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Lavender Brown was outraged when she saw that her fraternal twin sister Liberty had also been granted acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Just once, she wanted to be different, have something of her own that Liberty couldn't touch. All their lives they had to share - clothes, toys, a bedroom. And Lavender doesn't hide her feelings. She denies their relation to anyone who will listen, happy to see Liberty hurt by her words. It isn't long until Liberty begins keeping to herself, letting no one get close to her she begins to disappear within her mind.Ginny Weasley being the kind hearted person she is, never stops trying to help Liberty feel wanted and along the way, their other class and housemates begin doing the same. But one thing will never change: The intense hatred Liberty Brown and Draco Malfoy have for each other. On the Christmas of her fifth year, Liberty is lulled away and kidnapped by Bellatrix Lestrange. Due to her warped mental state, she begins to believe that her destiny lies with the Death Eaters and willingly takes the dark mark, and her place within the Dark Lords ranks. Thrown full force into the dark arts, Liberty is urged by Draco to get out while she can. Will the one she hates more than anything be the one to save her from the void of emptiness she'd been swimming in?…