FIVE | 5/21/15

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FIVE | 5/21/15

HARRISON IS WAITING at my front door, which is the last thing I expected in a thousand years. When I opened the door, I found him just standing there, hands shoved into his pockets, leaning against the pillar. I admittedly jumped back in surprise, causing a sly comment to come from him.

"Excited to see me, Arden?"

"How the hell do you know where I live?" I demand, crossing my arms.

"I, uh," he coughs, suddenly acting uncomfortable, "have my ways."

I give him an incredulous look, "That's so fucking creepy."

Harrison scratches the back of his neck before asking, "Can I come in, please? I kinda need to talk to you."

His uncomfort makes him fidgety, which isn't like his normal element of confidence at all.

I step aside, letting him enter my house. He pushes his black hair away from his face, tousling it even more than before. As I watch him, I briefly wonder how my dad would react. I mean, Harrison Gage, the young man who never seems to learn, has just stepped into our house.

He wouldn't be very pleased.

"What's up?" I ask, leading him to the living room, where we both sit on different couches.

"Last week was a success," he smiles, but it suddenly dims down, "Maybe too much of a success."

"What, why?"

"I told you that we were toilet papering business people, right?" I nod, making him continue, "Well, my parents had this major deal with them. After they found out that it was me who vandalized their house, they refused any partnership with my mom and dad."

"Damn," I murmur, "How did they react?"

"I haven't spoken with them since last week. They didn't pick me up, either. It was Nate," Harrison explains, "which is another reason for why I'm here tonight."

"... What is it?"

"We're pranking Nate. He's been a douchebag to me, and I know you're not very fond of him."

"You're letting me help you again?" I ask with a laugh, leaning back in my seat.

"Hey, you're a good partner-in-crime," he says, standing up when he hears several honks and shouts, "C'mon, we should get going right now."

"Who is that?" I ask, standing up along with him. I gather my belongings, which makes me realize why I was leaving in the first place, "Crap."


"I completely forgot that I have to get food for my dad," I hastily open the door, seeing a car parked in front of my house, "I'm not sure if I can help you tonight."

"Just buy the Sheriff something and tell him you're busy tonight."

I turn to him, biting my lip, "I don't know."

Harrison widens his eyes and pouts, "Arden, please. My younger brother, Lucas, will take us."

"Fine," I agree, "Can't wait."


MY DAD LOOKS up when I enter his office. There are papers strewn everywhere, making the room look messier than usual.

"Hey, Dad," I greet, placing his food on his desk, "I can't hang out tonight."

An expression of surprise crosses his face, "Really?"

"Yeah, I have some work to do with people from school," I lie, shrugging my shoulders, "Sorry."

After we say bye to each other, I walk over to Harrison's car, sliding in the back seat. Lucas and Harrison are arguing about something stupid, and once I slam the door shut, they both jump.

"Calm down, lady," Lucas grumbles, starting up the car.

"Why are you still driving, Luke Skywalker?" I groan, falling back into my seat.

Lucas Gage is a splitting image of Harrison, in appearance and personality. Except he's more immature, and can't drive to save his goddamn life. However, Harrison thought it would be a great idea to let his sixteen-year-old brother drive his car.

"I'm an excellent driver," Lucas says as he slams on the breaks, "And stop calling me that."

"Just shut up," I mutter, and Harrison laughs.

Once we stop in front of a small house, Harrison determinedly says, "Lucas, you're going to be parked down the street, so if Nate does come, he won't suspect you. I'll text you when we're ready to leave. Arden, you and me are gonna go inside and cover everything in plastic wrap."

"Aye, aye, Captain," the younger brother salutes, "Now get out."

Harrison and I exit the car and take out all the plastic wrap from the truck. I expect him to pick the lock to Nate's house, but instead he takes out a spare key from under a pot. He pushes open the door, which slighty creaks. The both of us enter and start getting to work.

We don't cover the hallway leading into the living room. Harrison says that it'll be too obvious. However, everything else -- and I mean everything -- has several layers of plastic wrap. I honestly never felt this thrilled to do something.

"I got this idea from Dexter," he comments, finishing off another roll.

"That show is way too gory," I reply.

"It's not that bad," Harrison defends before slowly saying, "Okay, maybe it is."

We continue our banter as we finish wrapping up the second floor. Harrison grins at me after we're done, and it makes me feel alive. Maybe rules do need to be broken to feel the thrill of life.

"This is amazing," I gush, scanning the room again, "Nate won't know what--"

The front door creaks open, cutting me off. I look at Harrison with wide eyes, holding in my breath, and he doesn't look any different.

"What the fuck?" Nate angrily shouts before storming further into the house.

"Shit," we both say at the same time.

"What do we do?" I hurriedly ask, listening to his heavy footsteps.

Harrison remains quiet for a few seconds before quickly saying, "Nate's going into the kitchen. You're going to kill me, but we have to run out the front door."

"You're crazy."

"You think I don't know that already? Arden, when I say to run, we have to run like our life depends on it," he stops and listens for a few seconds before shouting, "Run!"

I sprint like I never did before.

Our footsteps thump down the stairs, alerting Nate of our presence. Harrison fumbles with the doorknob before finally pulling the front door open. I follow after Harrison, hearing his older brother's angry shouts behind us.

He starts shouting when he sees his car, "Lucas, start the damn car!"

Thankfully, Lucas hears the shout and revs up the car. I don't even remember closing the door before we peel down the street.


Ah, more of Ardison's mischief!



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