Harry Potter Thought his life was over. Having been beaten to almost an inch of his life many times, he receives and early inheritance, and discovers he's not who he's supposed to be. Everything he knows is a lie. Will he get through it, or will he fall?And who is Ciaran Salazar Riddle?Takes place during sixth year.DrarryLight bashingWeasley bashing (though not Fred and George, they are still cool.)Hermione is bad at first but is redeemed later. I do not own Harry Potter J.K. Rowling does. I don't even own the plot StyxHuntress does. Styx Huntress gave me permission to try to finish this story. Usually I am only an editor, but I am going to take a hand at writing and see what happens. The Prologue and first 19 chapters are StyxHuntress Chapters after that it is all mine. I hope you enjoy.…