lazy with sunshine. After having breakfast, they grabbed their phone, sunglasses and the most important thing is the wallets. 

They then leave their villa and headed to Mae Pompam's office. Also, the villa was huge, they've to first walk to the private cafe and took a lift to the 8th floor. There were few workers there, such as the hotel manager, head chef, and staff that managed the hotel's accountancy. 

As soon as they get out of the lift, the staff there greeted them especially Tay and Off. 

Along the way to Mae Pompam's working room, the only thing that they could hear was," Morning Khun Tay, Khun Off," 

Kanikka was walking behind Tay, she whispered to Ohm, " P'Ohm, why did they knew P'Tay and P'Off ?"
she questioned. 

" I was with you 24 hours, do you think that I know ?" Ohm replied while rolling his both eyes.

There it's, Mae Pompam's working room, a black glass door. 

' Knock.. knock... knock '

" Yes, come in," someone from inside replied. 

Tay opened the door, Mae Pompam was still busy on her laptop, no one else knew what she's typing. 

" Yes, do you have any file for me to check," without looking at us Mae Pompam asked. 

Kanikka POV

" Mae, it's us," I replied. 

Mae Pompam was still there busy with her work, she didn't focus on my words. After an awkward pause, Mae turned her head to her right, which was the place where we're standing. 

" Aww, why all of you were standing there, how long have you guys standing here?"

Tay looked at Mae Pompam, " Mae, busy huh, we're here in about half an hour ago," 

" You're a liar P'Tay, we just arrived here a few seconds ago," 

Ohm and Singto were wandering in Mae Pompam's office. Off was sitting on the sofa, reading those business cases. While Tay and I were there near Mae Pompam.

As soon as Mae Pompam saw me, she opened wide her arm showing that she needs a hug. I gave Mae a warm hug, Mae used his palm rubbed on my back, " You're now a big girl, the last time when I saw you was when you were the champion of storytelling competition, do you miss me meimei ( sister in Chinese )? " 

Storytelling competition? Champion? It was about six years ago!

" Of course I do, Mae," 

" Mae Pompam, you always hugged her first before us," Tay started to give Mae a sulking face. 

Mae looked at Tay annoyingly, " Tay, you're not a kid anymore, you can already have your own family, and now you're sulking in front of me,"

That was a normal thing that happens between Mae and Tay, they often quarrel over little things, sometimes it seems like Mae loves us more than Tay, but the truth is Tay is Mae's most favorite. 

" Oh Mae, why did you called us to be here? Is there anything to inform?", Tay asked her curiously.

" Yes, but I wanna talked to Singto first, then you and Off, it's important," 

When I was about to interrupt their conversation, Mae Pompam added, " You too, Ohm"

I was wondering what's it about, why I'm not involving. 

" Me? Mae ? " with full of questions go through my head.

" Don't worry meimei, focus on your psychology industry, I wanna discuss with them about business,"

" I see, okay Mae, I'll wait at the lobby and grabbed some of my desserts, see you at lunch, Mae,"

I kissed Mae Pompam's cheek and leave my four brothers with Mae Pompam.

Office POV

As soon as Kanikka leave the room, Mae grabbed the office phone and called her PA. 

" Hi Gigie, do you see the girl that just left my room? Follow her to the cafe, and serves her everything that she wished to have, it'll be better if you made up a table in the private cafe, for her safety, don't let her find me until I'm down there with her brothers "

After hanging up the phone, Tay and Off have a seat in front of Mae while Ohm and Singto stand behind them.

" What's it about Mae?", rushingly Ohm asked.

" Calm down Ohm," 

" Okay now, I've got an important thing to announce, that's why I'm way back here from Beijing,"

Mae Pompam breathed heavily, it seems like the announcement was really important for the family.

Then Mae started talking again.

" Singto, you're now a successful event planner, Tay, and Off, both of you are managing your YODA company, and you Ohm, studying business management. Actually, Mae doesn't want to involved in your family, I'm waiting for your parents to tell you by themselves, and it has been a year, the situation is getting worse, I've to say this on my own,"

Suddenly, Mae's copious tears fall from her cheeks. Neither Tay, Off, Singto nor Ohm suddenly panicked and trying to find paper tissue for Mae. The situation in the office was getting more serious.

