Chapter 5:
*The following day*
------{Harry's POV}------
After a long day of meetings and interviews, I was excited to be heading home. I had to go home first before I went to Ed's so I could pack a few things for the night, no doubt in my mind that I'll be staying; just a lads night in like we used to. I hopped in my familiar black Range Rover and headed straight home.
I arrived fairly quickly, there wasn't much traffic so I got here in no time. I walked straight to my house, opened the door and headed upstairs to pack. I pulled out my large gym bag and started to put my deodorant and aftershave in there, after that I threw in: spare underwear, my Ramones T-shirt, black skinny jeans and a grey beanie. After that I zipped the bag up and headed straight for Ed', excited for the night ahead.
I parked my car in a parking space at Ed's apartment building and got out my bag from the boot. I locked my car and walked up to the building and pressed Ed's buzzer, waiting to hear is voice on the receiving end.
"Hey mate." I smiled into the camera as the door unlocked an I made my way up the stairs to his apartment.
I knocked on the door not waiting long until I saw him stood in front of me; I smiled and gave him a friendly hug a he invited me in.
"Gosh I haven't been here in ages!" I laughed, looking around the place and sitting myself on the sofa. Nothing had really changed.
"I know, it's been too long." he sat himself next to me on the sofa. He continued, "So what have you been up to?"
"oh, you know, the usual. Interviews, recording, meetings..." I trailed off, "What about you?" I asked, intrigued to know what he has been doing since we last saw each other.
"Well I've just finished touring. America was great, and now we've just started filming the new music video for 'Kiss Me', which is going really well so far." he smiled, he sounded as if he was really pleased with it. I'll have to watch it.
"Sounds great! Whats happening so far in the video?"
"Well we started filming yesterday but I watched some of the footage and it looks really good. I've done my bit so I just go to watch really, it should all be done by the end of this week; Freddie said he's pleased with the actors." I know what Ed was like when it came to his music videos, he is more about the music that being the centre of attention in the video so he is normally in it for a small appearance then just watches over the rest of the filming. It's what makes him a genuine person - not wanting all of the attention and just doing it because he loves music.
"What actors are there? Any I'd know of?" I questioned wondering if there were any I had seen before.
"There is only one really, the main female lead... Emma Raine." he said casually looking to see if he could notice any hint of recognition on my face. I looked at him in astonishment and smiled, happy to know that she was working with one of my best friends.
"Yeah, I met her at Nick's party. She looked amazing, I'd wanted to meet her before but never got the time. I can't believe she's working on your video, that's really great." I was shocked and ecstatic at the same time... I could actually see her again.
"Yeah it is, and she's good too. She works really hard and she's just lovely to everyone - really down to earth." turning to me, he smiled and a chuckle fell out of his lips. "You like her don't you?" he chuckled again, I could feel my face flush but kept my head down so he couldn't see.
"Theres no doubt she's fit, and talented like you said. I just wanted to talk to her more I suppose, she seemed really nice." I replied containing the huge smile that was trying to force itself on my face; I didn't do very well as I could feel my lips turn up and my cheeks raise to expose my prominent dimples.
He laughed mockingly, me joining after a while. He then started to speak, "Well if you want I can invite her over and we can all have a movie night? You guys can talk then?" he suggested. I stayed quiet for a second as I contemplated the notion.
"Yeah, alright. Sounds like a plan." I responded, content with the idea and now excited as I started to smile again.
"Okay, well I'll ask her tomorrow at lunch. But for now, we're watching a film." he got up and put the film in the DVD player.
"Sounds good to me!" I replied as we turned the lights off and sat on his sofa watching the film.
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- Pianogirl56
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