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'COMING!' I yelled as I jumped out of my bed, damn near getting a heart attack. I feel like I've been slapped awake.

Jesus fucking christ, it's Saturday morning, and he sat on my doorbell. And on my nerves.
I swung open the door, ready to fight.

'Yoongi, I will kill... you...' I started off strong, but looking at Jimin in front of my door, all the anger got replaced with surprise, and my words trailed off

Jimin was standing in front of my door in a suit trousers and a fancy, white, dress up shirt, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes looking me up and down. 

'Why are you wearing a suit?'

'Why are you not wearing any pants?'

I looked down and realized he's right, and I'm very much pantless. Nothing on but my shirt and underwear. I stepped behind the door, letting them cover my lower part. 'You could have told me that before!'

'In that case, you are not wearing a bra, and your shirt is practically see-through.' He deadpans like it's the most normal thing. Almost as if he sees this on daily.

I instantly covered my chest by hugging myself, glaring back at him in anger. 'I live alone. I can walk around naked if I want to.'

'And I couldn't care less.' He sighs, running his fingers through his hair

I'm not sure if I should be insulted that he's not even slightly interested. Not that I want him to be, but I mean... a half-naked girl is in front of him, and he's not even reacting. I guess I should expect that. He is soulless.

'What are you even doing here? It's Saturday morning.'

'Work. You are my translator, remember?'

'I don't remember us setting anything up just yet. You stormed out of that office, and you haven't responded to a single message I sent you. And now you just show up like this?'

'Yes.' He replied simply and just walked in, walking right past me

'What the- Jimin! I'm naked!'

'Then get dressed. I don't care either way. Not what I'm here for.' He didn't even bother looking as he sat down on the couch, getting comfy

'What a moron.' I hissed under my breath, but it seems he heard me and gave me that sideye of his

'Dropped those honorifics again, did you?'

If you wanna be an ass... 'Sorry, daddy. I've been a bad girl.' I pouted and grabbed onto the bottom edge of my shirt with both hands, trying to look all cute, cringing myself out to the point that I wanted to throw up, and it seems him as well, as he looked about ready to gag

'Shut the fuck up and put some clothes on, you damn imbecile.'

'Daddy, don't be so mean!' I whine, pouting even more and making the most annoying voice in history. Maybe I can cringe him out of here.

He got up and straightened out his shirt, pulling on his trousers a bit up, too. I got all happy, thinking he was going to leave, but instead, he walked straight up to me. Shit. That look in his eyes... I pissed him off.

I took a step back to back away from him. Well, I tried, but his fingers wrapped around my throat the moment I was in his reach, and he pulled me to himself.

His face was tight in front of mine as he looked at me from above, not letting me move away. I fucked up big time.

'Jimin, let go.' I pulled on his hand, trying to get it away from my throat, but he only held me tighter. It wasn't so tight that I couldn't breathe, but it was definitely enough not to be able to swallow properly. And I really needed to. His face was way too close. I could count every little hair in his lash line that was lining those hooded, dark eyes. I could see every crease and line on his plump lips.

He grabbed my other hand, his fingers wrapping around my wrist, and he leaned my head back just a tiny bit, lightly licking his lips as he did.

'I thought I was daddy. Why use my name now, baby?'

Okay, what the fuck is that tone of voice?! So sultry, low, and seductive. It sounded more like a purr than words, and it's honestly flipping my insides upside down.

'Nervous?' His lips twisted up a little in one corner as he smirked, lifting only his thumb up to my lips, tugging on my lower lip. 'Come on. Call me daddy again. See what happens.'

I gulped so hard that it hurt my throat, and he definitely felt it under his palm.

He suddenly squeezed me harder, pulling me completely into himself, making me smack into his body, and lifting my face more up. He leaned so close to me that the only thing between our lips was his finger. I could clearly feel his breath tickling my lips.

'You like being annoying and play childlike games, but I think you forget that you're not that strong. Right about now, I could do whatever the hell I want with you, and no one can help you. You are even nice and naked, making it so much easier for me.'

My blood froze at his words, and my entire body had gone stiff as I was looking at him, realising that every word he said couldn't be more true.

'I suggest you stop being an absolute moron, put on some clothes, and start working.'

'Okay.' I whispered in panic, and he let go of me, setting me free.

As soon as I could breathe, I sprinted into my room in fear, putting on clothes with the speed of light. My heart was racing 100 miles an hour, and the cold sweat washed over me. I need to get him out of my place ASAP. And I need to find a new way to joke. I'm such an idiot.

I slowly peeked out the bedroom door, scared of what will happen, only to see him on the couch, reading through some papers. While I was contemplating just locking myself inside of my room, he spoke up without even looking at me.

'You have not a thing to worry about. I would not touch you if you were the last person on this earth. I just figured I'd show you how easily you can fuck yourself over. Now stop being afraid, and let's get to work.'

He is right. I'm not afraid anymore. I'm pissed off.
He woke me up.
He barged in.
He scared the shit out of me.

