15. Hi Ara!

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I devoured the pizza. What can I say? I'm small but mighty.

Shortly after, the boys leave and it's just me and Jin.

"Jin. Dad came home early." I frown as he's stuffing the pizza boxes in the bin.
His eyebrows reach his hairline at the news.

"What? Did he see the guys?"

"No. They hid themselves well." I pause before scoffing while shaking my head. "That's a lie, they were hiding in plain sight but still didn't get caught."

"Oh thank god."
Thank god indeed. If they were found... I'd probably be sleeping in the streets right now.

"Hmm. I'm going to bed early. Night Jin."
He nods and waves goodbye.

I walk into my classroom the next day to find Namjoon scrubbing my side of the desk with wet tissues.

The boy looks up at me, startled.

"Y/N!... um, swap seats with me today." He smiles, pushing all his books to my side and sitting on my chair.

I walk up to the desk and try to push his books aside but he stops me by grabbing hold of them.
I raise an eyebrow and tug again but he still grips on.

"Joon. I know you're trying to hide something. Move."
He sighs, clenching his eyes shut before reluctantly peeling his hands off and letting me push his books aside.

I'm shocked to see what's underneath.
In black and red bold markers there's scribbles of profanities.

"Slut... whore... ugly...pathetic..." I read aloud.
"That's it? Bit lacklustre isn't it."
I don't even need to look up to recognise who's giggling.

"I-I'm sorry... I asked the class who did it so I could report them to the teacher but no one saw anything." Namjoon leans in closer to whisper.
"I thought it was Sunhee but she came in after I did..."

I shrug and sit down.
"Probably one of her gremlin friends. I don't care, this stuff if petty. I won't let it get to me."

By lunch, I've already forgotten about my graffitied desk.

But there's another thing that's worrying me.
I've looked everywhere for my journal. At my desk, my locker and all around my classroom. I have no idea where it's gone but I'm praying that no ones read it.
I'll need to keep looking.

Namjoon and I walk to the music room when my ears are flooded with a beautiful melody.

Before entering, I peer into the room to see Yoongi playing the piano, delicately pressing down on the keys.

With a smile, I push the door open and walk in.
"That sounds amazing." I beam.

Yoongi swivels around on his stool and slowly smiles.

We all sit around on the floor in a circle, silently eating our food when Namjoon pipes up with an angry expression.
"You'll never guess what, on our desk-"

"There was a massive spider." I finish for him.
Namjoon looks at me but I shake my head slightly.
There's no point in telling the others.

"Ugh it's spider season." Hoseok shivers making me smile. "There's nothing worse than those creepy little things... expect snakes. I hate snakes."

We laugh at Hoseoks cuteness and his endearing fears.

"Is everyone ready for the competition? It's only a couple of days away!" Jungkook smirks.

I eagerly nod.
"Mmhm. I finished my song yesterday. I just need to practise it today."

Taehyung grumbles about how he wants to hear it today but ultimately accepts to wait until the competition. I honestly wouldn't mind playing it for them but... the thought of Yoongi remembering now is frightening to me.

I want him to remember me more than anything... I guess I'm just nervous. Will he act differently around me? Will he hate me for not telling him sooner?
Will something bad happen to him?

Just then, there's a knock on the door.
Momentarily, it swings open and a girl with long black hair and cute circular glasses steps through.
It's Choi Ara!

"Hi...." She smiles.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asks coldly.

The girl seems stunned by Yoongi, almost mesmerised.
She fumbles with her fingers and looks down.
"I'm new here... oh hi Y/N!"

"Hi Ara!" I smile.

"So? What are you doing in our room."
Yoongi bluntly speaks again.

"Yoongi be nice." I say.

"I am..." He mumbles before glaring at the girl again.
Ara looks between Yoongi and me with fascination in her eyes.

"I wanted to use the piano... I'm playing a piece in the competition."

"Um... sure you can use it, we'll just go someplace else..." Hoseok smiles.

"I was just wondering if anyone could show me the keys..." she mumbles.

"As in the C, B, D and stuff?" Namjoon asks and she nods in response.

"Why are you doing a piano piece if you don't know how to play it?" Yoongi scoffs.

"I have a reason..." she mumbles.

"I can help you." I grin, getting up but she gives me a look I can't quite read... it almost looks... no, she wouldn't be glaring at me. Im sure I saw wrong.

"Sorry Y/N, but I heard your teacher was calling you... so I guess you can't teach me." She shrugs innocently.

"Well Yoongi is the only other person who knows how to play." Taehyung announces.

Ara looks at Yoongi, hopeful.
Yoongi clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, releasing a noise of annoyance before shaking his head.
"No way."

"Yoongi, come on. Help her out." I plead with my eyes. He stares at me intently before dramatically sighing.


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