Chapter 3:
---{Harry's POV}---
"Hey Liam!" I waved my arm to get his attention.
"Hey haz, this party is amazing!" he raised his voice so I could hear him over the loud thumping of the club music in the background.
I chuckle to myself when I turn my head, as I see Louis and Niall on the dance floor doing their own moves. I look back to Liam "I know yeah, it is pretty amazing, they always put on a good party here." I responded before continuing, "Hey, guess who I just met?"
Zayn swivels on his barstool so he is facing us and joins in on our conversation. Liam looks thoughtful before he answers my question, "Erm, I don't know. Who did you meet?"
"Emma Raine." They both look at me with a slight surprised look on their faces until they returned back to normal.
"Really? Where is she?" Zayn says as he searches around the club for her, then waving to someone behind me.
"Where is who?" Louis and Niall say simultaneously as they return to us from the dancefloor.
"Harry met Emma Raine" Zayn interjected before I had the time to respond.
"Ohhh" Niall acknowledged as Louis look at him in confusion. "She's the fit one in 'Company'" Louis nodded as he remembered the well known movie she starred in. I answered Liam's previous question "She was in that booth with Nick over there" I pointed to the empty booth and looked around in search for her, she must have recognised someone and started up a conversation - with no luck I shrugged and we continued with what we were doing previously.
I awoke from my slumber and looked to my phone to check the time. 9:00am. Time to get up. I arose from my bed and my head began to pound heavily, a headache begging to reveal itself - must have been a good night then.
I stood up and walked to my wardrobe and got out some dark grey skinny jeans, a black top and ruffled my hair as I usually do. I got dressed and headed downstairs to see Louis and Zayn asleep on my couch, vaguely remembering them falling asleep there last night. I chuckled to myself at the sight of them sprawled everywhere and headed into the kitchen gently shaking my head.
"Hey Haz" Liam said as he stood by the toaster waiting for it to pop. I smiled and responded with a simple 'hey' as I walked over and sat beside Niall who was munching on his cereal.
"What we doing today? Interview? Meet and greet? Photoshoot?" I asked looking at a fully dressed Liam.
"All of the above. How's your head?" he smirked at me, feeling no sympathy towards my banging head.
I smiled and sighed "It could be better."
Once all of us were ready to leave we exited the house and headed straight for the interview. Today was just another day in the life of One Direction.
-----------{Emma's POV}----------
After only a couple of drinks last night I decided to leave fairly early. Id danced a lot and spoke to a number of people that I knew, I had an all-around amazing night, meeting old friends and making new ones too! I didn't see Harry again that night but I didn't expect to either, he had other people to see, in comparison I was nothing compared to their talents. He has amazing slim and beautiful models falling at his feet, he doesnt need me.
I strolled over to my wardrobe and picked out some light washed skinny jeans, a floral top and finished the outfit with tan sandals to go to work in. I applied my minimalistic make-up as always, hopped into my car and sped off.
I greeted Josh and looked over the scenes we were doing for the day. I knew these well, so it should be a fairly relaxed day for everyone; I walked onto set and met up with the costume designer Caroline, shes lovely. Always has a smile on her face.
"Hey Caroline, what've you got for me today?" I asked hugging her side on whilst looking at the rack of clothes in front of me.
"Well lucky for you I have an amazing dress for you today. They are shooting the ball scene so you needed an elegant dress." She picked up a dress from the rack and held it up in front of me. I gasped in awe of the dress; it was stunning, I long royal blue colour that reached the floor. It was over the shoulder with sequins along the rim, it also had a long slit up one leg - breathtaking.
I slipped on the dress and felt like a princess. As cliché as it sounds. After having my hair and make-up done I looked in the mirror, my hair was curled down one side and my eyes had a silvery black shimmer to them making my hazel eyes pop. I stood up and walked onto set observing my surroundings - I could see elegant an staircase with a chandelier above, the set painted a rich gold with marble pillars, it was spectacular! I walked to the marble dancefloor alongside my fellow actors as we waited for our cue to start.
"And... ACTION!" I heard Jeff the director shout. The classical music began to play signalling the scene was in motion and I started to ballroom dance with Josh, we smiled at each other and delivered our lines as were expected to; he pulled me closer and rested his forehead on mine as we continued to dance. To our right was an outrageous explosion with sugar glass shattering and people screaming.
"CUT!" the director shouted with a smile on his face, "Well done guys great scene. The explosion worked really well." he nodded and continued, "Right we're gonna' move on to scene seventeen, if everyone can go and get changed so we can start that, it would be great, thanks." he gave me a thumbs up and a 'that was great, keep it up' as I walked off to my dressing room to get changed for the next scene.
After a long and exhausting day at work I was glad to finally be home and relaxed. I sat slumped in bed with Zazu on my lap and "Toy Story 3" on my tv screen. I sat giggling at the film until my phone started to vibrate next to me...
'Unknown number calling'.
I hastily answered the phone, "Hello?" I asked waiting a response.
"Hello is this Emma Rain?" The stranger on the other side asked.
"Errmm yes it is, may I ask who is calling?"
"Sorry to ring so late, I'm Ed Sheeran and I was wondering if you would be interested in being in my new music video?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He wanted me in his video - Ed Sheeran - one of my idols, wanted me in his music video? Okay Emma, stay calm.
"Yes, I'm very interested. It would be my pleasure. I'm a big fan of yours." I smiled through the phone even though he couldn't see it. Well done Emma! He probably thinks you're some crazed fan now, he'll hang up any minute now.
"Great well if you're free we could meet up tomorrow to discuss a schedule and arrange it?"
"Yes, of course, that'll be fine" Maybe he won't hang up then.
"Okay well, tomorrow at about twelve at London studios? Sound good?"
"Sounds great. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Thank you for doing this Emma. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled as we both hung up and placed my phone in the spot beside me. I smile at a confused Zazu and gave him a hug. With filming quickly coming to a close this is going to fit in perfectly afterwards. I can't wait for this new project!
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- Pianogirl56
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