Death Watchers

Death Watchers

27,180 1,110 32

The Shadow Man stared at me. "Jocelynn, my love, surely you don't want him. Especially considering I can give you everything." His grin stretched too far across his face. "What could he possibly offer you that I can't?"~~~~~Jocelynn Turner is a Death Watcher. After her mother died giving birth to her brother, Clayton, she's seen the one thing her mother told her to stay away from: the Shadow Man. Now that he knows about her, he isn't about to let her escape.When Jocelynn meets Cole, she knows something is different with him too. He gives her the creeps and yet he's also the only one who can tell her more about the Death Watchers.But Jocelynn is running out of time. Now that the Shadow Man knows she's come of age, he is hell-bent on taking her to the Underworld to become his queen.*Note: Finished, but welcome to any criticism, or thoughts on how to make it better.*+Ranked #1 in Jocelynn !! March 9, 2019+Ranked #1 in RiverStyx !! March 9, 2019×Ranked #2 in ShadowMan !! November 4, 2018×Ranked #1 in Charon !! July 1, 2018Huge THANK YOU to everyone who voted!…

Chaos | Stray kids ✓

Chaos | Stray kids ✓

1,284,496 37,632 99

When a wrong contact is added to a groupchat.…

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)

39,125 2,514 35

who wouldve guessed that the quiet little bakery in the center of italy was run by a notorious killer? when Morte Nascosta, aka: (y/n) (l/n), begins to pick off members of passione for fun, they accidentally gain the attention of the boss, who then hires them to take out a series of traitors living inside the mafia. of course, who wouldnt love a few extra numbers to their kill count, especially when you were being paid?however, the unfortunate swing of life just so happens to hit at some of the worst times, where doppio, the bosses right hand man, continuously runs into morte when they're doing their job. even when they deliberately avoid each other, they still manage to find the other at the most unlucky of times.even if the run-ins are by accident, (y/n) still manages to find themself falling for the strange pink haired man, even going so far as to give him a special pet name:'my favorite target'#1 in Morte 10/26/2020…

Sharjasanian Chronicles

Sharjasanian Chronicles

517 11 48

In the world named Sharjasania, many secrets about the universe and divinity are hidden. The planet itself, one of the last bastions for humanity of earth has since 2030 bloomed to become a utopia, though it went through many hardships. You, as a curious learner seek to know more about this wisdom, all bundles together in the Sharjasanian library. Read the chronicles.…

Averagely Awesome Art

Averagely Awesome Art

28,337 6,882 200

Hallo! Thanks for clicking on my lame cover!This book will probably get -4372 reads, lost in the vast sea of other art books.WARNING:May contain art so terrible that it will make your eyeballs disintegrate/ run away from your face/ blame you for their life problems and sue you PROCEED WITH CAUTION…

Whispers Of The Arcanum (Sample)

Whispers Of The Arcanum (Sample)

1 0 1

In the gray, monotonous corridors of Hawthorne High, Eliza Ward's presence is a whisper of darkness against the sterile walls-a teenage goth girl with raven-black hair and a penchant for the mysterious. Her unique style and introverted nature make her the target of relentless bullying. The scornful laughter of her peers is a cacophony she endures daily.Eliza's refuge is the school library, a labyrinth of knowledge where the echoes of her tormentors don't reach. One unassuming Tuesday, as she hides in the library during lunch, her fingers graze the leather spine of a timeworn tome hidden behind the less-touched volumes on one of the back shelves. It's a spell book, ancient and intriguing. The dusty air is thick with the scent of secrets as she thumbs through its pages.Later that evening, in the sanctuary of her candle-lit room, Eliza's curiosity blooms into daring. She utters a simple incantation from the book. The words feel like a playful challenge to the universe, but when dawn reveals barren ground, she scoffs at her own foolish hope. The book is a dud-a relic of fantasies best left on the shelves.School is the same sequence of sneers and whispered cruelties. However, in the midst of her afternoon history class, a sudden exclamation cuts through the monologue of dates and battles: "It's snowing!" Disbelief paints her face as she watches the snowflakes descend like a celestial shroud. The spell worked. Magic is real.That night, fueled by a newfound power, Eliza ponders the depth of her desires. Vengeance-a dark seed planted in the soil of her hurt-begins to sprout. The spell book holds promises of retribution, and she clutches it like a sacred talisman.…

