Imagine for fartingkitkat (1D)

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Ally's POV:

Today I had to go to the otorhinolaryngology doctor, or better known as an ear, nose, and throat doctor. I'm terrified because I have to get a Laryngoscopy because I'm told that in order for me to sing, I have to get one to make sure my throat is healthy. I don't really know what that is, and it sounds scary and painful, but I love to sing, so I agreed to get it done and my mom is drives me there.

We get to the doctor's office, and I look up at it. To me it looks like a place of pain and misery and my mom helps me out as I shake in fear. I keep reminding myself that this is so that I can sing and to make sure that I won't have any problems with my voice later on in life.

We walk into the doctor's office and no one else is there. My mom signs me in while I take a seat. She does all the forms and then hands it back to the receptionist. About five minutes later, a doctor comes out and says, "Ally, we're ready for you". The way he says it makes it sound even scarier, but I try to be brave, so I stand up and hesitantly walk on back with him. "Hi Ally, my name is Dr. Harry Styles, but just call me Harry. Has anyone explained to you what is going to happen to you today and what a Laryngoscopy is?" Harry asks me and I shake my head no, with a look of f terror on my face. Harry sees just how scared I am and tries to comfort me while he explains what's going to happen and what the procedure will consist of. "Okay, so Ally what we are going to do is give you a topical anesthetic. We will spray this in your mouth and nose, and it will help numb your throat so that you can't feel anything. We are then going to give you something else that's going to open your nasal passages more and make the whole procedure a little easier. Next we will glide a flexible scope down your nose and through your throat, in order for us to see what all's happening down there and to make sure your throat is healthy. The whole procedure should only take no more than an hour and then you'd be done".

As Harry's telling me this, I starting to freak out even more. If Harry thinks that telling me that he's going to stick something through my nose to see my throat is comforting me, he is sadly mistaken. As he's going over the procedure, my breathing increases and I start to cry. I just want to go home already. Harry sees this and he gives me a hug to calm me down and calls someone else in. "Niall? Can you come in here?" I hear Harry say and soon another doctor comes in. We are doing a Laryngoscopy and she's really scared. Can you help keep her calm while I do the procedure?" Harry asks the man and he agrees. "Ally, this is Dr. Niall Horan, but you can call him Niall. He's going to hold you and comfort you during the procedure so that you don't hurt yourself while it's being done", Harry tells me and hands me off to Niall. Niall takes me in his arms and just gives me a huge hug first to calm me down. "It's going to be okay princess. We are going to take care of you. Nothing's going to harm you and you are safe here", he tells me and so far, it's the only comforting words I've heard and it makes me feel just a little bit better.

Harry gets everything ready for the procedure and asks me all these questions. "Do you have any prior medical conditions? Are you allergic to any medications? Are you taking any medications?" he asks and I shake my head no for each of the questions. He asks me if I have any questions before we start, and I nod my head. "Will it hurt?" I ask him and he shakes his head no. "I'm going to numb up your throat so that you can't feel anything. It may feel uncomfortable and weird, but it shouldn't hurt. If it does at any time, raise your hand and I'll give you more anesthetic to numb it or if it gets too bad raise your hand in a fist and I'll stop" he tells me and the fact that I have a little bit of control here, makes me feel a little better. We then start the procedure and he asks me to open my mouth. At first, I deny him access and keep it shut, but Niall starts petting my hair and comforting me and soon I'm really relaxed and so I open my mouth. Harry takes one of the two spray bottles on the tray and gently guides it up my nose. "This will open your nasal passage wider, and make it easier for the scope to go in", he tells me and sprays it up my nose. It's really cold and it feels really weird, but soon my nose passages seem to be clearer and really dry. He then takes the other spray bottle and tells me, "This is going to numb your throat so you don't feel the scope go down it" and he sprays it down my throat. It tastes nasty and bitter, but soon my throat is numb and I can't feel anything. He then grabs the scope, puts lube on it and brings it up to my nose. He gently inserts it in and it feels really weird, but doesn't hurt. Harry guides it all the way down my throat and then gives me another few sprays of anesthetic to keep me numb for the rest of the procedure while Niall continues to hold me and tells me just how good I'm doing and to keep it up.

Harry turns on the light and the video on the scope, and we can see my throat in a screen. Harry continues to talk to me and tells me exactly what he's doing in order to help keep me calm. "Okay Ally, I'm just looking to see if I see any damages to the throat or vocal cords, and to check if there are any abrasion or redness", he says. "It looks really good from what I can see. Niall, do you see anything", he asks the doctor that's holding me. Niall looks at the screen and says, "No, it looks really good and healthy. Good job Ally for having such a healthy throat". I feel a sense of happiness and pride when he says that and try to smile, but can't because of the device in my nose and throat. Harry gently guide the scope out of my nose and I start to cough. He gets it completely out, while Niall rubs my back to help my breathing and to help with stop me coughing.

Harry puts the scope down on a tray, takes off his gloves, and gives me a hug. "You did so well today. I know that it's not the most comforting this in the world, but it's just to make sure you throat is healthy so you can continue to sing and do the things that you love", he tells me as I hug him back. Pretty soon, Niall wants in on the love and he joins the group hug. We stay like that for a few minutes and then let go. I try to say thank you to the two doctors, but at the moment, my throat's still a little numb, so no words come out, just gurgling sounds, so I do the sign language "I love you" sign that most people know, to show them my thanks. "Your welcome love. Your throat should only be numb for a few hours, but it might be a little sore once it's not numb, so I'm going to give you some pain medication just in case", Harry tells me and hands me a prescription to take down to the pharmacy.

Niall helps me up and out of the chair and they lead me to the waiting room, where my mom is. "Everything went fine and her throat looks really healthy", Harry tells my mom and she thanks him. "No problem, it's my job. See ya later Ally, and if your throat ever hurts, you know you can come in anytime", he says and I give him a hug, then I give Niall one too. Once we said good bye, my mom and I get the prescription filled and we go home. Once I can feel my throat again, I get to eat ice cream. Yummy!

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