Engagements Pt. 1

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I only own Dianna's Diamonds, the ring descriptions, the plot, and Olivia, but she isn't in this chapter, oh well.  Rest to J.K. Rowling as usual.

Draco POV

Today we are going to Diagon Alley to pick out engagement rings.

All the guys in our dorm met up right next to the Portrait and then apparated to Diagon Alley.

We then walked to Dianna's Diamonds.

Harry opened the door and held it open, I then said, "Such a gentleman Potter."

He rolled his eyes, and closed the door behind me.

We walked in, and then a middle aged lady came up to us and said, "Hello, my name's Dianna how may I help you?"

"Uh, we're looking for engagement rings," Harry said awkwardly.

"Marriage Law?" Dianna asked.

We all nodded, and she guided us over to a series of display cases with different rings.

There were so many to chose from, so many to pick, some were beautiful, but most didn't feel like 'Mione.

We basically had come to an agreement that this was impossible. We all had to find just the right one.

We had been there for an hour when Ron said, "How am I gonna pay for any of these? I've got no money! I can only afford like a plastic one!"

"You are not buying Pansy a plastic ring," I declared while Blaise nodded.

"Her parents will haunt you," Blaise warned.

"Okay what am I gonna do then," Ron asked.

"I'll give you money," I answered.

"You don't need to do that," Ron said shaking his head.

"I don't, but I want to," I answered honestly.

"Why?" Ron asked.

"Well... umm... story time," I answered, "Well most of you probably know Pansy and I dated for a while. Well most don't know why... well we had an arranged marriage, so I was gonna have an arranged marriage anyway."

"I didn't know that," Ron said.

"I didn't," Blaise said shocked.

"You didn't?" I asked Blaise.


"Oh, sorry," I answered sheepishly.

"Whatever," Blaise said.

"Well, point is, don't worry about money Ron," I said going back to looking at rings.

"Thanks Draco," Ron said.

"No problem."

We then returned to looking at rings.

Eventually we had picked out our rings and paid for them.

I picked out a Gold ring, with a large Emerald the Golden band wrapped around the Emerald, and the two diamonds. It felt right, it was a mix of our house colors the Emerald Green and the Gold band. I think she would like it.

(Sorry I can't put pictures in imagine it.)

Harry picked out a ring that had a large Azurite stone in the middle and then had two rubies on either side of it and then two small Azurite stones on either side of the rubies. The band was made of light yellow gold. It was simple and elegant.

Neville picked out a silver band that was encrusted with diamonds except for a circular Saphire in the middle. 

Ron picked out a silver band with an Amethyst stone in the middle with two small diamonds next to it.

Blaise bought an Obsidian ring with a Ruby that was the exact same shade as Ginny's hair.

We then apparated back to Hogwarts.


467 words not counting a/ns. Sorry it was shorter looking at wedding rings was difficult. Next chapter should be longer than usual.  I hoped you liked it, even though it was shorter. Please answer my previous questions in the comment section it'd be so, so, sooooooooooo helpful. 


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