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2

1,105,303 32,065 191

2nd Book to Nanbaka x Reader OneShotsPlease check out first book if you haven't! A third book will be on its way shortly!…

We're hilarious(joke book)

We're hilarious(joke book)

216,994 8,908 200

Jokes by me and rainbowfish13…

Enamorada del Pocionista de ojos negros (De la Camara a las Reliquias)

Enamorada del Pocionista de ojos negros (De la Camara a las Reliquias)

261,975 18,609 71

Sinopsis :Diana Grey es mestiza , de las pocas que hay en la casa de Slytherin . A pesar de que es Slytherin es una gran amiga del Trío Dorado formado por Harry , Ron y Hermione . Harry siempre le animaba a seguir cuando se sentía triste , con Hermione siempre debatían sobre libros y temas interesantes y con Ron se reía mucho con sus frases sobre todo las que decía al creído y arrogante Draco Malfoy , ella le animaba cuando se sentía decaído e inseguro dándole palabras de apoyo . Diana le parecía una tontería absurda eso de la sangre pura y ella no se andaba con chiquitas a la hora de decirle la verdad al rubio platinado. Junto con los gemelos Weasley le gustaba hacer bromas para ponerle las canas verdes a Minnie . Minnie le decía que estaba más loca que una cabra y Diana se lo tomaba como un cumplido. Para que negar lo que era cierto ¿ no ? Pero ella tiene un secreto que teme que algún día se sepa : Se ha enamorado pérdidamente de su jefe de casa y profesor de Pociones Severus Snape que le parece un hombre misterioso y guapo . Cree que detrás de su máscara hay mucho más y no dudará en emplear lo que sea para descubrirlo . Un día cuando ve al profesor en apuros decide ayudarlo y a medida que pasaba el tiempo se fueron haciendo amigos aunque tenían que mantener esa amistad en secreto . ¿ Y si con el tiempo esa amistad a medida que se van conociendo se convirtiera en amor ? ¿Aceptarían Harry y sus amigos tal relación ? Creadora de la nueva portada que por cierto me gusta mucho : ©ItaMenHer , la autora de Daddy 's little horrocrux . #587 Fanfic -5/02/2018 #437 Fanfic 17 / 03/ 2018 Ambientada desde la Piedra Filósofal a después de las reliquias de la muerte. La Cámara Secreta -Finalizada del 1 al 22 Prisionero de Azkaban- 22- 40 Caliz de Fuego: 40....…

Echoes of Emotion

Echoes of Emotion

17 0 8

In "Echoes of Emotion," immerse yourself in a mesmerizing collection of poems that explore the intricacies of the human heart. Through the tender verses of joy, the passionate expressions of love, and the poignant reflections of sadness, this book captures the essence of life's most profound emotions.Each poem serves as a poignant glimpse into the kaleidoscope of feelings that color our experiences. Celebrate the moments of pure bliss, where laughter fills the air like a sweet melody. Surrender to the magic of love, as verses speak of tender embraces and heartbeats entwined.Yet, the anthology also embraces the bittersweet ache of sadness, acknowledging the shadows that touch our souls in moments of loss and longing. Each verse becomes a comforting companion, offering solace to those who have felt the weight of a heavy heart."Echoes of Emotion" resonates with the universal journey of the human spirit, reflecting the joys and sorrows that unite us all. Within these pages, readers will discover their own experiences mirrored, finding solace, understanding, and inspiration amidst the symphony of emotions.Embark on a soul-stirring voyage that traverses the landscapes of joy, love, and sadness. Allow these poignant verses to touch your heart, leaving an indelible mark, and guiding you through life's ever-changing tapestry of feelings.…

The Greatest Myths, Legends, Fables, Fairy Tales, & Short Stories Ever Told.