And now, he's... I don't know what it is, but it pisses me off.

'I can feel you glaring. Can you do that while you do your job?' He spoke again, and it finally made me move

'What do you need me to translate?' I ask as I sit down, setting myself down on the other corner of the couch

He looked up from his papers and scoffed a bit. 'If I knew this was gonna make you behave like a normal person, I'd have done it the first time we met. Would have saved myself a lot of nerves.'

Feeling how my cheeks are burning, I only looked down. Or anywhere to avoid looking at him, but he put the papers in front of my face.

'Here. This one.'

I took the paper without so much as looking at him, but it was not even to avoid him this time. I want to know what he wrote. I want to see those soul-touching lyrics.

And just as expected, here they are. Once again, the words before my eyes are making me feel a heartbreak that I never felt.

... Just focus on me then

In the darkness, just the two of us is enoughIn all these liesIf we're together, even an endless maze is paradise...

'Beautiful...' I whispered to myself as I kept rereading them over and over again. 'Do you have more???' I looked up at him, to see him already looking at me

'More?' He cocks his eyebrow

'Yes.' I scooted closer. 'I want to see more. Please.'

'You haven't even translated this one, and you want a new one?'

'Fuck sake.' I grabbed a pen and paper and started writing as fast as I could, translating the song for him. I have memorised it within seconds, so I don't even need to read it.

'I'm pretty sure you need to read from the song to... translate it.' He mumbled the last part as I passed him 2 papers with the song translation on them, stopping him mid sentence

'I memorised it. I memorised every single one of them that I've read so far.'

'What?! Ho- Why?'

'Because they're amazing!'

His eyes opened in shock, and he held onto the papers I've given him a bit tighter.

'I love them. I honestly stop in my tracks every damn time I run into one of them. The lyrics are always so sad but stunning. It's impossible not to love them.'

He put down the papers slowly, letting his hands rest on his knees. 'You are actually serious.'

'Yes!' I yell at him. 'I still have the ones I've translated before saved up. I thought they were poems and such, so I kept them. I had no idea about them being songs.'

I guess he didn't really know what to say, so he just kept looking at me.

'Can I ask you something?'

He seemed hesitant, but he nodded ever so lightly, barely noticable.

'How come all the things that you write are so sad? What happened to you that you can write like this?'

'Nothing.' He answered in the sharp tone that told me more than anything else he could say. Something did happen. Something that he doesn't want to talk about. 'Sad songs simply do better than happy ones.' Nice excuse, I suppose. But I won't push.

'Ah, I see.' I smile, pretending I believe him. 'Can you sing?'

'What's with the interest all of a sudden?'

'I mean, you write songs. Would it be so far-fetched to think that you sing, too?'

'No. I can't sing.' He replied simply after being quiet for a few moments. 'Here. Take your time. It's not a hurry.' He passed me more papers

More songs. Fuck yes!
'Yayyy!' I cheered for myself and started reading them right away, getting immersed in them. He might be so very cold, but his songs touch you in a way that you can't even imagine.


This girl is beyond weird. She is annoying to the point that I want to put her down. She meddles in absolutely everything that's not her business. She keeps acting like a damn brat, but no matter what, she is honest. She is definitely Yoongi's sister because she sure never hides what she thinks. Even if it embarrassing, she's gonna say it. That's now I know that she's being honest about this, too.

She stuck her nose in those songs, and she hasn't gotten her head up once in the last 10 minutes. And she read them. Over and over again.

'Do you have more?' She finally unglued her eyes from the pages, looking up at me like a puppy asking for a treat

'Nothing finished. Also, do you think I'm a factory?'

'Might as well be. You sure write a lot.' She scooted closer to me, her knees almost brushing against my thighs as she comes close. 'When you finish the rest, can I see them?'

No matter how much she pisses me off, right about now, I don't really have a heart to say no.


I did not see this coming.


'When you finish the rest, can I see them?'


I may or may not have gotten a bit too excited and kind of threw myself at him, hugging him. 'Thank you! I can't wait!!!'

'Um- what are you doing?' His strict tone got me back to senses, and then I realised.

I was basically sitting on him, both of my arms around his neck.

I slowly pulled my hands back, pulling myself away, but I kind of got stuck staring into his face. He seemed equally shocked, just resting his hands on my waist, making it feel like his fingers were burning through my clothes and leaving marks on my skin, even though his touch was so light that I barely felt it.

'Sorry...' I managed to mutter, unable to blink, let alone move. This is so very awkward.


Both of us jumped up, with me almost flying on the ground because of it, but at least I moved. Whoever it is, thank you.

I ran to my door to get away from Jimin, and, of course, there he was.

'Oh, you're up. What a surprise.' Yoongi laughed at me and just walked right in, passing me a latte. 'Morning sis.' He then looked at Jimin, 'Morning, Jimin.'

And then it's like someone slapped him awake, and he looked back at Jimin in horror, screaming at him.


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