SEVEN | 6/18/15

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SEVEN | 6/18/15

"POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE" plays through the air as the students of Cherryhill High march to our seats. I sit down towards the front, discreetly looking for Harrison as the ceremony begins. I surprisingly haven't seen him in the last two weeks, and he wasn't here early in the morning like the rest of the seniors. It makes me feel more anxious than ever.

Graduation honestly hasn't been on my mind until my dad asked me how the preparations were going. I soon notice that everyone else was buzzing with excitement, but all I had on my mind was being rebellious with Harrison Gage. Now I'm here, worrying more about him than the actual ceremony.

My principal continues his welcoming speech, introducing any dignitaries, and then finishing off by stepping aside for the valedictorian. Last year, Lizzy Collins delivered the wonderful speech, but this year, Jake Macer graces the stage with a smile and a wink.

"Can you believe it? It seems like yesterday, as freshmen, we were lovingly getting shoved into the lockers by the seniors. However, time went by, we grew up, we took positions of leadership. As seniors, we'd never do anything so immature to the freshmen, except, y'know, fill their lockers with shaving cream," the valedictorian starts off jokingly, causing laughter to erupt from the crowd.

I look back again, hoping to catch a glimpse of Harrison's black hair tucked beneath his cap. He's not in his seat. I look up at the crowds, thinking that I'll spot my dad from here. I can't find him.

The girl next to me whispers, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I say, even though I'm internally freaking out. Did my dad arrest Harrison?

She nods and turns her attention back to Jake. I force myself to listen to the rest of his speech. It's a good one, but I slowly grow impatient, wanting to get this whole thing over with.

Finally, the principal starts calling the all names. Once he gets to my name, there is a loud roar of police sirens. My dad did show up, and that eases my heart. I stand up and walk towards the stage, praying that I don't trip up the stairs.

"Thank you," I say, taking the diploma with my left hand and shaking my principal's hand with my right one.

The names go on and on, until Harrison Gage is called up. I'm scared that he didn't show up at all, but he's bounding up the steps with a grin. His gown is unbuttoned revealing a wrinkled dress shirt with a loosened tie. The police sirens are going off again in a good way, and I feel a swell of pride.

I cheer loud and clear for Harrison, and he winks at me on his way back to the seats.

The rest of the ceremony doesn't feel as tedious, knowing that my dad is here, and that Harrison isn't by himself in a cell. Finally, the principal smiles and says, "Graduates, you may now turn your tassel from the right to the left, symbolizing a new part of your life."

We all move our tassels, and after a few moments, we toss our caps into the air.


MY DAD TRAPS me in a bear hug, kissing my forehead. I let out a small laugh of appreciation, hugging him back just as tightly, "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Dad," I smile before catching Harrison standing off to the side, miserably looking through the crowds. I excuse myself and join the rebellious young man.

"Hey," he absentmindedly greets, searching through the crowds of people.

"Nobody's here?" I softly ask, clasping onto his arm. Harrison bites his bottom lip and shakes his head, "Would you like to join me and my dad for dinner tonight?"

A look of gratitude sweeps through his face, "I'd really like that, Arden."

We walk next to each other, and I ask, "Why were you late?"

Harrison laughs, "I got into a little trouble with your dad. Thankfully, he let me come to my own graduation ceremony."

"And the police sirens?"

"Well, on our way here, I came up with the idea. It was to show you that he was here and was very proud of you," he explains, running his hand through his messy hair, "I guess the Sheriff likes me enough to sound the sirens at my name."

The both of us reach my dad, ready to leave the school, but two people are already standing with him. Harrison stops in his tracks when he notices Nate chatting with my dad. Lucas is near them, his phone against his ear. I look to the young man next to me, finding an irritated expression on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Harrison asks, crossing his arms. His older brother faces him, and his younger brother hangs up the phone, "Why show up now, Nate?"

"We wanted to take you out to dinner," Nate explains, "Mom and Dad are in the car, and--"

"Listen, it's fine," he harshly says, "I'm going with Arden and the Sheriff for dinner because they were actually here."

"You're so ungrateful and immature, Harrison," his older brother throws back, "We're actually trying to celebrate with you. It's a miracle that you even graduated with being a burden and all."

My breath catches in my throat as I watch a certain fury pass through Harrison's eyes. Nate seems to realize what he said because he reaches out to his brother, but Harrison just shrugs him off and avoids everyone's gaze. My dad suggests that Nate should leave, and thankfully he does, dragging Lucas behind him.

"C'mon," I softly say, "Let's go."

"I don't wanna be a burden," Harrison mumbles, still not looking up from the ground.

I open my mouth to reply, but my dad beats me to it, "Don't you ever believe that, kiddo. There will always be people who appreciate you no matter what, alright?"

I understood how it felt to be alone. Even though Harrison and I haven't known each other for long, I want him to feel like he's always going to have someone. So, I wrap him into a hug, whispering into his ear, "We'll be the ones here."



Lol, whoops. I didn't mean to make that upsetting. Oh well. I hope you guys enjoy the somewhat angst-filled ending.

But the Sheriff and Arden are in the "Protect Harrison From All Evil Squad." Also known as, PHFAES.

I love you guys! I wish you all a happy break and holiday and Christmas and New Year and all the works.



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