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Unknown: Nezu-san you also still have the tag of the SCP foundation. I know it. It's implanted in you and pulling it out by force would kill you.

MickeyGoneWrong: So? How that important to you?

Unknown: Important for your teacher to know your past. I believe you never told them anyways.

MickeyGoneWrong: Because it isn't important.

TiredAsFuck: Bullshit.

Rock'n'Rolling: What is the SCP?

WatergunBitch: AN organization that deals with anomalies in the modern world.

PussInLatex: You were here?

WatergunBitch: Yep, but didn't talk, didn't need to.

Unknown: Then you should know about SCP 659-033.

WatergunBitch: I'm not really interested in the foundation, I just came across their information on a particular day.

Unknown: Oh too bad. Nezu you wanna tell them or should I?

MickeyGoneWrong: You're doing the exposing, you might as well.

Unknown: Very well. He was known under the nickname RatProfessor as the name sound it isn't anything bad but he used to love to experiment on rats to make them look like him and conquer the world with their help.

TiredAsFuck: I knew you were unhinged Nezu, but damn.

Rock'n'Rolling: I'm scared.

PussInLatex: Oh my...

Unknown: How about telling about your secret kill count?

MickeyGoneWrong: 50,789. Happy?

Unknown: Very. I wonder how everyone will react now but I am not finished yet.

TiredAsFuck: I know I'm a hero, but impressive.

Everyone: Shota!

TiredAsFuck: Shush.

Unknown: Then there is the fact that you burned down the building including the staff inside.

MickeyGoneWrong: They tortured me, it's their own faults.

Rock'n'Rolling: NEZU!

TiredAsFuck: Understandable.

KillMeHealMe: SHOTA!

WatergunBitch: NO NOT AT ALL!

Ectoplasm: I get where he's coming from tho.

HideMyBodyCallME: But still, we are heroes!

TiredAsFuck: Hero work has clouded thine judgment.

Rock'n'Rolling: Shota...TF?


MickeyGoneWrong: Thank you Shota.

TiredAsFuck: MH.

Unknown: How about knowing that UA was build on the crumbles of the old SCP foundation ruins left by his actions?

TiredAsFuck: Did he have it built?

PlaymobileBitch: Why ask that?

TiredAsFuck: If he had it built then weird, if not, that's just rude.

Unknown: No. There were ruins which he buried under the school.

TiredAsFuck: ...Ok then.

Rock'n'Rolling: Aizawa, are you ok?

TiredAsFuck: Yeah, this is all just interesting.

WatergunBitch: In what sense?

TiredAsFuck: Not your business.

MindFuckingDog: But mine!

TiredAsFuck: How so?

MindFuckingDog: It's my decision if you can continue working as hero and teacher or need mental assistence.

TiredAsFuck: I just like to study the SCP foundation, nothing else.

Unknown: You mean Nezu.

TiredAsFuck: I like to read up on the anomalies in contained by the SCP foundation. It's calming to me.

Unknown: like the cookie monster or the friendly guy?

TiredAsFuck: The plague doctor is my favorite, so that says something.

Unknown: I like the reptile more but now you have a live specimen to study.

MickeyGoneWrong: He's a bitch.

Unknown: Invincible bitch. Anyways the shy guys was also something. I am still impressed you killed him Nezu.

TiredAsFuck: I commend you Nezu.

MickeyGoneWrong: Thank you Aizawa.

KillMeHealMe: I'm not sure if I like you two getting along or if I miss you two fighting.

LostInSpace: What's wrong with you all and the question still remains! Who are you!

TiredAsFuck: My new friend.

Unknown: An enigma.

MickeyGoneWrong: Interesting.

Unknown: This is all I will say since finding out who I am is useless.

MickeyGoneWrong: I wasn't going to try, don't want them finding you.

Unknown: Oh my thank you.

HideMyBodyCallME: Nezu being nice without something in return is weird.

TiredAsFuck: I'm just here.

Everyone: We know.

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