Mae raised her hand up, trying to show them that she was ok.

" Tay and Off, from now on, I want to tell you that both of you will become busier, you've to managed three companies, YODA, Luna and Delive. Singto, you've to help them out with events that will be held in Luna and Delive. Ohm, I want you to take the IELTS test, so you can graduate earlier than your friends, and yes helped your brothers out in managing company and hotels." 

Four of them dropped their jaws, it was a piece of shocking news. 

" B.. But why Mae, why did we've to manage 2 hotels? This is yours Mae, the villas and hotel is yours Mae, we're not your heir,"

Mae sighed, her palm was on Tay's, " Look Tay, I'm sorry to give you this hard works for you to do, but as you know, I've no heirs, not even one, the only family that I've is your family, Tay. But no worries, I'm going to introduce a person who's going to manage this hotel with you, Tay. "

Tay nodded, he feels sympathetic towards Mae as she doesn't get married and has no heirs. The only daughter that she has was their mom, although their mom was not her actual daughter, she loved her as her owns. 

" But Mae, can we start this after a month, I mean after meimei flies to Brisbane, I just wanna spend more time with meimei, can I, Mae? " Off added.

" Sure," a smile spread over Mae's face.

Mae was being proud of them. She felt glad when they agreed to manage the hotels and company. 

" Uhmm, actually there's a reason why I'm doing this,"

" What's it about, Mae?" 

" Promise me, don't let meimei knows about this,"

They nodded, but Mae's start to burst into tears again," It's about your Pa," 

" What's wrong with Pa?"

The more they asked about their father, the harder Mae cries. After a while of letting Mae calm herself, " I want four of you to be strong, for meimei okay? It's hard to accept this but you've to. "

Gently Mae rubbed away her tears," Your Pa was suffering from pancreatic cancer, stage 1," 

They were shocked by the news, Ohm who was standing behind Tay suddenly lost his balance. Singto who was standing beside him quickly give him a hug. His heart sank when he heard the news, but still, he stopped his tears from falling down, he has to be strong for Ohm.

Meanwhile Tay and Off, they were already crying their heart out, pain and sadness were writing all over their face. Their worst nightmare has come. Mae Pompam gets up from her chair, she quickly gives four of them a hug. They cried loudly on Mae Pompam's embrace. It was the hardest news for the four of them to accept. 

" Mae, how should I tell meimei?" Tay asked with his voice shake. Mae Pompam didn't give him a reply as Mae don't have any idea about it. 

It could be said that their souls are out of them, it's hard news for them to accept. Furthermore, their father was not there in Thailand with them. They've no idea how he's doing. 

" It was me, it happens because of me," Tay started to blame himself for this. 

" I never cared about Pa, never asked about his condition when he's there in Beijing," he continued.

Mae rubbed her palm over Tay's head, trying to confront him, and make him feel better.

" No, none of your fault Tay, you've done your best, you've replaced your father in this home, do you know how proud he's to have all of you as his children." Mae Pompam said while confronting Tay.

Mae then wiped away her tears and start to give them a sweet smile, " Look, every time your father met me, he'll talk about his children, he feels relieved that now his children are all in succession. There's one time when he said that he's to left this world without any doubts. "

They feel glad that their father is now being proud of them and could still be positive in any situation. 

" Really? Mae, Pa said that to you? " Ohm asked while still wiping away the tears on his cheeks.

Mae nodded. 

" It's okay, don't cry, don't cry, be strong for meimei, have a seat on the sofa, calm yourself down and we'll find meimei in the cafe to have lunch with her okay? About the hotel and all, don't worry, Mae is here, I'm sure that Ma will help you guys too, also, I've got a few people to introduce to you, they'll help you guys out in managing everything. "

" Thank you, Mae, without Mae I don't think that Tay and I could come over this,"

After calming themselves down, they started to focus on Pa's condition, they decided to call Ma and asked about his current condition and of course about the treatment.

Mae Pompam put her laptop on the desk in front of the sofa and start video calling their mom.  

 Once their mom accepts their phone call they greeted their mom, they smile at her from ear to ear, trying not to show the sadness that they faced.

