Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6:

------{Emma's POV}------

I awoke from my slumber checking the time on my phone before deciding to get up and get a shower. I did the normal routine: wash face, wash body, wash hair (with my new pear scented shampoo. It smells amazing!) I got out of the shower and wrapped my short coffee-coloured towel around my body before walking to my room to get dressed. I put on my usual natural make up and red lipstick, then changed into ripped skinny jeans with an off the shoulder top that showed just a little bit of my stomach, it looked cute even if I do say so myself.

I picked up my purse and threw it in my handbag along with my phone and house keys after I'd locked the door and headed out towards the car. I put my key in the ignition and reversed out of the driveway and onto the road, travelling the familiar route to work.

When I arrived I immediately saw Ed, I think it's nice that even though he's finished filming his part he comes in the rest of the week to see everyone. Bless him. Such a cutie.

I dropped my bag at the side where the rest of the crew were stood, asking them to look after it, to which the humbly agreed. I smiled as thanks and made my way over to Ed, giving him a friendly hug and hello.

"Hello to you too" he smiled as he walked with me to the new set, which was a park bench. I sat on the bench as the director Freddie told me the basic outline of the scene, he then walked away with Ed following closely behind, allowing me to start my work. The lights in the studio turned black and the set was lit up with candles on branches on plastic trees to either side and behind me. Looking stunning as it lit up the area beautifully reminding me of stars in the night sky - truly magical.

After the scene had finished, it had reached about lunch time and Ed walked over to me as I began to get my things together.

"Fancy going out for lunch?" he asked me as he packed up his own belongings.

"Yeah sure, how about we go to the Italian Café on the corner?" I turned to him with a smile, suggesting a small and secluded café that I have been to on a number of occasions.

"Sounds good!" he replied as we walked out the doors towards the café. The journey there was peaceful as we chatted casually about the progress of the video and our plans afterwards. Once we arrived at the café, we politely asked the waitress if we could be seated at the back out of the way of any press, especially the ones we had sneakily noticed hiding on the way here, clearly not very successfully though.

We were seated at a small round corner table at the back of the room and ordered. I ordered a small cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles with a blueberry muffin and Ed ordered a medium Latte with a chocolate muffin. I took a sip of my drink before starting the conversation, "So do you like the video so far?"

"Yeah, it's coming together really nicely. I'm happy with it." he smiled as he bit into his muffin.

"Good. So have you done anything exciting this week?" I asked wondering what other things he's up to nowadays.

"Well I was actually with Harry yesterday, an-" I cut him off.

"Harry Styles?" I questioned. I knew they were close friends but Ed had never mentioned him before.

"Yeah" he nodded and continued, "well he stayed at mine last night for a catch up and I invited him around again tomorrow night, and I was wondering if you wanted to come as well?" he asked and took another sip of his latte. I really didn't want to impose on them, especially if they hadn't seen each other in a while.

"Well, I don't want to impos-" he cut me off.

"You won't be imposing, honestly. We want you there. We'll play a few games, watch films all that stuff...come on." he smirked at me persuading me to go.

"You sure?" I asked just to confirm.

"I'm positive." he replied hoping that I would agree, to which I did.

"Fine I'll go. What time do you want me there?"

"About six. It gives you time to go home and pack." he said as he took all aspects into consideration.

"Okay then, I'll be there at six." I smiled as I started to get excited for the night.

"Great! You can get to know Harry as well." I thought about it for a second and agreed with him, I hadn't really spoken to Harry when I met him, so I suppose I will get to know him a bit more tomorrow night.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ed's voice, "Oh, and by the way, he thinks you're fit."

Thanks for that Ed.


Once we got back to the studio after lunch, Emma and the other actors started the next scene. I found this as an opportunity to text Harry.

Me: Hey mate, just spoke to Emma. She said she'll come tomorrow night.

A minute later I felt my phone buzz.

Harry: Okay. Does she know I'm going?

Me: Yeah she does. She doesn't mind. She didn't want to impose at first but I convinced her.

Harry: Great. What time is she getting there?

Me: I said six. She needs to go home and pack.

Harry: Okay then, I'll come at six then as well.

Me: Alright mate, see you tomorrow night.

Harry: Yeah, see you tomorrow night Ed.

After our conversation ended I looked up from my phone and saw Freddie talking to Emma, giving her a few instructions. They had just finished the last scene and were starting a new one... By the looks of things, everything will be done in a few days!


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- Pianogirl56

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