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A story about two lovers having trouble in life.Still warming up from the cold ride back home, I hear my phone beep. A WhatsApp message, stating a tragic farewell. "Goodbye. I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry" as it says. As much as I tried to talk her out of it, it was useless. "It can't end here!" I shouted within myself pathetically. I felt miserable and desperate, I stepped on my bike and went to her location. I had to save her, I can't let her end it. Tears and cold raindrops were rolling from my cold hairs to my chin. Every meter I progressed nearing to her location brought me a little more hope. I was looking down to the dark puddles of ice-cold water on the ground. "Is this it?" I've thought by myself. Half-crying and shouting through the empty neighbourhood I, rode faster. "Please, I'm desperate! Don't leave me yet! I beg you! Please!" I sobbed to myself.…