An Unlikely Alliance

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Thomas kept calling me.

Almost every five minutes.

So I turned my phone off.

I was so frustrated, with Thomas, Maria, and Charles. I was mad at the 3 people who actually spoke to me.

I felt so alone. I had no one to talk to, but it's not like I ever did before that year of school, besides my closest brother, Francis.

My creative writing class was growing boring as we had work time for our essays, which I didn't need. I thought about leaving early, but I didn't have anything else to do. I needed something to do. To keep mind off of the problem at hand.

I decided to turn my phone again, after much mental debating. There were 9 more missed calls from Thomas. He didn't send any texts, just called.

I got out of my seat, gathered my things and went into the hallway, calling Thomas back. I couldn't ignore him forever.

Well I suppose I could've, I just didn't want to.

He picked up instantly.

"James?" His voice sounded scratchy and hoarse.

"Uh... yeah?" I swallowed dryly.

"Why haven't you answered my calls?"

"Class," I lied. I guess it wasn't a full lie.

"Okay, Yeah... okay. Well... um, I'm sorry. About this morning, I know you have a boyfriend but it's just I'm obsessed with you, James. I can't stop thinking about you, I tried just to be your friend but it's so hard just to watch you be you, and have you not know that how amazing you are. Jesus Christ I'm so sorry..." I think he was crying.

I was completely and utterly speechless. I felt the same way, but not sorry for him, sorry because of guilt that I had a boyfriend; a boyfriend who wouldn't let me do anything that he didn't want.

"James?" He said after a minute.

"Yeah...? I- can't, it's just..." How should I say it? Thomas, I'm also obsessed with you, I want to kiss you, I like you more than my boyfriend, I just can't cheat on anyone, but maybe I could, just for you. "Charles."

"Yeah, I know but you don't really love him do you?"

I contemplated an answer for a few seconds. The answer was no. "Why would you even ask me that?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I can't bear to see you with him..."

"I'm sorry..." I hung up on him. That was bitch move but I was in a bitchy mood.

//time skip of a few hours//

I was at the campus Chick-Fil-A eating a chicken sandwich and drinking a frozen lemonade, on my laptop scrolling through Twitter when the one and only Alexander Hamilton burst into the room.

"Madison!!!" He exclaimed, eyeing the room for me. Once he spotted his target he came storming over.

I slammed my laptop lid shut, not wanting him to know I kept up with PewDiePie's Twitter.

"Where the fuck is John?" He slid into the chair in front of me.

"How would I know that? He's not my boyfriend." I took a sip of my lemonade.

"Well he did go out with your boyfriend the extreme dickwad, Charles Lee."

I raised my eyebrows. I don't know how I was keeping my cool. "Your boyfriend went out with my boyfriend?"

"No, god no. Lee and John are in the same lit class and they were going to McDonald's to study with some other people. It's just John was supposed to be back now and he's not. Have you heard anything?" He actually looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"No, I didn't even know Charles was going to McDonald's tonight..."

He was staring at me with puppy dog eyes.

"...but I'll let you know if I hear anything. I can give you my phone number."

"Yes, please, I mean... sure. Just for this, I mean I have this horrible feeling that something bad happened."

I wrote down my number on napkin and slid it across the table to Alexander. "Listen, I'm sure they just got carried away and lost track of time. John will be fine," I reassured him.

"Thank you. Just I'll text you so you have my number, and tell me as soon as possible." He looked so worried and I felt sympathy for him, sure he could be mean, but he was definitely feeling a great deal of emotional.

He was almost out his seat when my phone rang. He did a 180 and was back in the chair. "Who is it?"

I picked up my phone to see Charles' name and picture on the screen.

"It's Charles." I answered it. "Hey."

"James, can you pick me up? Wait do you even have a car? Mine got busted in a wreck but I'm fine."

"What? Wait what happened, where are you?" Now I was worried.

Alexander must of seen how worried I sounded because his eyes widened.

"I'm at the hospital on 43rd street. They won't let me leave with out someone to take care of me, because apparently I'm high or something. But I'm not, I swear."

"Jesus. Okay um..." I covered the microphone with my hand and asked Alexander, "do you have a car?"

"Yes. Why?" He was growing more and more anxious.

"Okay I'll be there soon. Is John with you?"

"Shit. I don't know where he is, I was blacked out for awhile. He's probably fine..."

Well this was just fantastic.

"Alright. Bye now, I'll be there very soon." He hung up before I finished my sentence.

Alexander was still staring at me.

"Hospital," I spat out, "43rd street."

He was already on his feet and almost out the door within the five seconds it took me to scoop my laptop into my bag.

"Alexander! Wait up!" I called after him. The air outside was cold and hadn't had the chance to put on my coat.

Alexander didn't wait. He was at a banged up Volkswagen Beetle unlocking the doors. "Get in Madison."

I listened.

The ride only took about 5 minutes since Alexander was speeding. I couldn't even begin to imagine what was going on inside his mind. He was probably so scared. I wasn't even scared for Charles, he was just drunk, like always.

The emergency room parking lot was packed and Alexander cursed when he couldn't find a spot. He did eventually find one and then proceeded to sprint to the doors.

When I got inside Alexander was talking to the front desk secretary.

"And your relation to John?"

"Significant other." He answered not even hesitating at those words. I wondered how long he had been cheating on poor Elizabeth.

"Oh..." she gave him a strange look the pointed to the double doors. "Through there, 5th room on your right."

Alexander gave me one last look over his shoulder before going through the doors.

"And why are you here?" The secretary asked me.

"Actually I'm also here to see someone. He said that he couldn't leave without someone to chaperone him. The name is Lee. Charles Lee."

"Ah yes the same car wreck as Laurens, here. May I ask your relation to Charles Lee."

"Cousin." I didn't want to have the same reaction she gave Alexander. I know that's stupid but I really didn't want to deal with any kind of homophobia.

"Alright, practically the same thing through those doors and 4 doors to your left."

"Thank you." I found my way to his room and knocked before entering.

Charles was sitting up on the edge of the bed, on his phone.

"Hey." He looked up at me. "I am actually so high right now it's not good. I think the doctor said I have to stay the night or something." He was smiling.

"Well that's not good..." I'd never seen him like that.

He chuckled. "Nope it's not good. And you know I was thinking about what you said this morning, about wanting to break up with me. And I talked to Laurens about it, he's in my classic literature class and said I need to just accept it sooooo I accept your break up as long as you stay the night here with me. I don't wanna be alone."

"Yeah. Sure. I'll stay with you." I sat down in the stiff hospital chair.

"Oh thank god." He fell backwards onto the bed and fell asleep instantly. I watched him for a bit, not in a creepy way, and wondered if it really was just John who convinced him not to be so damn toxic anymore.

Buzz buzz.

A text from a random number.

Unknown: John's is in critical condition. I'm staying the night with him, sorry, but I can't give you a ride home.

So it was Alexander. I responded then edited his contact.

James: Don't worry about it, I'm also staying the night here with Charles. I wish the best of luck for John.

Alexander: Me too.

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