Kimi's POV
The days passed quickly but the monotonous cycle of wake up, get experimented on, talk to Eri and repeat was starting to get to me. Overhaul and his companions seemed unaware of my force field quirk and I had been brainstorming how to use this to aid our escape but having a solely offensive quirk wasn't all that helpful in this situation. It also didn't help that we were now under constant surveillance from Overhaul's men.
"Kimi when I'm big do you think I can go to UA? And be like Deku?" Eri asked me as we lay in the creaky bed. It was the morning, though only noticable by the faint glow of artificial lights outside the door, and we had not been met with any of the Yakuza members just yet. My eyes stung from lack of sleep, my mind consumed with thoughts of escape yet they all lead to nothing.
"Of course, would you like to be a hero?" I asked covering my yawn with a lazy hand.
"I think so. He was nice and I want to be nice too." She said with a small thoughtful nod.
"Okay kid, time for breakfast. Kimi here will join you later, Overhaul needs another blood sample from her." One of the Yakuza said as he marched into the room without any warning. I felt Eri tense in my arms, her hands gripping at my sleeve tighter. She had become much more fearful of our separation following the failed break out plan and so I had to try and convince her to release my arm.
"It'll be okay Eri. It's just a needle. I'll be with you in a few minutes, save me some toast yeah?" I smile reassuringly at her, feeling her grip loosen slightly at my words. Thankfully Overhaul hadn't requested Eri to be experimented on since she returned and I 'kept' my end of the bargain. But I'm not an idiot, he wouldn't keep her around if he didn't plan on using her. No, he still needs her quirk, he's just focusing his efforts on understanding mine to speed up the process.
"Hey beak boy, you called?" I asked sarcastically as I casually walked into the room and took a seat on the chair to the left of the doctor, Overhaul standing at a distance from us observing the scene before him.
"I'm glad you feel more at ease here but the nicknames are not appreciated." He said bitterly.
"We just need some more blood samples, shouldn't take long, we just wanted to get them before you have eaten." The doctor said pleasantly. She was a short woman, no more than 5'1, and had a short black bob haircut, her bangs cutting across her forehead sharply. I had grown accustomed to the various doctors here but they seemed to change every so often, the original doctor from my first day no longer appeared to work here.
"So I never really asked before but I'm curious, why do you want to get rid of quirks?" I asked feeling the doctor tense at my words but Overhaul didn't seem fazed at all.
"Quirks represent everything wrong with this world. They fester and spread like a virus. Some describe the quirk gene as evolution but I see it for what it really is ... a mutation. And your quirk just validates this philosophy. You have a healing quirk. A power created to purify and correct. Yet it has the ability to remove quirks altogether. It proves that quirks are a sickness. A sickness that needs eradicating." He ranted as the doctor looks away from us both awkwardly. She had taken the necessary blood samples from me but I couldn't help but stare blankly at Overhaul.
"Isn't that a little hypocritical though? I mean, no offense, but you're a complete germaphob and you think quirks are an illness. Wouldn't you just want to remove your own quirk and be done with it?" I asked as the doctor scurried out of the room.
"I don't just wish to heal myself I wish to cleanse the world. A world without quirks, could you imagine it?" He said in an almost dreamy voice. I had been expecting his anger but this was just strange.
"So you're a modern day saviour then? Look I don't care if you're delusional or not, but don't be hypocritical. Saviours don't abduct people, they don't run gangs and they sure as hell don't abuse a little girl. So don't kid yourself with that 'saviour' crap when all you are is a monster!" I growled out unable to control myself any longer. My heavy breathing echoed in the now silent room, Overhaul not having made a sound following my outburst.
"It doesn't matter what you think anyway Kimiko Kita. Once you have served your purpose you will be eliminated, like the other defiled creatures on this earth." He spat back before leaving the room with a flourish and leaving me to sit in silence, contemplating what he had just said. I knew he was a manipulative bastard but hearing him confirm my suspicions. Hearing him say he plans on killing me once they have taken what they need just solidified my need to think of an escape plan, and fast.
