Isn't the moon lovely?
You sighed.
Remembering the love of your life after dramatic events sure was something: you still had to get used to it.
You didn't even deny those memories: it was reality after all.
You were just a little bit angry towards Gaster, but at the same time you could understand him: if a person forgot about you, how would you treat them? You'd be more alert, of course.
And especially, you were feeling pity for him: even if you didn't remember him, he still cared for you from afar. An example of him caring was getting worried over you not reappearing from the Underground.
It was ripping your heart apart.
"He must have suffered a lot...and he still is suffering"
In that moment, you started feeling like an idiot for ending the call with Sans.
"I could have asked him to tell Gaster that I remembered...! Why did I end the call?!"
Oh yeah, you remembered why you ended the call: you were shocked, and were feeling uneasy.
You even shed some tears: you heart was sinking. You forgot about the love of your life after all.
But now it wasn't the time to cry: you had to do something if Gaster was so afraid of doing something wrong.
"The first thing I need to do now is find a way for Gaster to listen to me. Then I'll tell him that I remembered everything. But would he even listen to me in the first place? He always escapes from me after all. Do I really have to scream to him that I remembered like in those cheesy movies?" you thought.
A light bulb then lighted in your mind.
"I have to find a place where he couldn't escape from. That way he'll stay still and I'll have a nice talk with him" you said with a smile.
You prepared yourself to go out as you grabbed the knob of your door.
"Where would he be? The cave? That place holds a deep meaning to him, but...I have a weird feeling about it. He's not there now. And also, he could easily escape from the cave, just a snap of his fingers and whoosh, he's teleporting."
Where was he then? Where was your lovelybones?
You sighed again.
"I guess I'll have to think about it again when I'm at work. Something must be done at least, and I have Sans' help in case" you said, trying to reassure yourself.
Even so, you couldn't help but long for Gaster's touch and sweet words. And of course, he himself.
Some butterflies started flying in your stomach as you opened the door and went out.
"I guess I can walk for a while now. I need to clear my mind after all" you said.
Once you got downstairs though, you realised that you didn't know where to go.
That's when you remembered something.
"Do you want to go to the river after this? Just you and me?" he then asked, love in his eyes.
You looked at him with the same gaze, drowning in those shining white pin-pricks.
"Of course I do, I heard there's also a full moon today. It would be beautiful to observe it with you"
You searched for the moon calendar on the internet, and with much of our pleasure discovered that there was supposed to be a full moon on that night.
"Maybe I can go and watch the stars and the moon. It would be beautiful...even more with him"
Hence, the river was your destination.
But you certainly didn't know that it was someone else's destination.
"dad, how surprising, i thought you were in waterfall in the cave"
Gaster turned his head and looked at Sans from below, as he was sitting down on the grass, listening to the flow of the river's water.
"Yeah, I wanted to come here and watch the moon. Both for me and her" he answered calmly.
Sans looked up to the sky: the sunset had still to occur, but some night hues could easily be distinguished.
"why though? wouldn't it be more beautiful to see the moon with her?" he said, indirectly telling him to do something
Gaster pondered a bit for an answer, as he stayed silent.
"You're would be more beautiful with her. But we promised to see it together here, so whenever there's a full moon I come here and observe it. For her"
Sans was growing tired of these speeches: his father was either depressed or melanchonic when you were in the center of the conversation.
"dad, you should just approach her: she even wants to talk with you, why are you escaping from her?"
"'s because of how I acted. She only wanted to talk to me because of my fear of her hurt in the Underground which was exposed, and she simply got curious. If I didn't worry she probably wouldn't have searched for me everyday. I know she wouldn't remember, and...I'm afraid, Sans. Wouldn't you just watch from afar someone that doesn't remember you? It's the same for me"
"do you realise what you just said?"
Gaster looked at his son's eyesockets: they were pitch black.
"you sure have some guts to talk: all you can do is cry and cry over her, as if it is the only thing you can do. do you seriously think this is a problem that revolves only around you? you're not the only one that has lost her, me and papyrus also lost her. we lost a person we could call mother, because we always needed a motherly figure, and even if we're almost adults, we still need her.
but look at you, all you do is cry when something could be easily done, at least try, and if you fail then it will be at that moment that it will be legitimate for you to cry and get depressed. you have at least to try, old bones. do you know how i always wanted to call someone "mom"?"