Tay, Off, Singto, and  Ohm: Hi Ma 

Ma: Hi, how are you doing my sons? Why are you guys there? Where's meimei?

Mae: Meimei is in the cafe with my PA 

Off: Ma, where's pa?

Ohm: Yes yes Ma, where's him? When will you be here, we miss you and Pa.

Singto: Ma... do you have anything to tell us?

Mae Pompam looked at their mom and nodded one time, showing that Mae already told them about their Pa, and now they're ready to listen to everything from their own mom. 

Ma: Yes I've, I know that I should tell you early, but me myself has just accepted this few days ago, about Pa don't worry, he'll get his treatment in Beijing. Do you remember Aunt Chen?

Off: Aunt Chen? Your best friend doctor that works in PUMCH? One of the famous and well-medical hospitals in Beijing? 

Ma: Yes, yes. A few days ago, I informed her about Pa's condition and introduced me to the doctors there that would handle Pa's case. About Pa, I'll handle it, four of you just take good care of yourself and meimei. About our hotel and company, let's talk about it later when everything's ready.

Tay: Sure Ma, meimei is on us. When will Pa start his chemotherapy? 

Ma: When he's ready.

Off: But ma, this is cancer. It's not something for us to play along with.

Ma: I know... but I bet you know your Pa well.

Singto: P'Off, I think it's good for Pa as well, he needs to be well prepared both mentally and physically. Give him some time, and why don't we discuss the treatment with Pa later on?

Once they've done video calling and discussing their father, they hang up the phone and have some rest in the office, however, their mind was still floating about Kanikka, they're thinking about how should they told her about this. 

Kanikka's POV

As Mae Pompam and my brothers will be talking about business, it'll be great if I don't get involved cause I know nothing about it. I hate looking at numbers the graph, the shareholders, and so on. 

When I'm about to take on the lift to the ground floor, there's a girl in a uniform and black skirt following me. Seems like she's the one who sits in front of Mae's office. I looked at her and smile, showing respect to her as she's way elder than me. 

" Hi, I'm Mae's PA, Mae ordered me to bring you to the private cafe, and Mae said that you can have everything you want." 

" Oh, I see, what's your name Phi ?"

" I'm Gigie,"

" Nice to meet you P'Gigie, I'm Kanikka," 

" You too," 

As the lift has arrived at the ground floor, P'Gigie let me go out first, there are two staffs at the cafe greeted us. 

" Welcome, Miss Kanikka, what would you like to have today?"

" Just called me Kanikka, it will be friendlier, at least I would feel being at home here," I smiled at one of the staff. 

" Set a table for her, beach view, and hand in the menu later,"

" Sure Gigie, will do,"

I've been arranged to a table which I can clearly see the beach view. The air condition and the environment in the cafe were calm. Adding on the aromatic brew of coffee and the sound of the piano. 

" P'Gigie, can I try on the piano?"

" Sure, let's go,"

We walked towards the pianist, Gigie asked him if I can play the piano.

The pianist nodded and smiled at me, " Excuse me Miss, are you the only daughter of Vihokratana?"

" Yes, I'm,"

I walked on the stage confidently and started turning the chords book from page to page, trying to find any songs that I'd like to play. But, none of them, every songs in the book are not in my generation. 

I turned over my head and looked at the guitarist, he's young and charming, wearing a white shirt and black jeans, his body was firm. He looks young, maybe the same age as me or older than me for 2 or 3 years.

" Hey, what's your name?" I asked.

I could see their reaction including P'Gigie and the pianist, they were shocked as they didn't expect that I would be this friendly. 

" Ermm... ermm, Mond," he replied unconfidently.

" Don't be afraid, just think as I'm your friend."

He nodded, I could see that his cheeks suddenly turn into cherry red.

" Mond, do you know the chord of ทะเลสีดำ ( Talay See Dam / Black Sea )," I asked him.

" Yes, I did, that's my favorite song,"

" That's great, I start it first," 

Once I start to tap on the keys, Mond then starts to pick on his guitar's string. 

From aside, I could see that P'Gigie and the pianist start recording us, it was fun as we played along and sing along, most of the staff there joined us too. 

After almost an hour of playing the piano and singing my favorite song, P'Gigie and I

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