Chapter 8

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im leaning up against tahlias tree up on the hill. i look up at the stars. how i missed them in tartarus. the war with geae had ended not to long ago, and we lost a couple of demigods. one of them was leo.

i cant believe im thinking this but i actually miss that midget. i slightly smile at the memory of him, but something feels off. i couldnt feel his death. it was odd but i am still recovering. 

i had started to hang out with will solace more often. he is kinda a dork but in a cute way. i had also told percy about my  crush and all that. i belive my words were, " your not my type." boy, thats never gonna get old.

i had formed a good friendship with reyna. heck! she is amazing! and i swear if one person is ever rude to me, i can tell she is gonna give them a black eye. 

i hear a branch snap and i turn to see my amazing friend. i slightly smile at her, " hey reyna."

she smiles and plops her self right next to me, " hey, shouldnt you be sleeping? its like one in the morning." he pointed out.

the truth was, i couldnt sleep. i continue to get nightmares about tartarus. i could never shut my eyes, even for a second with out an image of the river, or the hydra, or even shadow. i let out a sigh as my smile faded, " night mares." i mumble, just loud enough for reyna to hear.

she placed her hand on my shoulder, " wanna talk about it?" she asked me. i looked up, our eyes meeting. heck she was a great smile slowly reappeared as i nodded.

" while i was in hell-"

" nico!"

" im just being honest." i put my hands up in defense, " i had met this skeleton cat, i named him shadow." i continued, " he could turn into this huge lion and fight off any monster, and thats what he did." i had paused for a moment, letting the memory sink in, " he held off a monster so that i could escape. i never saw him after that." my eyes are loward to the ground. i slowly start to continue, " i had these awful nightmares, about hazel getting hurt, or of bianca and-" i started to choke on my on words.

i then feel a pair of arms wrap around me. i look up to see reyna giving me a hug. i look around before hugging her back,  " thanks reyna, you didnt have to do that." i whisper.

she let go of me and smiled, " you stupid? of course i had to do that nico! you are my friend an there is no way im seeing my friend upset!"

" but im not special or any thing."

" nicolas di angelo." oh gods im in for it, " who carried a statue across the world? you. who survived tartarus alone? you." she narrowed her eyes, " you are the true hero!" she leaned a little closer to me, lowering her voice, " and just to be honest. the only thing i remember percy doing, was having a nose bleed."

i started to laugh at that last part. she had also snicked to. we finished wiping our eyes from our laugh before my eye lids started to feel heavy. i left my self being lifted up and put on some ones back.


she carried me to y cabin and sat me down in my bed, " night nico." i heard her whisper before leaving

" night reyna." i quietly whisper back before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

The End

yup! i hope you enjoyed this story i know it sucked but this i what i got. also i had to add in that reyna nico moments. they are the cutest friends everrrrr and tbh i think i might prefer to be in the nico, reyna hedge group than the percy, annabeth, grover one.

percy : hey! im am your fictional bro!

me : so? i wanna hang out with reyana and nico!

anyways have a good day/ night and plz check out my other stroies!!

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