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Success is fulfilling when you are happy. Riches do not bring happiness. A lot of rich people today ain't happy because there's something missing. Most times they know that the reason for their lack of happiness is due to the fact that they have spent most of their life and time doing something they don't want. They can't express themselves and be who they want to be or do what they want to do. They ain't even happy with what they are doing, but because of the money they get out of it some choose to remain there. That's what happens to people that ain't fulfilling purpose.
When you are fulfilling purpose there's this joy that you experience even if it doesn't add to your account. You will be excited always when you find yourself doing it.
And we all know our purpose is something we definitely love and want to do. It's like your passion and your dreams.

Doing something you love motivates you to do more things, to work harder, to improve your service. If you do something that's not for you, you would not be rich as you ought to or as happy as you desire. Maybe you are doing it because your parents want you to or to please people or maybe you chose to accept the circumstances at that time, it's not too late to change your decision and move in the right direction. Why don't you man up to your decision, they ain't gonna help you live your life, or experience unhappiness and strive that you would face.

A weed growing on a rock instead of in a good soil would wither sooner or later. That's what happens to someone who lives outside his or her purpose.
It might seem like you are flourishing on the outside but on the inside you are dying slowly. Happiness, joy and peace promotes life. All these are fully packaged for one who does what he loves.

Appreciate yourself
Always appreciate yourself, skills, talents and ideas. Do not look down on any of these, they are what made you unique and special.
If you have a disability that's an opportunity for you to show the world that you are a master piece. Show the world that despite your disability you still have the strength and courage to live like everyone else, to do something more worthy and great than even the person with zero disability.
When I was younger I thought life ended for people with disabilities but looking at the world today we have quite number of them doing so wonderfully awesome. You know why they were able to achieve a whole lot? The reason is they did not allow that disability affect their mind. They were able to gaurd it jealously from all negativity around them and I'm sure they constantly fed their minds with something positive about themselves and when they do this the mind translates that whole energy to their body and they begin to achieve everything they told themselves they would. They used the power of "autosuggestion"

What's autosuggestion?
It's a self-administered stimuli that reach one's mind through the five senses.
That's like feeding your mind consistently with what you see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Successful people are intentional people so they are intentional about what they receive through these five senses because they understand the power of autosuggestion.

I'll tell us a true story of how Napoleon Hill was able to make his child perceive himself as been special and did remarkably well even if he had a disability.
He understood the power of autosuggestion he explained more on it in his book titled "think and grow rich".
His son was born deaf mute, infact he had no natural equipment of hearing but he the father desired that his son would not end up as a deaf mute. So he decided to find a way to transplant into that child's mind his own burning desire for ways and means of conveying sound to his brain without the aid of ears. When the child was grown up to the stage he could cooperate, he introduced him to sound and he found out that he had a slight degree of hearing and he could hear him when he spoke with his lips touching his mastoid bone behind his ear so that gave Mr Hill hope.

The boy loved bed time stories so he designed that to be a tool of feeding the boys mind with positive things. Mr Hill said that the bed time stories were designed to plant in his mind the thought that his affliction was not a liability but an asset of great value.
That changed the whole future of his son for good, he was so inspired and believed more in himself than anything and he achieved a lot. Mr Hill said he sold him the idea that he had a distinct advantage over his elder brother who had no disability and the little boy believed. He started to make bold steps because of belief. I'm sure if his mind wasn't fed with positive things he would grow up hating himself and end up with inferiority complex and that's where his destruction would have started. I love his parents so much, they went as far as putting him in school with other normal kids. If it were other parents they might have taken him to school for the handicapped or they wouldn't even bother taking him to school.
As parents we have a role to play in making our children's future bright. Your child performs poorly in school. He comes home instead of you to encourage him and sell the idea to him that he is super intelligent only if he'll work harder rather you will make it worst with your words. If you don't believe in that child, it takes God's grace for them to master the courage to believe in themselves because at that stage they are leaning on us to move forward, so you are suppose to help them move forward and not drag them backwards with your words and lack of belief.

That's the power of autosuggestion, he understood it and he helped his son by building his mind with positive thoughts. You become your dominant thought.
I'm trying to make you understand that nothing can stop you from been successful as long as you think success. If you don't,then renew your mind because success starts from the mind.

Nick Vujicic was born with a rare congenital abnormality known as phocomelia, which is absence of legs and arms. He was a victim of bullying in school so he came down with depression and tried to commit suicide at age 10. Along the line he believed in himself and appreciated himself and he was able to do great things and he is still doing great things and achieving a lot. He can swim, type, paint and do everything normal people do. He found purpose in his disability.

People with disability achieve their goals why can't you with no disability do same. Don't allow people talk to you out of your dream. Continue to dream big even if it looks so good to be true, continue to dream it and believe it, in no time it would become a reality.
Never believe people's opinion, they don't matter. Consider their opinion as being insignificant. What matters is what you think about yourself. As Nick Vujicic says, "it's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything."
You can achieve more when your thoughts are right.

Give yourself to it
If you are not ready to give yourself to your work, maybe you don't really love it and you don't want to be successful.
Giving yourself to your work is like forsaking everything to ensure you achieve your goals. It's like caring less for your personal needs and caring more for the needs of your work.

How do you give yourself to your work?
You need to do something differently from others, be consistent and persistent.
You have to cut down on your expenses. Save and invest more, that's how you create a fortune. If you spend everything you earn, then what will you have to show for being successful.
Rich people spend, wealthy people invest. Someone who is merely rich will only be so for a short period of time till the money is gone but someone who is wealthy has the ability to sustain wealth. I guess you would want to be wealthy and not just rich.

You have to put in more hours to your work, you can't spend less time on something and expect to achieve a lot.
Elon Musk once told the press that he works 120hrs a week which means he works approximately 18hrs a day, no wonder he is a very successful entrepreneur and engineer. Let me come home to our Nigerian hero Dangote, he works 12hrs in a day and we can all see the result. The more time you spend on your work the bigger the result.

T. D. Jakes said, "destiny is a journey and you will fall down a few times and maybe even more. The key that opens the door to destiny is your willingness to get back up after delay, disappointment, or even disaster."
That's giving yourself to your work, you fall down a few times but you don't feel embarrassed or care about the mockeries of haters but you continue to press on because you are so sure of your future.

Stay away from people who do not allow you or inspire you to live your life for your desires. When you align yourself with people who inspire you and help draw out the best in you, you find your best self, they will bring out the greatness in you. Know the place of people in your life and treat them as such.

Prepare yourself. Gain the necessary knowledge and skills you need to excel in your field because you might not know when an opportunity might come knocking on your door and the only time you can make best use of it is when you are well prepared. Embrace every opportunity that comes your way.
Don't stick to an idea for so long, be open to new ideas. The world experience change everyday, people are making upgrade of their products. Like my friend Stella who is into catering, the cake she baked for my pastor two years ago was better than the one she made three years ago and the one she made this year was much more better than the one she made last year. That's the right attitude to work progress. You need to do same if you don't want to be left behind. There are so many people doing what you are doing, give the world a reason to patronize you. Do something differently than others and it has to be better.

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