"Love each other, even when we hate each other. No running. Take care when old senile and smelly—"
Meredith raised her hand, ordering another shot of tequila.
"We should be drinking alone—"
"—together." Meredith interrupted as a tear ran down her face.
With every shot she took the night became more and more blurry, until it was nothing more than just a void.
When Meredith opened her eyes, she was blinded by the light. She blinked a few times, waiting for her eyes to adjust. Her head was pounding.
"You should drink some water."
Meredith squinted her eyes. Her husband was reaching her a glass of water from the other side of the bed. Meredith jumped up, causing the world around her to start spinning.
"Are you okay?"
Meredith nodded.
"Did we?"
Derek shook his head.
"—I slept on the couch."
Meredith nodded before taking the glass of water from him.
Derek gave her a smile. Meredith took a few sips of water before placing the glass on her nightstand. She noticed that her phone was lit and that she had missed quite a few calls. Meredith immediately grabbed her phone.
"It's Bailey—"
Meredith turned to Derek.
"—we have to go to the hospital."
When they entered the Chief's office Meredith immediately noticed Dr. Wyatt.
"Dr. Grey—"
"—it's good to see you."
Meredith gave her a fake smile before turning to Bailey.
"Can I talk to you?"
Dr. Bailey gave her a confused look.
"That's why I asked you two to come."
Meredith gave Bailey a look.
"Outside, please."
Bailey sighed.
"Fine but make it quick."
They walked out of the office and Bailey closed the door behind them, before turning to Meredith.
"You smell like a bottle of liquor!"
Meredith's head was still pounding.
"Could you, maybe, keep it down a little."
Bailey gave Meredith a look.
"Are you drunk? Is that what you wanted to talk about?!"
Meredith shook her head.
"No, just a little hungover but that's not the point—"
"—I agreed for Lexie to see a therapist, but I did not agree to Dr. Wyatt."
"What's wrong with Dr. Wyatt?"
"She used to be my therapist—"
"—you barely went to therapy." Bailey interrupted.
"That's my point! She won't listen to her patients."
Bailey nodded.
"I can see why that might be an issue—"
"—but let's just hear her out."
Meredith shook her head, but Bailey had already made her way back over to the door.
Meredith took a deep breath before reentering the Chief's office.
"Alright, let's get started." Bailey said as she sat down behind her desk.
Dr. Wyatt nodded.
"I have tried to talk to Alexia over the past few days, but she won't cooperate."
"Could you elaborate?" Derek asked.
"She is very closed off and does not want to talk about her feelings—"
"—since when is that a crime?"
Bailey gave Meredith a look.
"Alexia is showing symptoms of PTSD and therapy is required to come back from it—"
"—I can only help those who want to be helped. Your daughter does not want my help, but she desperately needs it."
"What do you suggest we do?" Derek said.
"There is nothing you can do—"
"—as long as Alexia doesn't see the necessity, there is no use in helping her."
The room turned quiet.
"There has to be something we can do to help her." Meredith said.
Dr. Wyatt shook her head.
"Like I said, I can only help those who want to be helped."
"I don't think that Lexie is the problem here, you are. You won't listen to your patients, and you like the discussions—"
"—I know it because I have been that patient."
"You're right you were a patient, who walked out. Alexia is just like you, and I don't mean that in a good way—"
"—I'll come back when she is ready." Dr. Wyatt said before leaving the office.
Derek took a deep breath before turning to Meredith.
"—she's right Lexie is just like you and that scares me, more than anything."
The room turned quiet once again.
A little later Meredith entered Lexie's room, Lexie was laying on her side, with her back towards the door. She sighed when she noticed that someone had entered her room.
"I don't want everybody hovering and asking me how I'm doing every five minutes—"
"—what I want is my life back."
The room turned quiet for a little while. Meredith took a deep breath.
"You know, there was a moment, years ago. I fell into freezing cold water—"
"—I thought to myself, just for one moment why fight—"
"—why not just stop?"
Lexie turned around.
"But you fought?"
Meredith shook her head.
"No, I did not—"
"—the only reason I'm still here is because the people who love me didn't give up on me."
Meredith took a deep breath as a tear ran down her face.
"—we are here for you. Not just your father and I, but all of us—"
"—and we are not giving up on you."
Lexie smiled as a tear ran down her face.
"I just want to go home."
When Meredith left the room, she went straight to Derek, who had been waiting right outside.
"—how did it go?"
Meredith shook her head. She looked into her husband's blue eyes, and she knew, because eyes tell more than words could ever say. Derek turned his head towards the window, looking into Lexie's room. Meredith could see a tear ran down his face. She looked up, trying to suppress the tears that were burning behind her eyes.
"I just—"
Derek turned towards Meredith.
"—I don't—"
"—I don't."
"It's okay—" Derek said as he wrapped his arms around her.
Meredith could feel the tears run down her face.
"—it's okay."
For a moment Derek was rights, things were okay. Meredith felt safe in his arms. She needed him to get through this. He has helped her get through some of the hardest times in her life. If he could do that for her, he could do it for Lexie. They remained right outside of their daughter's room for a little while longer, before making their way back over to the attendings lounge.
"You paged me?" Dr. Torres said as she entered the room.
Both Derek and Meredith stood up, walking over to Dr. Torres.
"We did—"
"—we were wondering if we could take Lexie home." Derek said.
Dr. Torres immediately shook her head.
"I'm sorry but it's way too soon—"
"—we are both doctors, we know how to take care of her." Derek interrupted.
"You are a neurosurgeon—"
Dr. Torres turned to Meredith.
"—and you are a general surgeon. I'm an orthopedic surgeon and I'm specialized in muscles and bones."
Dr. Torres looked at them for a second.
"We may be able to start her physical therapy, but it's probably too early for that."
Meredith took a deep breath, Dr. Torres said exactly what she was afraid to hear.
"We understand it is early, but Lexie needs this—"
"—she is a prisoner inside of her own head and that is not a place she should be after everything that happened." Meredith said.
Dr. Torres took a deep breath.
"Alright, I'll order her a CT-scan and we'll go from there."
"Thank you." Derek said with a smile.
"Don't thank me yet!" Dr. Torres said before leaving the room.
Derek turned to Meredith.
"Lexie will be fine—"
"—we will be fine."
Meredith smiled back at Derek.
"—and it's forever."
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