Imagine for geeegeee (1D)

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Gege's POV:

"Uhggg. I feel so horrible", I think to myself when I wake up and it's still dark out. I gingerly sit up and look at the clock by my bed, only to see it reading 2:37 am. "I don't feel good", I think to myself again. My head is pounding, I'm really cold and shivering, but sweating at the same time, and all I want to do is fall asleep, but I'm in too much pain to do so. I try to close my eyes and ignore the pain, but just when I'm about to fall asleep, my stomach lurches, and I end up throwing up all over myself and my bed. I start crying, not really knowing what else to do, so I call out to my big brother, Liam. Surely, he will know what to do. "Liam!" I cry out, a little muffled because of my tears making my voice wobble a bit.

A few moments later, Liam comes running in, fully ready to take down anything that's in his way. He sees me and my sick everywhere, and calms down, eyes softening, and cooing. "Oh hun, what hurts?" he asks as he starts taking my sheets off, clean me up a bit, and getting me some new clothes to put on then turning around while I change, ready to help if necessary. I change out of my sick clothes, and get into my soft comfy pj's that Liam had gotten out for me. He knows me so well, in that he knows that when I'm sick, all I want is comfort and warmth. Once I'm cleaned up and comfy, Liam picks me up and carries me into his room. He sets me on his bed, tucking me in, then leaves to get some stuff.

He comes back into the room a few minutes later with a bucket, a thermometer, a bottle of water, and some medicine in his hand. "Come here hun, let me take your temperature", he tells me as he puts the thermometer in my ear. A few seconds later, it beeps and he pulls it out. "101.6, it's high, but not high enough at the moment to have to call Harry. Let's try to get it down though. Here, take these. Hopefully they will help bring down your fever, and help with any pain", he tells me as he hands me some pills and some water. I swallow them, then Liam tucks me in his bed and lays down next to me. He starts singing in my ear, and stroking his fingers through my hair to calm me down, and soon I go back to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up and I'm all confused. "Where am I?" I think to myself, and look up to see someone in bed with me. I try to get away from the person, only to stand up and feel vertigo hit me. The room starts spinning, so I sit back down. The guy wakes up and smiles at me until he sees my face looking pale and sickly. "Gege? What's wrong hun?" he asks and I'm even more confused. How does this guy know who I am? Wait, am I Gege? What's going on? "Who are you? Why do I feel so sick?" I ask him and he gives me a concerned look. "Gege, it's me, Liam, your brother. You woke up really sick last night with a fever. I think it's gotten worse and now you're hallucinating and confused", he tells me, and everything comes back to me. My brother, getting sick, the fever, everything. "Liam, I don't feel good", I tell him and he grabs the thermometer off the bedside table where he left it the night before. "Come here hun. Let me check your temperature again", he says with a worried expression on his face and sticks the thermometer back into my ear. When it beeps, he looks at it and his eyes get really big. He picks up his phone and calls someone. "Harry, I'm bringing Gege to you at the hospital. She has a 104.2 fever, and is hallucinating and confused", he says, then hangs up.

He grabs a bunch of blankets and surrounds me in them, then picks me up and carries me out to the car. "Liam, where are we going?" I ask, still confused a bit from my fever. "Hun, we are going to the hospital. You have a very high fever. My friend Harry is a doctor and he's going to help you get better", he tells me and I start to get nervous. I've always been a bit afraid of doctors, so this really doesn't sound like a good thing for me. All of a sudden, I start whimpering and crying, scared out of my mind of this so called "Harry" guy. Liam looks over at me while we are at a stoplight and sees me crying. He grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze. "Hun, what's wrong?" he asks as we pull into the hospital parking lot. "I just don't like doctors", I tell him with a shrug. "Oh, hun, I promise, I won't leave you. I'll be there with you the whole time. Plus, I know Harry. He won't hurt you, I promise", he tells me as parks the car and leans over and gives me a hug. He then picks me up and carries me through the hospital doors.

I can see a tall guy with long curly hair in a doctor's coat, waiting for us as soon as we walk in. Liam walks over to him and introduces us. "Harry, this is Gege. Gege, this is Harry. He's going to make you feel better", Liam says and Harry gives me a smile. "Hi Gege, can you tell me what hurts?" he asks in a soft gently voice as we start to walk on back to a room. I quietly tell Harry my symptoms, and when we get to the room, Liam tries to put me down on the bed, but I end up only hanging onto him even more. It ends up that Liam has to sit on the bed with me while Harry takes my temperature, and vitals.

All of a sudden, my vision goes black, and I start shaking uncontrollably, but I can't move on my own free will. I can hear things around me, but I can't do anything to stop the shaking. "What's going on?" Liam asks as Harry starts lifting my eyelids and shining a light in them, then I feel a pain in my arm as Harry gives me a shot. A few seconds later, and I'm able to take back my motor functions. "What happened?" both Liam and I ask, and Harry explains that because my fever is so high right now, it made my body go into a seizure. When he gave me the shot, it helped stop the seizure, and get my motor functions back, but I still have a pretty high fever. "I'm going to have to give you an IV with fluids and fever reducer in order to make you feel better", he tells me and I cringe and curl up into Liam's arms, using him as a protector. Liam holds me and rubs my back while Harry quickly inserts the needle and hooks my up to an IV. "Okay, now just rest and recuperate", Harry tells me and I curl up into Liam's lap and fall asleep.

A few hours later, after some much needed sleep, I wake up. Harry is just taking the IV out while Liam continues to hold me in his arms. Once Harry finishes taking it out and putting a bandage on it, he says, "Okay that should help your fever and get rid of the hallucinations. However, if you feel sick again, or have a fever over 101, come back in and we will assess it then". Liam and I then both thank Harry and leave. Liam drives us back home and carries me up to my room. He tucks me in, and give me a kiss on the forehead. "Good night, sleep tight and get well soon hun" he tells me and rubs my back until I fall back asleep. I'm so lucky to have such a caring and loving brother.

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