Chapter 7 Avidità

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(Y/N) was sitting on top of the chain where Ryuko and Mako usually hang out. In fact he was with them this time. Just hanging off the edge of the chain and hunched forward. Ryuko and mako then unbox their lunches and begin to eat. (Y/N) just smiled at them. At least that was the plan until a knife was thrown at Ryuko's lunch.

Knife guy: Ryuko Matoi! Jack naito, president of the knife throwing club, will take you do-

Before he could finish his sentence (Y/N) necked him from behind. How did he get that high so quick. Simple. Bullshi- I mean teleportation. Ryuko then cuts him down while he was falling. Life fibers entering her kamui.

Lily guy: Impressive. The one who will defeat you is m-

(Y/N) again necked the man making them fall unconscious. Ryuko then cuts them down, taking the life fiber. Suddenly out of the sky another club member fell and was scorched. Ryuko, again, cut them down giving her more life fibers. The two then returned to the chain to continue their lunch.

Ryuko: Knife throwing club, Nanjing lily club, and... that other one? What's the deal with all these ultra-specific clubs?

(Y/N): I think that fault goes to you since you did challenge Satsuki to face EVERY club this school has.

Ryuko deapans to (Y/N)'s response

Ryuko: Ya got me there....

Mako: Those guys used to be the acrobatics club. They split up because of you.

Ryuko: Why?!

Mako: Well aside from what (Y/N) said. If someone beats you they'll jump up to Three-Star status. But since you can't get a Two-Star Goku Uniform unless you're a club president, They all founded new clubs and are gunning for you.

Ryuko: Say what?

Mako: More stars means a better life. They're all desperate.

(Y/N): This academy isn't the best.

Ryuko: You could say that again.......... Hey,o hang on! If that's how it works, then...

(Y/N): Ryuko no!

Ryuko: RYUKO YES!!!!

The scene cuts to Ryuko slamming a board on the floor that says "Fight Club". Mako and (Y/N) were there too. (Y/N) with his hand on his face and a disappointed look. Suddenly Gamagoori appears.

Gamagoori: What are you playing at, Matoi?

Ryuko: You have eyes, don't you? I'm starting a fight club.

Gamagoori: Quit trying to screw with us.

(Y/N) then slides up to Ryuko

(Y/N): (whispers) I really don't like this idea. You should probably reconsider.

Ryuko: Oh Please! This will work out fine.

Ryuko then turns to Gamagoori.

Ryuko: You're forcing Students to start Stupid clubs to go after me. So I'm gonna do the same. Say hello to the Fight Club President Ryuko Matoi!

There was silence for a few moments.

(Y/N): Even if this does get approved, I won't approve of this.

Gamagoori: Do you seriously think that a club like that will be approved?

(Y/N): With the way your going with this it might actually.

Suddenly a bright light came from the School tower. (Y/N) deadpans to the result that transpired.

(Y/N): That's it, I give up.

Satsuki: I'll approve this fight club!

(Y/N): Of course ya did. Well good luck with the paperwork Ryuko!

Ryuko: H-huh?

Gamagoori: Very well, let's begin the paperwork!

Ryuko: Ya switch gears real fast, don'tcha?

Gamagoori: Lady Satsuki has spoken I must abide by her decision. Matoi! I assume you will be president of Fight Club, then?

Ryuko: Yeah. And I don't need no Goku Uniform. I already got my Kamui.

(Y/N) slides his face downwards.

(Y/N): I think I should go before This gets worse.

Before (Y/N) could get going Stacks of paper were put on a table that appeared out of Nowhere.

Gamagoori: Understood. Club Presidents are to submit a club activity log every Friday. At the end of each month, expenses are settled and expense applications for the next month are filed. You must also file a club room use request form, club member organization chart, and family member lists. You are also required to attend Club President Council meetings, which are held every morning at 7 a.m.! Tardiness will not be Tolerated!

(Y/N) begins to walk away from the Conversation. Trying to not get into anymore problems. The papers in front of Ryuko fell down.

Ryuko: um, My friend Here, Mako Mankanshoku, says she'll be club President!

Mako: EH!?!?!?

(Y/N) then slaps his forehead to Ryuko's statement.

Time-skip to classroom Halls

Mako: That was so mean Ryuko! How could make me president like that!?

(Y/N): I agree with Mako, I thought you were gonna bring down Satsuki's system?

Ryuko: S-Shut up (Y/N)! Mako, just focus on the Fight club. Everything will be fine. When I beat the other club president, The club's achievements will be recognized and you reputation will skyrocket! It'll also improve our living situation, right?

Mako: But, I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't be a club president!

Time-skip to the next day.

(Y/N) was on top of the school wall spectating Ryuko's fights.

(Y/N): (sighs) I wish I could help Mako, but my fears get in the way.