The Greatest Myths, Legends, Fables, Fairy Tales, & Short Stories Ever Told.

2,570 383 86

A collection of ridiculous, comedic, short-stories, tales, legends, myths, fables, and fairy tales dealing with various themes, and genres. Highlighting the absurdities and the peculiarities of life. The stories range from satirical, fan-fiction, cultural, political, social, mythological, absurd, and just plain random. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading! :)"I died laughing!...Then this brought me back to life." - Jesus "This was so transcendental that I began to taste sounds, and see smells." - Gordon Ramsay"I loved this more than I love myself." - Kanye West"This was far more than just was thought provoking, titillating, and utterly enlightening. My heart goes on for this." - Celine Dion"This is the best thing my eyes have ever read." - Helen Keller…

Recommended Best Taglish Series

Recommended Best Taglish Series

98,253 680 118

My Personal Recommends for Best Taglish Series Stories.The series may consist of BoysLove, MPreg, GirlsLove, & BoyxGirl Stories.06.26.21🌟Most Impressive Rankings#1 on bestseries tag out of 13 stories#41 on recommendations tag out of 5.37k stories#28 on suggestions tag out of 3.6k stories#1 on tagalogstories tag out of 29 stories#270 on boyxgirl tag out of 29k stories#30 on girlslove tag out of 969 stories#674 on mpreg tag out of 14.3k stories…


2,409 118 33

"TENPAZ" poemario visual, un viaje en la busqueda de la liberación del alma.Compuesto por dos capitulos "TEN" Y "PAZ", el segundo a publicarse en julio próximo. Temáticas cotidianas y sociales , como el racismo, homosexualidad o el femicidio, y como son vividas y manifestadas desde los protagonistas.El eje del poemario es el amor y desamor, y como te vas abriendo paso hacia la aceptación para conocer un cuerpo en calma, la esencia misma de ser hombres y mujeres puestos en PAZ.Poesía, fotografía y diseño por Frosti Hinning. 2019.comenzado en novimebre del 2017.Publicación: 21/02/2019Pick: #16 top #100 #chileno 🥇(22/02/2019)…

Mis horarios de historias

Mis horarios de historias

103 2 14

Este libro fue escrito para que ustedes sepan cuando voy a actualizar mis historias y cuando voy a hacer una nueva historia y cuando no voy a subir por problemas personales o porque subire cosas ala pagina de facebook que esta en creacion ah y tambien informar sobre los especiales del año bueno exepto en Hallowen les dire la razon en este libro asi que espero y esten atentas al horario de la semana…

Le Prince Lyonnais

Le Prince Lyonnais

222 16 8

Elise, étudiante en Lettres à Lyon, se retrouve au mois de Novembre dans une période basse de sa dépression. Cela fera deux semaines qu'elle n'est pas allée en cours et qu'elle n'aura vu personne d'autre que son petit ami qui, à son regret, n'aura daigné lui rendre visite qu'une fois.Un jour en se morfondant seule dans son appartement, la jeune femme reçoit un appel de sa mère qui lui demande de s'occuper de sa petite sœur un après-midi. Elle accepte, à contre-cœur, et emmène la petite Amélie au musée voir une exposition sur l'oeuvre de St. Exupéry, Le Petit Prince; une histoire qui aura bercé l'enfance d'Elise et qu'elle eut oublié avec le temps. C'est là qu'elle fera la connaissance d'Antoine, le conteur du musée, un jeune homme passionné aux allures princières qui saura voir qu'à travers la tristesse d'Elise se trouve une âme peinée qui mérite d'être couverte d'or et de lumière. Peut-être qu'un jour, elle le verra d'elle même. •••'Le Prince Lyonnais' est un roman écrit par E.M. Marmet, commencé en Janvier 2016. La couverture fut dessinée par TealBruise sur Tumblr ( citations et extraits qui font référence à l'oeuvre d'Antoine de St. Exupéry de m'appartiennent pas.♥ You can find this story in English in my library! Go give it a look! ♥…

