JeffMads Modern AU | Year 1 {Complete}

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Follow the Ham squad through modern college.

It's told from James Madison's perspective and follows his struggles and prevails through his first year of college.

I guarantee you that if you skip those chapters you'll still understand what's happening. I was in a dark place when I wrote those so just keep that in mind.

Also just want to put out the disclaimer that this isn't the founding fathers or related to real live historically accurate people. These characters are named after real people but a majority of their personalities come from either the Hamilton musical, other fanfictions, or are completely made up.

The characters include:
Thomas Jefferson (Major)
Maria Lewis(Major)
Charles Lee(Major)
Dolley Payne (Major)
Alexander Hamilton (major-ish)
John Laurens(Major-ish)
Samuel Seabury (not minor, not Major)
Martha Skelton (not minor, not major)
The Schuyler sisters (not minor, not Major)
Hercules Mulligan (minor)
Lafayette (minor)
Washington (very minor)
And anyone else is extremely minor.
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