Ryuko was getting kicked by the Folk dance club. As they spun around her hitting her in the face. The club then retracts and goes in for another strike. Ryuko then transforms and cuts them all down in one attack.

(Y/N): Although I think she has it covered.

Time-skip to the next 3 days

Ryuko had faced off many foes, ranging to swimming clubs, to pottery to all else that exists. Mako was also struggling at first with Club management. After a while she became dedicated and had begun to work harder. She then moved into One-star Status.

Time-skip to the next two days.

(Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. As soon as Ryuko and Mako had started the club he hasn't been around them for a while. Mako and Ryuko were getting higher on the School's status. They were now in a two star homes. Eating cuisine for dinner. However the Family grew too attached to the life style. They were all ignoring each other and were going places that they wouldn't be able to go to in the first place.

Time-skip to the next day.

The gym rooms were filled to the brim with students from different clubs. Some being male, others female. Some bug and some small. And some just a little too..... Inhumane.

Mako: Alright Ryuko, you're going to fight every single person in this room.

Ryuko: Huh?

Mako: I am Fight Club President Mako Mankanshoku! Club member Ryuko Matoi hereby challenges all of you to a fight! Let's have a good, clean fight!

The Gym full of students then began to charge at Ryuko at full speeds

Time-skip to the next day. Ryuko was walking through the halls bruised and scratched from her previous fights. She suddenly comes to a halt to a figure she knew all too familiar.

(Y/N): How's the club?

Ryuko: Terrible how about you?

(Y/N): Eh bored,I've been watching from the school walls.

Ryuko simply smiles. She then straightens her back.

(Y/N): You already know what to do don't you?

Ryuko: Yep!

Time-skip to the courtyard.

Mako: The day when we face off against the Elite Four is here at last! If we win this battle, the Fight Club will stand supreme on the Student Council! We'll have both honor and all the Luxury we can stand!

Mako begins to laugh out loud. It echoes around the entire arena. Ryuko then appears and begins to walk up to Mako. (Y/N) follows suit.

Mako: You're late, Ryuko! The final showdown is here at last!

Suddenly a pamphlet was thrown at Mako.

Mako: What's this?

Ryuko: My letter of resignation from the club.

Mako: Huh? What are you saying?!

Ryuko: I'm quitting the Fight club.

(Y/N): and quit you should.

Mako: You can't If you quit now, we'll be sent back to the slums!

Ryuko: I'm okay with that.

Mako: I'm not! I'm never going back there!

Suddenly a large cabinet was launched at Mako.

(Y/N): hmmm?

Satsuki from above: Fight Club President Mako Mankanshoku! Your Two-Star Goku Uniform is inside that wardrobe!

Mako: My uniform?

Satsuki: If you want to keep your current Social Standing and Lifestyle, Fight and Defeat Ryuko Matoi, and (Y/N) (L/N)!

(Y/N): Awww that's a little harsh don't you think?

Satsuki: Defeat Matoi and I will grant you a Three-Star Goku Uniform.

Ryuko: That's playing dirty, Kiryuin!

Satsuki: The choice of whether to accept lies with Mankanshoku.

Ryuko: You bit-

(Y/N) puts his hand in front of Ryuko to prevent her from Transforming.

(Y/N): Don't, I'll handle this.

Satsuki: Don't be so Hasty. I'm not the one you face today.

Suddenly the Wardrobe burst open with smoke coming from within. Revealing....

Mako: Fight Club-spec Two-Star Goku Uniform! Fight Club President Mako Mankanshoku!

(Y/N): Mako please, Refrain here and we won't hurt you.

Mako: (Y/N)......

She then Dashes towards (Y/N) at full speed.

Mako: Say your Prayers!

Mako launched herself to dropkick (Y/N). He did not react.He took the hit and was Launched back a few inches.

(Y/N): GAH!

(Y/N) held his hand over his stomach.

(Y/N): Huh.. I actually felt that.

He then pops a bottle with a star in it and drinks it. His body had fully recovered. Satsuki then took notice of this as the fight went about.

Mako: I can't give up when we finally have a life of Luxury! I can't go back to being poor!

Ryuko: Idiot, snap out of it!

Mako then begins to charge at Ryuko. (Y/N) then suddenly appeared in front of her.

(Y/N): .....Gravazia!....

Mako was then floating in the air.

(Y/N): That should keep her ste-

Suddenly Mako returned to normal, the ability wasn't affecting her anymore.

(Y/N): huh! I did not see that coming.

Mako then recoils her arm back read to punch (Y/N). She throws the punch forward to (Y/N). He simply moves his head and closes in on Mako.

Mako: W-What?

(Y/N) then placed his hand on Mako's chest, his hand glowing a bright light.

(Y/N): Don't take this the wrong way!

Suddenly Mako's eyes went blank to What (Y/N) had done.

Ryuko: Hey! What did ya do!

