SIX | 5/28/15
"ARDEN, HOW DO you feel about coming to a party at Jason McCain's place?" Cassie, an acquaintance from school, asks me today.
"Um, why?" I ask, confused at the invitation. Since I'm the daughter of the Sheriff, people usually steer clear of me.
"Liven up," she says, "I think you're a pretty cool chick, and everyone needs to know that."
"Really?" I laugh in surprise, "But thanks, Cass. I actually might show up."
After sending a smile in her direction, I turn around and walk down the hallway to my next class. I feel oddly satisfied with myself, knowing that someone will appreciate my presence. I never made an effort to be friends with other people, but I think that'll change.
HARRISON STOPS BY my house again, but this time, it doesn't surprise me. It also doesn't feel weird when I invite him inside, or when he sits on the same couch as me. Harrison is someone I'm getting used to, one Thursday at a time.
"You look nice," he observes offhandedly, "which is great because I was wondering if you'd like to come to a party with me?"
"Well, you don't really have to ask," I tell him, and he raises his eyebrows, "I'm already going."
"Nice," Harrison says approvingly before he falls into an awkward silence.
"... So, should we head out?" I ask, a little laugh escaping my lips, "Or should we continue sitting here?"
Harrison clears his throat before reaching out and linking his arm with mine, "C'mon, Banks."
Entering his car, I realize that this is the first time Harrison is driving me around. I expect him to be a reckless driver like Lucas, but he skillfully navigates the roads. The radio softly plays in the background, and he hums along with it. I softly smile in his direction.
He soon parks in front of McCain's house, leaning back in his seat and looking at the people streaming in. The lights are dim, and I can feel the music vibrating through the ground.
"I'm not a party person," I truthfully tell Harrison, "Actually, I'm not a people person. I mean, who wants to hang out with the Sheriff's daughter?"
"I do," he replies smoothly. He then exits the car and opens the door for me before I can properly comprehend what he said.
"I-- Thanks, Harrison."
We walk into the house, standing near each other. It's filled with gyrating teenagers, all of whom are laughing and slightly tipsy. Up close, the lack of lights hurt my eyes, and the music shakes my body. Taking all of it in, it hits me how absurd this whole thing is. Who even has a party on a Thursday? Apparently Jason-fucking-McCain, that's who.
"Follow me," Harrison says into my ear so I can hear him over the noise, but the action just sends shivers down my back.
I glance up at Harrison, who seems to look more alive than ever. His blue eyes are glinting like how they do when he pulls off one of his schemes, and his posture is relaxed. He is meant for this kind of world, I notice, as he leads me through the crowd.
He takes me to the backyard, where it's less chaotic. There are a few people conversing with each other, and Harrison is leading me right towards them.
A masculine voice cuts me off with a, "Gage!"
"Grant," he greets with a smile. He then introduces me to his friend, "Arden, this is Grant Victor, my cousin."
"Hi," I awkwardly wave, "I'm Arden Banks."
"The Sheriff's daugher, I see," Grant comments, his gray eyes filled with amusement, "Did Gage force you to come here?"
I snort, starting to feel comfortable with Grant's presence, "I came here myself, thank you very much. Harrison just happened to give me a ride."
He laughs and says, "Venice is going to love you."
"She's my best friend," Grant explains, a fond smile gracing his lips.
I glance at Harrison with my eyebrows playfullt raised. He returns the same look, understanding what I mean, "So, Grant, where's your girlfriend?"
Grant's blushes and then runs his fingers through his brown hair, "She's not my girlfriend!"
"Oh, so you're going to ask her soon?" I question, a grin slipping onto my face.
"Stop," he whines, "I just met you, and you're already picking on me!"
The corner of Harrison's lips quirks up into a smirk, "Of course. She'll be sticking around for a while."
After we chat for a little more, Harrison and I go back inside. I suggested that we dance, much to my own surprise. If we're going to be here, we might as well do something more party-like.
Everyone's in groups, sitting or dancing, talking or shouting. The heat seeps through my skin, making me feel all sticky and uncomfortable. However, the both of us still gravitate towards the center, the source of all the warmth.
"Can you dance?" I ask, "I just realized that I can't."
"This isn't actual dancing, Banks," Harrison says, "It's party dancing. Just move along with the beat."
"That's easy for you to say," I grumble before starting to sway with the beats, "You probably come to parties everytime you're not causing havoc."
He chuckles at that, "If life was only that simple."
I truly believed that I was starting to understand Harrison Gage until this moment. He's always fun and games, but then he says shit like this, and I'm suddenly wondering who he is under his exterior. I only know trivial facts about him -- he has two brothers, he really likes coffee, he's read the Harry Potter series.
But I don't know him.
"You make it seem pretty simple," I choose to reply, deciding to stay safe.
He doesn't respond. Instead, he steps closer, moving in sync with me. My mind loses its track of thought. I don't think about not getting to see Cassie tonight, or how my dad is probably working himself into exhaustion.
All I know is that Harrison Gage is somehow making me feel like the world is in my hands.
1) I'm so sorry for the hour late chapter. I was working on homework and trying to write this at the same time.
3) I don't know how I feel about this chapter???? I hope you guys enjoy it, though.
4) #Ardison.
They're sailing, and idk if it's too fast. Oh well. Feelings can't control itself.
p.s. Much love is given to all my lovely readers.
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