The Rings

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I was finally home.

Home being my dorm room.

Thank god.

The week with Dolley seemed to stretch on forever, not that I didn't like hanging out with her... it was a lot of work to keep up the act.

But the act went well. Very well. Her parents never doubted it and said she could start to fill out the application for my school.

Dolley was elated.

I was tired.

That's why I plopped down on my bed the minute I got back. It's also why I forgot about The Plan.

The Plan was Maria and Thomas' plan to get Thomas and I's love life back on track. It was a stupid plan. A very, very stupid plan.

Right as I had almost drifted in a luxurious sleep, there was a rapping at the door. 

"James!!!! It's time for The Plan!" 

"5 more minutes!" 

"Nope!" Maria shouted. 

Then, the door swung open.

I opened my eyes. "How the fuck did you get keys?" 

"A magician never reveals her secrets. Get up sleepy head! It! Is! Time! To! Go!" 

I groaned. 

"Love doesn't happen if you don't get out of bed." 

"You guys just couldn't wait one more day?" 

"Nope! It had to be today!" 

"Fine," I grumbled, rolling out of bed. 

"Great! Now, I brought this for you to wear. See, I thought you'd have a suit, but, alas, Thomas knows you better than me!" She held up an elegant three-piece suit. 

"I can't wear that." 

"It's formal attire, you have to!" 

I snatched it from her and grudgingly walked to the bathroom to change. 

"I'm going to the communal bathrooms to change!" 

"You're coming?!" 

"Of course I am! I'm Thomas' wing-woman!" 

I heard the door open and then close. 

"I should get a wing woman," I mumbled to myself. 

Probably the exhaustion talking. 

The suit felt as if it was made for me... and knowing Thomas, it probably was. I brushed off the question of how he got my measurements and emerged from the bathroom.

Maria was most likely going to take eras to change. She'd chat up a storm and then do her makeup and then pee and then finally change, but smudge her makeup, pee again, do her makeup, talk, and... I could do this all day. 

She came back fifteen minutes later. 

"Will you do my hair?" 

"I can't do hair."

She rolled her eyes. "All you have to do is secure it up with this hair tie, then put on this clip." She sat in front of me, on the ground, spreading out the skirt of her red, sparkly ballgown. "Here." She handed me a hair tie. 

I attempted to scoop up all of her curly hair and put it together on the top of her head. 

"Don't you have a brush?" 

"Yes, but if you brush the curls, they'll get all frizzy. Don't worry about it being messy, that's the style right now." 

It took all my concentration to do it, but I did it. 

"You should probably look to see if you like it," I said as I pinned in the silver hairpin that had a red flower on it.

Maria opened her handbag, pulling out her phone. I noticed her lock screen was a picture of her, Veronica, Thomas, and another man who I didn't know. She opened the camera. 

"It's perfect, thank you! Now, let's go!" She stood up and grabbed my hands. 

"Where are we going?" 

"Shut up! It's a surprise, you idiot." 


I'm pretty sure my jaw was on the floor as the white limo pulled up to the curb. 

And I may have blacked out when Thomas stepped out in a magenta suit. 

"Oh, stop gaping and get in!" Maria hugged Thomas before slipping into the limo. 

Thomas walked up to me. "Woah," he said, looking me up and down.

"What is happening?" 

"Uh..." He blinked, still staring at me. "...You'll have to wait and see." 

Thomas never got flustered. I smiled. 

"After you." He motioned for me to get into the limo.

The inside was even fancier than the out.

Maria was already pouring herself a glass of... wine?

"James, it's sparkling cider, don't look too concerned." Maria laughed. 

Thomas slid in next to me. 

The limo started to move.

"Can I, at least, have a hint?" I asked.

"Sure... let's see..." He gazed off. "It has very expensive things in it." 

That could still be half of the city. 

"That doesn't help any." 

He shrugged his shoulders. "Guess you'll have to wait and see." 

"Thomas," Maria said, "Are you going to tell him?" 

"Right... so, please don't freak out." 

"I don't think I'll freak out--" 


"Okay, I promise." I smiled at him. 

"So this is a thing my family was invited to, everyone gets a plus one, so my mom gave me hers so I could invite both of you. That means my dad will be there. And his friends. And his friends' children... meaning Martha...." 

"Oh." That was all I could think to say.

"Really there's no reason to worry." Maria made eye contact with me. "Martha hates Thomas, but she hates me more, so as long as I'm with you guys, she won't come near." 

"Oh and we can't be gay around my dad, but that's all I have to tell you." 

"Seems easy enough," I said. 


"And he almost forgot..." Maria raised her eyebrows. "He kind of sort of told his dad that you were dating me." 


An art museum. 

Specifically, an art museum that was holding their annual "Art Gala." There were rich people everywhere. Women in extravagant dresses. Men in every color of tux imaginable. 