Pensieri di un giovane Poeta

Pensieri di un giovane Poeta

234 7 43

Ho scelto di scrivere queste"riflessioni"più che poesie,allo scopo di portare chi legge a riflettere sulla realtà in cui noi tutti viviamo e sugli avvenimenti che ci circondano,affrontando inoltre le problematiche sia mondiali che sociali trattando argomenti come l'inquinamento,la caccia,la distruzione dell' ambiente,il maltrattamento sugli animali,povertà ecc. perché mi sto rendendo conto sempre di più che l' intera umanità si sta facendo distrarre ed ipnotizzare dai fasti della tecnologia e del virtuale perdendo sempre di più contatto con la realtà e i suoi problemi. Le poesie sono tutelate da diritto d' autore e copyright.Per chiunque sia interessato,il mio libro è stato pubblicato ed è in vendita, chi desidera acquistarlo può ordinarlo al sito,grazie.…

Arrange marriage to a cold guy

Arrange marriage to a cold guy

190 2 2

Agree or disagree you will marry Ace sabi ni papa But dad i will not marry that guy i will never marry him no matter what you do…

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 31/My 1st Book:Part 31

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 31/My 1st Book:Part 31

3,584 185 200

Kun:Hola De Nuevo,Queridos Com. y Visitantes,y...,Err..., Sean Bienvenidos a Otro Gran,Aunque Nuuuevo Libro,(Parte 31),Que Va a Tener Relatos Random Como,"Fem. Kart","Kellnay One-Shots:Queen & Princess","Dinocoon", "!Heeeeeere's Brock!","Toonz...,What a Sneaky Weasel", "Rynx Potter:Vs. Lord Fourzevort","Miracles Have Rew.", "Tyler Wicked","Immortal Knights","Kalilady Vs. Vampire Monkeys","Haulin' Nurses","Pluma Negra","Águila Azul", "You're My Sunshine","Danger Wolf:Call Of The Tropico/Night Of The Furtiki","Pink Ghost","Halloween Booguie", "Kakalu,El Mago Cubano","Missouri Murderer","Vampire Sheriff","They Walk The Night","Psychopathical Zombie Voodoo","Banshee Island","Dr. Creep's Spookshow","Tex Wonder:!Chickenscratch In Arizona!","Martian Mummies From All Outer Galaxy","The Gila Ghouls","Cathouse Of Horror","Mighty Purple","Satan's Manor","Kellnay Short Stories:Film Night","Bachata Of Doom","Demon!Marcel", "Lucifer:Po. Edition","H20vanoss:Technological Solaris", ","House Of Aces","Lunar Express","Phantom Renegade: Vs. Ghostcorpion","Bigzipperfreak","Happy Pancakes","…

Derrière les Rosiers

Derrière les Rosiers

118 0 54

Exercice de style ; écrire comme Sei ShônagonDerrière les rosiers, j'avais caché tous les rêves que je faisais la nuit. Images terrifiantes, images idylliques et images sensuelles se confondaient jusqu'à s'oublier. C'est en allant cueillir les fleurs à peine écloses que j'ai retrouvé les pellicules imaginaires - en voici l'inventaire.…



21,884 2,945 140

tales of a resurrected phoenix & hymns to Mother Nature ❁ ❝her lips are tectonic plates--when they clash, oppressive edifices crumble❞ ❁ [ #19 in poetry ][ TW: sexual assault, depression, abuse ]…