Walking into the cinema, I noticed the severe lack of females queuing to watch the movie straight away. Not wanting to make eye contact, I made quick glances at the 8-10 guys standing at the cashiers desk. My friends on the other hand where gazing away. I get really uncomfortable around big groups of guys, I have always been more at ease with girls which kinda makes sense. Kacy nudged me, trying to get me to look but I refused.
I was made to go the deck first, the 10-15 guys were all stood to the side of me ordering food. I gulped but finally choked out the my words. I didn't get questioned or ID for once they just let me in which saved me of being humiliated in front of the whole cinema.
I moved over to food booth not thinking, I bumped into someone. Fuck. I looked up to apologise as he had food in his hands and met his gaze.
The guy was at least above six foot as he towered me and had to tilt his down slightly to talk to me. His white T-shirt clinged to his bulging muscles in all the right places. His short blonde wavy hair sat on his head with no imperfections, while his face was calm and soft. His face was broad with his Adam's apple bopping up down slightly as he opened his mouth to speak. I cut in before he had chance.
"I'm so sorry." I tried to add a sympathetic tone in my voice but I think it came out more sarcastic and dull.
His face scrunched up slightly and he said. "It's okay, my bad." He winked and the turned away to his friends. My heart melted.
My friends kept asking what happened but I just told them that I bumped into them and tried to not make a deal about it when in reality I was going crazy. Where his hands touched my arms where spasming and were becoming numb, my heart race was out of control and my stomach was churning, in a good way. He was so perfect, and he wasn't an asshole. I knew the chances of him being remotely interested in me where very slim but I didn't care I was freaking out too much. I decided to go the bathroom to calm myself down.
I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and made deep breaths. I quickly drank some water and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't look too bad.
I walked out and we searched for a seat. After a minute or so of deciding we chose a row of seats that were parallel to him, great.
We were about half way into the movie and I was becoming bored. I made a quick glance to him to see what he was doing and he looked just as disinterested as I. He looked up from his lap and met my gaze for the second time. I jerked my head away and slowly turned it back to see him silently chuckling at me from his seat. This time I continued to stare and so did he, my heart race started to quicken again.
I wasn't really sure what to do and I could tell he was waiting for a response so I tried to be cute and immaturely threw a piece of popcorn at him, I missed obviously sending him into a silent laughing fit. I upped my game and threw several more at the same time one hitting the wall next to him and the other hitting one of his friends. His friend looked up and I turned away acting as If I was innocent. He looked back and he could barely control his laughter now, I bit my lips and mouthed 'sorry' and let out a silent chuckle myself. He mouthed something back at me, but me being the idiot that I am, I couldn't make out what he was saying. He noticed the confusion in my face and he sighed and just winked at me again.
A few minutes later he threw some popcorn at me. Kacy and Anna noticed and got involved. Before we knew it, it was us seven versus about 10 of them and the whole cinema had broke out into a food fight. A woman came storming in and told us to stop, we took the advise on board and stopped. He shook his head at me in tutted in a jokey manner. I laughed and continued watching the nearly over movie.
The credits rolled and I panicked. I panicked out wether he would say something to me and if he did what would I say and I also panicked if he didn't say anything and just left the cinema. I felt sick.
We walked out the cinema and was greeted by the group of guys. An even taller guy spoke, he had a certain cockiness in his voice.
"So which one of you started that then?" He clapped his hands together.
I raised my hand sheepishly. "It was me". Suddenly all of them turned to look at me.
The tall one opened his mouth again. "Didn't think the fag would have the guts". He laughed and the one that bumped into me scowled at him and said.
"Not cool dude, there's no need to be an ass" he winked again.
The asshole turned to face him and replied. "Oh sorry forgot you had a thing for fags Adam".
He had a name, Adam. I liked it.
The asshole wondered off somewhere and a few of the guys walked off but Adam stayed. The girls also walked off the other guys leaving me and Adam alone. He stuck out his large hands and introduced himself.
"Well if you haven't gathered I'm Adam, Adam McWade, you are?" I shook his hand, swallowed and tried to sound confident.
"Connor Conrad." I smiled at him and made direct eye contact.
He raised his eyebrow.
"Is that your real name?".
"Yeah unfortunately". I smiled again.
"There's nothing wrong with it, it's cool". He was fairly close now and my stomach had butterflies.
We remained silent for like a minute. And he spoke again.
"I don't want to be forward but would it be cool for me to ask for your number? I have to be somewhere soon and I'm not sure if I'll ever see you again" My heart burst and i suddenly felt as if I couldn't breath. I quickly replied.
"Depends on how hard your willing to work for it." He had a massive childlike grin spread across his face as he noticed that I was flirting.
"Oh I will work very hard for it, I just have rugby practise at 3 and I can't really be late".
"Oh so your a rugby player?"
"Depends, are you into rugby players?" He bit his lip.
I wanted to reply FUCK YES I AM but I tried to remain calm.
"Yeah, they seem cool" I said in a sarcastic tone, mocking his use of the word 'cool'. chuckled and he replied.
"Well in that case I'm a rugby player". He stuck his tongue out slightly, stretched and flexed his muscles. I worried that I was stood too still so I ran my fingers through my hair. He got his phone out and I started reading my number out.
"Hey no I'll give you my number actually, your probably going to give me the wrong one". I got mine out and started typing the numbers in.
"Done, I said". He smiled.
"What if I never text you, don't you want mine?". I said.
"Well that's a risk I'm going to have to take, it was a pleasure meeting you Connor Conrad but I need to go and tackle a few guys.".
I laughed and said goodbye. I was now alone and had no idea where my friends where, but I didn't care.
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