Gaster looked at his son, shocked by his words.
Sans had his fists closed and an angry look on his face: he was tired of all this situation, and his permanent smile was smaller than ever.
"c'mon dad, give me a break: i can finally relax since now there won't be any [Reset]s and now you treat yourself like this? do not let me be an adult for once"
Gaster was feeling mixed feelings in that moment: confusion, surprise, and pride.
His son was growing up into a mature man.
He simply laughed.
"I'm proud of you, Sans. I...guess you're right. It will take some time for me, but I am going to try and do something."
He closed his eyes and inhaled.
"Alright, I'll do something. But only if you stop calling me old bones. Do I have to remind you that I'm not old?"
Sans laughed, and in the mean time, he had seen a familiar figure:
You were standing nearby the river, behind them with a lost look without seeing them, finally arrived after remembering.
You and Sans then made eye-contact, and you felt like he was judging you.
You lightly gasped, seeing both him and Gaster there. You smiled to him, to make him understand. Understand that you remembered.
Sans smiled back and looked at the older skeleton, who was looking up at the sky.
The night was about to approach, and the last rays on sunlight met his face.
heh, dad, looks like it won't take you enough time to get things clear
"dad, i'm gonna get an ice cream, you stay here" Sans said as an excuse, only for leaving you a moment alone with his father.
He then turned around and winked at you and left, only leaving you to look at Gaster, who still had his nose up to the sky.
You then approached him, as the moon was becoming more visible, and remembered your words when you first went to the river with your parents.
"Yeah, I had to approach you in the end. I always saw this boy here on this river, I got curious by what he was studying, so I approached him and look at where we are now, dear. Boy, I still remember how you blushed when I first said hi" your mom continued the story.
Your dad only smiled back, a little flushed by this last statement.
You listened, fascinated by what your parents were telling you.
It almost looked a fairytale.
"I wanna find my future lover here as well!" you said with an energic tone.
You laughed internally as you reminisced the memory.
Now that I think about it, I'm finding now my lover on the river, just as I promised myself when I was six.
Funny, in the end I had to approach Gaster, just as mom did with dad, you thought.
Your situation with Gaster was actually similar to your parents'.
You were now near Gaster, who was looking at the moon.
You heard him sigh, and that's when you decided to talk.
At last...
"Isn't the moon lovely?"
He flinched a little, hearing the voice he longed for a lot of time.
He slowly turned around as he looked at you.
"I wanna find my future lover here as well!" you said with an energic tone.
You finally saw back his clear and distinctive attributes, after only seeing his back for months: two black eyesockets with small cracks, and two white pin-pricks that were full of light.
You looked at him, as you were finally able to see the face you missed so much after months, and smiled.
"Hi, Gaster" you said with the biggest grin you could shove.
He took in a shaky breath and looked at you.
Realising that he was unsure, you reassured him.
"C'mon, we promised each other that we would see the moon together, didn't we?"
Something snapped inside of him. All sorts of feeling were flowing inside his soul.
But mostly happiness.
"...yeah, the moon is so lovely" he just answered.
You then jumped into his arms, as the longing feeling in your heart was growing stronger and stronger.
You could feel him shaking in the hug as he started crying.
"How are did you remember...?"
You grabbed his face and looked into his eyes.
"The echo flower registered your words, lovelybones- he-hey, c'mon, don't cry, I'm here now"
But as a response, he only cried harder. Luckily, there weren't many people around, so you didn't get bewildered looks.
He then hugged you even tighter, as if you were being pulled again away from him and he had to grasp on you.
He started laughing again.
"I can't believe it..." he just said
You pressed your forehead on his and closed his eyes.
"Me neither, if it can console you" you said laughing.
But, without you expecting it, he kissed you and you both fell on the grass
And he didn't mean to stop.
10 meters away, spying
"SANS!" Papyrus said between tears "ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL?"
"yeah bro, it is"
"nah, they're the most egg-celent pair"
Sans snorted as Papyrus slowly turned his face to look at his older brother with a cringed look.
"c'mon, you can't agree that they're such a romantic pear"
Sans had to escape from his brother that day.
Omg there's only the epilogue left now
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