Chapter 4:
I met Ed the following day, he was lovely and was just excited about the video as I was. He said he wanted to promote his song 'Kiss Me' and asked if I would be the main female in the story - to which I agreed. Since then we have met on several occasion and discussed ideas and what he wanted the main story to be. I put a few ideas across as well which he liked. Overall we are a pretty good team.
Today was my last day of filming before I started work on the music video. The day seems to be going really fast, I don't know whether it's because I'm having such a good day or that I'm excited about the video but either way it's going fast.
I walked up to Caroline and handed my costume to her for the last time. God am I gonna' miss everyone here, it's like this on every film I'm in, we spend everyday together for months and then we just stop and part ways. It's quite sad having to say goodbye to everyone but it's just something you have to get used to. I gave Caroline one last hug before looking at her with glassy eyes and a sad smile on her face.
"Don't you dare. You know if you cry you'll set me off" I warned with a playful giggle. She noticed this and giggled with me, pulling me back into a hug and telling me she'll miss me. Oh gosh... here come the tears.
After saying goodbye to everyone I headed to my car and to my next destination... On the videos set. As I drove I tried to contain my excitement but I couldn't, after a long fifteen minutes I parked the car in a spot and got out heading towards the main doors of the studios.
I walked into the familiar building and up to the reception desk. The receptionist looked friendly and smiled when I approached her.
"Good evening Miss Raine, it's lovely to see you again. You're in studio seven, Mr Sheeran and the crew are up there already!" she said enthusiastically.
"Thank you very much Maddie" I smiled to her and walked in the direction on studio seven.
Walking through the doors I immediately saw Ed and gave him a hug - we've become good friends since we met. He explained to me what was happening and directed me to the bedroom set. I heard the song begin to play and started my acting part; it was a new experience for me and I was enjoying every minute of it. I lay on the bed and clutched the sheets as I pretended to sleep, whilst the gentle voice of Ed Sheeran took over my ears.
'Kiss me like you wanna' be loved,
You wanna' be loved,
You wanna' be loved,
This feels like fallin' in love,
Fallin' in love,
Fallin' in love.'
I let my talents coarse through my body as the other actors did the same. Ed walked onto the set through the door on the left, he walked over and shut the window then sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the covers up; I stopped tossing around uncomfortably and lay more piece fully on the bed, to which he pecked my forehead and exited through the door.
After this, filming the scene continued and the day started to come to an end. As everyone started to pack up, including me, I looked around for Ed but couldn't find him anywhere. I came to the conclusion that he'd left straight away and headed for the door...
------{Ed's POV}-----
As I finished my small section in the video I stood at the side and just continued to watch, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and decided to go outside into the corridor to answer it. I looked at the caller ID and smiled.
"Hey mate, it's been a while." I asked my good friend waiting for his response.
"I know yeah, that's why I called. Was wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow to catch up?" I could almost see his smile as he spoke, his dimples piercing into his cheeks.
"I'm filming my new video during the day so I can't then, but afternoon sounds good to me. About sixish?" I asked hoping he would agree, I've not seen him in a while.
"Yep, that's fine. I'll see you tomorrow night Ed, have fun filming!"
"Thanks Harry, I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled as we both hung up, I placed my phone into my pocket and saw several people walking past me. They must have finished filming. I walked back into the studio and bumped into Emma.
"Oh hey, I thought you'd already left?" she asked confused.
"No, I was on the phone. I just went out into the corridor so I didn't interrupt anything" I answered as she nodded understanding.
"Okay, well I'm going to get going. I'll see you tomorrow. What time are you finishing?" she curiously responded.
"4:00pm I think." I told her. She smiled and nodded again, giving me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek as she left. I ruffled my hair and walked over to Freddie the director.
"Hey Freddie, how's everything coming along?" I asked curious to know if filming was going well.
"Its great Ed, everyone is very co-operative and we have some very talented actors on set. Especially Emma, she was brilliant today and great to work with! I'm surprised we didn't consider her before." he smiled as we looked over today's footage.
"Yeah, I saw her in a few things and thought she was amazing. And when we met up to discuss the video, I got to know her and she was really down to earth. She's a good friend." I told him, he agreed and we said our goodbyes before leaving the studio.
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- Pianogirl56
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