God's Chosen Path

God's Chosen Path

142 0 11

God sent me to Glacier Park, Montana. I left Oklahoma with a little money, a little food, and a lot of faith.…

The Power of GOD's Word

The Power of GOD's Word

4,256 312 200

This is the fourth book of verses that God has allowed me to write. The Holy Spirit told me to write the first one; I was scared to death, but God helped me. I only know what God allows me to understand. God loves us and wants us to read His Word. I also love you as God wants me to, and how Jesus showed me to. God is all about love - His love. I am still searching, and when the Father reveals what I am searching for ... well ... hmmm. Until then I will sing, "I still haven't found what I am looking for," but probably, most definitely, not like Bono :-)…

The Message From God
Time For God

Time For God

2,006 74 200

God is awesome, amazing, powerful, miraculous, loving, gentle, kind, knowledgable, wise... the list goes on and on.…

My Highlighted Bible Verses

My Highlighted Bible Verses

4,799 73 200

No one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. You can learn by reading His Word, the Bible. God will let you understand what He wants you to understand, when He wants you to understand, and how He wants you to understand - He is the only one who really understands you. Are we living in the end of time? Only God knows that, but there are some telling signs in the Bible. The only thing we can really do is love and trust God. Here is how I post my entries - I open the Bible and post what I see, at least about 90% of the time. I really feel that God or the Holy Spirit is directing me. I can't explain some of them.Hey, I am just a normal sinner like everyone else. I need and ask for His forgiveness daily. I feel, if God wants you to, you will read my entries, well, His entries.…

Scripture Speaks

Scripture Speaks

1,962 24 200

Reading God's Word is truly an enlightening, on-going experience; one that I truly enjoy. I began posting His Word in "My Highlighted Bible Verses" and couldn't stop. He started talking to me through Scripture, some of the messaging is beyond me, and still continues to be that way, although I am learning. I think He wants me to share His Word, if you can put up with some of my commentaries. This is all God's doing, and I don't take credit for any of it - He created me. I won't get mad if you don't read these on one condition - please read your Bible.…