We joined the crowd that was streaming into the building. 

Thomas had the guy scan the tickets from his phone and then we were in. We had to meet Thomas' family before we could go off by ourselves. 

Maria held my hand. Her palm was very sweaty. 

"Father." Thomas motioned to us. "This is Maria Lewis and James Madison. James and Maria, this is my father, Peter Jefferson." 

"Thomas has talked about you two lovebirds so much I'd began to think you weren't real. Good to see my son is actually making friends." 

Maria and I shared a glance. 

"My wife has gone to get wine, she'll be back shortly. So, what are you two studying in school?" 

"I'm getting a degree in English, sir."

"What do you hope to do with it?" 

"I'd like to be a writer." 

"Hmm, that's respectable enough. And what about you, young lady?" 

Maria looked like she was biting her tongue. "Political science." 

"I would've thought you'd have chosen nursing or teaching." 

"Well, I'm not practically interested in those degrees, sir."  She plastered on a fake smile.

"Here comes Jane now." Mr. Jefferson turned at the sight of his wife. 

"Thomas, darling!" She handed a glass to Mr. Jefferson. "I'm so glad you decided to come and with your friends! Such a wonderful surprise! Maria, honey, give me a hug." 

The two women hugged. It was clear which parent Maria favored.

"You too, James." She hugged me, then whispered, "So glad you and Thomas are back together." 

She pulled away. She put a hand on her husband's shoulder. 

"Why don't you kids go stroll the place? There's a lot of interesting paintings. And, Thomas, tell me if there's any you think we should add to our collection."

"Of course, mother." It was clear he was anxious to get away.

"Thomas, the Skeltons should be here soon. You remember our talk, correct?" 

"Yes, sir." He started to walk off. 

Maria and I quickly followed. We turned the corner and into a hallway that was deserted. 

"Oh my god!" Thomas whisper-yelled. "I hate my dad so much." 

I reached for his hands. "He can't control you, Thomas..." 

"I know, I know." He looked so distressed. "But he gave me this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

"Oh my fucking god." Maria gasped. 

He opened the box and there was a gorgeous diamond ring in it.

My heart sunk.  I knew he wouldn't actually do it...

"Isn't she a little young to get proposed to?" Maria's brows furrowed.

"Yes! She's sixteen! And I'm only nineteen... almost twenty..." He put the ring back in his pocket. "But both of the families' consent." 

"Oh god," Maria groaned. "This is bad." 

"Tell me about it." 

I remained silent. The noises of the other people there were muffled. It was just the three of us and the silence. 

That was until there was high-pitched giggling. "Surely no one will be back here!" 

A woman and a man appeared at the end of the hallway. 

Not just any couple, though. 

Alexander and Elizabeth. 

"Alex?" Thomas asked in surprise.


"Hey!" Elizabeth punched him lightly on his upper arm.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Thomas face-palmed.

I eyed Eliza up and down, taking in her elegant dress. I had to refrain from audibly gasping. She was now visibly pregnant.

"Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Maria Lewis, correct?" Elizabeth walked deeper into the hallway. 

"Yep. And you're Elizabeth Schuyler." Maria crossed her arms.

"Maria, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry?" 

"None. I'm not forgiving you." 

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and then motioned for Alexander to come down the rest of the way. 

He did. 

"So... what're you all doing here?" She asked.

"We were invited, duh." Maria tapped her foot against the marble floor angrily. 

Elizabeth giggled. "Of course." 

"Hey, Betsey, maybe we should go find somewhere that is actually free of people." Alexander put an arm around her. 

"Sure, but give--" 

"ELIZA!" Peggy ran into the hallway. "You have to come quick! Angelica is flirting with a man!" 

Elizabeth left with her sister without hesitation. 

Now it was just Alexander, Maria, Thomas, and I.

"Have you guys got any advice on proposing?" He pulled out a ring box. It was an emerald ring. Alexander looked at with expectant eyes. 

"You're proposing to Elizabeth?" I asked. 

"Yes, tonight." 

"Well," Thomas began, "you should probably do it when the two of you are alone. And later at night. Maybe go outside?" 

"I think you should just dump her," Maria chimed in.

Alexander ignored her. "Okay, alone, outside, and very very very romantic." 

"Any advice on how to not propose?" Thomas asked sarcastically. 

"Uh... what?" 

Luckily, Elizabeth appeared at the end of the hallway again. "Darling, I've found the best place."

Alexander quickly shoved the box back in his pocket.  

"Thanks, Jeffershit." He left with his almost fiancee. That was if she said yes. 

Maria's phone went off. I could tell because her text tone was a monkey. 

"Ooh! Ronnie's here! Finally. Thanks for that extra plus one, Thomas. Text me when you need me, bye!" 

When she was gone, Thomas sighed. 

"I think I'm going to come out to my dad." 

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