Read Stories SADQA-E-ZINDAGI - TeenFic.Net





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Mehrul a 19 year old
Sameer 25 years old

She hates him but her heart doesn't
He doesn't hate her but his heart want something more

They had some tragedies
From cousins to a couple

Their life surely took a turn
But the turn they took was a good one just a few overly dramatic problems
You can't complete a quest without a few hurdles🫶🏻

'MEHRUL WHO IS HE' sameer yelled
'HES NO ONE I ALREADY TOLD YOU' Mehrul yelled back
'Tell me one thing do you love me' he asked with tears in his eyes
'Are you really suspecting my love for you' she had tears in her eyes as well
Hopefully only sameer Murat,saad,her mom Amal and hamad were watching
Nobody else knew

'YES I AM BECAUSE I CAN SEE IT WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM' sameer held mehrul wrist tightly making her wince in pain
'Why you can have girlfriends and go out with them and I can't even a guy friends' she said
He doesn't even trust her even after these years he's the same
*thwack* a slap made its way to her cheek
She was standing there with her hand on her cheek
And Sameer ran out of the house
Tears flowing out of her eyes
'Baba' she said looking at her father
He came forwards
He gulped
'Is this you' Ahmed asked his daughter
'Yes baba but-' another slap made its way before she could complete

'Mehrul open up please I'm sorry' he yelled constantly banging the door
He was drowned with guilt
How could he do something like that
'Hatt' hamad pushed sameer away and knocked a little softer
'Mehrul please khol do' he said loud enough for mehrul to hear

'Acha nhi Kia aap logo ne' saad to ahmed and Sameer
Their heads were already lowered
Ahmed doubted his own daughter
The one whom he brought up with such love and he doubted his own upbringing
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