(Y/N) Lifts his hand with three fingers. After each second he'd put one down. Mako suddenly woke up from whatever (Y/N) did.

Mako: (Y/N)! I'm so Sorry!

Ryuko: Huh?

Mako then ripped off the Goku uniform and Started to vigorously bow.

Ryuko: What happened?

(Y/N): She was redeeming herself.

Ryuko: Huh?

Mako: I was suddenly in this weird place! It was dark everywhere and this big guy with a hole in his chest in the shape of a heart came in!

(Y/N): Yep, right place.

(Y/N) then gives Mako his Cloak for her to wear. Since she ripped off her uniform. She began to cry.

Mako: As of today. The Fight Club is disbanded! Mako Mankanshoku will go back to being a No-Star!

(Y/N) then smiles warmly at Mako's gesture. He then looks at Satsuki Staring down at him. They both smirk.

(Y/N)/Satsuki: I never expected any less...

Ryuko then cuts down Mako's Uniform.

Time-skip to the Mankanshoku household.

The whole family were having a lively dinner, and (Y/N) was there too.

Sukuyo: Have some dear.

(Y/N): Thanks Madam.

Sukuyo had passed down a bowl of rice to (Y/N), while a plate of Croquettes were on the table.

They were all feasting on the food given to them.

Senketsu: Finally, our Lively dinners are back again.

(Y/N): Hey these things aren't that bad.

Ryuko: this is how a family should be!

They continue to fill their bellies to their heart's content. Enjoying the presence of one another. After the croquettes finished, the family were all full.

(Y/N): Oh Right! I forgot.

(Y/N) then pulls out 7 Popsicles.

(Y/N): I thought it would be nice to celebrate, so I brought these with me.

The whole family garbs one and begins to eat it.

Mako: Mmmhhh.

Mataro: Mmmhhhhh.

Barazo: Mmmmmmhhhhhhhhh

Sukuyo: Mmmmmhhhhh

Guts: Guts!

Mako: (Y/N) What are these, they're really good!

(Y/N): It's called Sea Salt Ice Cream. It's a favorite of mine.

Ryuko smiles at the events transpiring. (Y/N) then gives her one.

(Y/N): Don't say I didn't forget ya!

Ryuko Grabs the popsicle and begins to eat it.

(Y/N): Alright I better get going I have other business to attend to.

Mako: Where you going?

(Y/N) then puts his finger against his lips.

(Y/N): That's a secret.

Suddenly a black portal appears in front of him and he walked into it.

Ryuko: Wonder where he's off to.

(Y/N) was now in a dark room with spotlights brightening up said room. The Elite Four and Satsuki were there. They haven't noticed (Y/N). He then snaps his fingers as he begins to walk midair.

Satsuki: The fact that the lowly Fight Club defeated all those other clubs meant that they were not worthy.

Nonon: You're serious, then?

(Y/N): Oh? Serious about What?

Unknown to everyone (Y/N) was standing above Satsuki.

Everyone in the Room except (Y/N): !?

(Y/N): Oh? Shocked are we?

He then sets himself in front of Satsuki upside down. Blocking her view.



Elite Four:....

(Y/N) (whispers) This is the part where we kiss.

Satsuki changes her serious tone to a slight chuckle. (Y/N) smiles and jumps away.

Inumuta: What is he doing here Milady?

(Y/N): Awww. Am I not welcome here? I simply wanted to give you all a gift.

Sanageyama: Gift? What kinda things are going on in that skull of yours.

(Y/N): many things actually, and one of them is buildings being thrown at..... I don't know. OH! *points at Sanageyama* YOU!

Nonon: He... Threw buildings at you?

Sanageyama begins to sweat.

Gamagoori: Aside from the point! (Y/N) (L/N)! What Gifts do you plan to give us.

(Y/N): Oh!

He then pulls out Five Popsicles.

(Y/N): Just Ice Cream.

Inumuta: Sweets will not be condone my the mistress Satsu-

Satsuki was the first to get the Popsicle. She began to eat it.

Satsuki: Salty, yet sweet. Thank you (Y/N), you are most appreciated.

(Y/N) then hands out the Popsicles to the others.

(Y/N): I'll take my leave then.

Satsuki: My offer still stands you know.

(Y/N): I know, but I still decline.

Silence fills the room.

(Y/N): Besides......... I'm just a nobody.

With that last line (Y/N) had disappeared.

The Elite Four then Look at Satsuki.

Sanageyama: What DID you offer him.

Satsuki just stares at where (Y/N) once stood.

Satsuki: Get preparations for the Naturals Election.


Double Chapters Fuck YEAH! I felt bad after not uploading Yesterday so I decided to do an extra Chapter for today. We Getting Close to the Gud Shite Bois! I hope y'all enjoyed, be sure to follow and vote. I hope you all look forward to the next chapter!

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