Jamie's PoV
Wow,the last few months have been a whirlwind of interviews and now it's time for the premier of the movie. I am worried about Dakota though she hasn't been feeling very well the last week or so,she keeps saying she is fine and she is determined to go to this premier,I am waiting for her in the front room,we moved into a house not long after getting married as it has more space and a garden for when Dulcie comes to stay.
I can't believe that I have been married to Dakota for 2 months it seems like yesterday,I hear a cough breaking me from my thoughts I look up and see Dakota she is wearing a long black dress and looks stunning 'Dakota you look stunning baby,I will have to keep close to you tonight so no other guy thinks they can make a move on my girl' I walk towards her 'Jamie everyone knows I'm yours' she giggles and holds up her left hand with her engagement and wedding rings 'doesn't hurt to remind them' I say taking her hand and kissing her rings 'well in that case I will need to remind all those screaming girls that your mine as your looking pretty hot yourself Mr Dornan' she says and mirrors my actions by raising my left hand and kissing my ring 'there is only one girl I want screaming my name and that's you Mrs Dornan' I say and throw her a wink she fake gasps at me 'seriously baby are you sure your up to this you haven't been feeling right the last week' I say with a worried look on my face. 'Jamie I will be fine I promise' she reassures me and kisses my lips,I want to take it further but we have to go. 'Fine,but if you don't want to go to the party afterwards and just come home then we can' I stroke her cheek 'you just want to get me into bed' she says 'Mrs Dornan you wound me.I am just looking out for my gorgeous wife's welfare' I say pretending to be shocked and hurt.
She just smiles at me and takes my hand as we leave. When we arrive the press is going mad,this is the first time we have been properly photographed since we got married. I hold Dakota close to me and we walk in but not before we give everyone a show and kiss.
I enjoy the film and I am pleased with it,I don't enjoy the end scenes though 'A good job I would say Mr Dornan' Dakota says 'I agree Mrs Dornan'.
We decided to go to the party,well Dakota decided however it will give us a chance to catch up with everyone. Eloise and Rita come up to Dakota asking to see her rings again,they gush when they see them I roll my eyes and sense girl talk 'Dakota baby,I am going to find Luke and Victor' I say 'OK baby' I walk away and I have only be gone about 10 minutes when I hear Eloise and Rita shout for me I go over and see Dakota passed out on the floor,they tell me that have called help I kneel down next to her 'Dakota baby can you hear me' I say stroking her face 'Jamie?'she mumbles. What the hell is wrong with her.
Dakota's PoV
I am stood in mine and Jamie's bedroom finishing getting ready for the premier of Fifty shades I am thinking about everything that has happened since I accepted the role of Ana and I smile.
I go to find Jamie downstairs,he has been trying to talk me out of going to the premier this evening as I have been feeling rough the last week,but I wouldn't miss it for anything.
I cough to alert Jamie that I am in the room 'Dakota you look stunning baby,I am going to have to keep you close so no other guy thinks they can make a move on my girl' I giggle and tell him my rings show that I am his and that everyone knows 'doesn't hurt to remind them' he says and kisses my rings at the same time. I mirror his actions and kiss his wedding ring saying that I will have to remind those screaming woman he is mine,he makes me blush when he says I am the only one he wants screaming his name.
We have finished watching the film and I am glad to be out of that theatre as I was staring to feel faint. We are at the after party when Eloise and Rita come up and ask to see my rings again when they start gushing over them Jamie rolls his eyes and tells me he is going to find Luke and Victor. I carry on talking to Rita and Eloise when I really start to feel ill suddenly everything goes black and I hear Eloise shout my name before I pass out.
I slowly start to come round after a couple of minutes and I am sure I hear Jamie talking to me 'Dakota baby can you hear me' he sounds worried 'Jamie?' I mumble.
Jamie's PoV
Thank god Dakota seems to be coming round as she mumbles my name 'yes baby it's me don't worry help is coming' thankfully everyone has left to give Dakota some privacy. The ambulance arrives and they say that Dakota needs to go to hospital 'can I go with her' I ask although I would like to see them stop me 'are you family' the paramedic asks 'she is my wife' they agree and we head to the hospital.
We are in a private room and we are waiting for blood results,Dakota is falling in and out of sleep I am sat at her side holding her hand 'how are you feeling baby' I ask I am so worried right now but I hide it from Dakota 'a bit better I just wish the results would come in' she grips my hand. The door opens and her Dr walks in 'have you got Dakota's results' I ask wondering what we are about to be told 'yes Mr and Mrs Dornan I would like to say there wasn't anything serious found in Mrs Dornan's blood results' I sigh a huge sigh of relief 'but you did find something' Dakota pipes up and asks 'yes Mrs Dornan, congratulations your blood test shows that you're pregnant.
Pregnant Dakota's pregnant did I just hear her right.
Hope that you enjoy this chapter again as always thanks for the votes and comments. Next chapter up tomorrow
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