"It's her! It's really her! Miko! We heard Overhaul had a 'special guest' but we never thought it would be you! I knew it was worth following that low life! " Cried a high pitch voice and within seconds I was pulled into a bone breaking hug. Toga and Twice had intertwined their arms around my form, unintelligible words falling from their lips in a rapid fashion, whilst I stood frozen in shock at their appearance. What the hell are they doing here? Did they leave the League and join the Hassaikai? Surely they wouldn't. Is the League working with Overhaul now? Is that why Touya was following him? Wait ... does this mean Touya is here too?!
"What are you doing here?" I asked quickly feeling the two villians loosen their tight grip on my waist.
"We could ask you the same question Miko!" Toga smiled though her eyes were questioning.
"Overhaul won't let me leave. He's using my quirk. He plans on killing me once I'm no longer of use." I mutter out bitterly. I honestly don't know why I'm telling them this but they don't exactly seem like the Yakuza type and given the greeting they just gave me, they clearly aren't in Overhaul's inner circle.
"Good, you're annoying. No way! We'll never let that happen, you're one of us!" Twice cried out dramatically.
"Twice is right, well the second part anyway. We won't let him hurt you Miko. We're not exactly here by choice either. But we don't plan on staying long. We can all leave together!" Toga smiled taking my hands in hers excitedly.
As much as I wanted to leave this place, getting dragged back to the League is just as bad and there is no way in hell I'm leaving Eri behind.
"Oh so much has changed since we last saw you Miko! Big Sis Mag ... she's ... Overhaul killed her!" Toga stuttered out, her voice breaking slightly at her own words, whilst Twice appeared to burst into tears, though it was difficult to tell behind his mask.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" I replied pulling Toga into a hug which Twice immediately joined in with. I don't know why I comforted them given our standing with one another but a part of me genuinely liked the two villains. It might have been my own relationship with Touya that made me sympathise but they weren't all bad. I also happened to really like Magne. True she was a villain, they all are, but she treated me kindly, she was so welcoming and friendly that it was hard to think of her as a villain, especially now that she is gone.
"It's- it's okay. We are going to avenge her. We'll kill Overhaul and get you out of here and then we can start over again Miko!" Toga said with a resounding smile as Twice nodded along with her enthusiastically.
"Toga, I'm so sorry for everything that's happened but ... I can't join the League." I say quietly watching Twice tilt his head in questioning. If I'm going to escape this hell it can't be through being thrown into another like the League. I have to set them straight now rather than later and given the way they've acted around me I just have to hope they won't kill me for it.
"Oh don't be silly Miko, of course you will!" Toga laughed, her smile never once wavering at my words.
"Yeah, you're one of us. Of course your coming back! You're just nervous after everything that happened with the heroes right? Don't worry Miko we look out for each other, you don't have to be scared! Besides Shigaraki has been super upset since they took you! He missed you, we all did! I didn't!" Twice elaborated patting my shoulder happily.
"I just don't think villain life is for me guys." I said with an awkward smile. How hard is it for them to just let this go? Please don't kill me though, I want to see my baby Peanut again!
"Miko, you knew Big Sis. You were a part of us. You're just nervous. I get it, I was too after my first kill but we know you now and you know us. You can't go through all that together and not be connected. You'll come back to us. I'm sure of it." She said with a toothy grin and I felt myself tense at the words 'my first kill'. It's hard sometimes to remember they're villains. Toga, as sweet as she may appear is a killer, they all are, even Touya. And what is even worse, her words rang true. We are connected now. What was that phrase, if you know the devil then the devil knows you? The League are no longer a faceless enemy, they know who I am and that twisted bond we share is impossible to sever with words alone.
"Don't worry Miko, we'll give you some time to think about it but you'll come around soon enough. If Overhaul hurts you I'll take care of him. He's taken one of my sisters away, I won't let him take another." Toga growled out darkly, and for the first time, she truly looked the part of the bloodthirsty killer she is.
"Don't get too comfortable Miko, we'll have you out of here in no time!" Twice said with a thumbs up, though it was strange to hear him not contradict himself.
With another round of hugs I was once again alone. What the hell? Can this situation get any stranger? With those questions racing through my mind I picked myself up and made my way to the breakfast hall to check on Eri and contemplate another escape plan.
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