I text my friends asking them to meet me. I scrolled through my contacts, seeing his name, I wondered wether it was too early to text him or should I wait until he texts me. What if he never texts me. I saw them and they had worry spread across their faces as they saw mine lit up like a Christmas tree. I told them everything about the popcorn throwing in the cinema and how we exchanged numbers. They had a disbelieving tone in their faces.
"You do know that he is probably joking you know" said one of my very brave friends.
A couple of them joined in and said. "Yeah, he's probably taking the piss".
I couldn't believe this. "I can't believe you, I get given my first number off a guy and you just shoot me down and say 'it's probably fake' am I really too ugly for a guy that hot or something?"
They go quiet and we carry on walking through the streets of town. I was so angry.
I checked the time, it was 6:03. I was starting to wonder wether they were right. No, why would he go through all that trouble just for a number without his friends being there, he wasn't showing off. But then again he's straight so, uggh I am going fucking psycho. Just when had finally come to the conclusion that it was all a practical joke, my phone lit up and vibrated.
I glanced at the screen:
'So how long were you waiting for me to text you?'
My body felt as if it had a 50 volt electric shock, just enough to kill me but thankfully it didn't. I replied quickly.
'Not long, just a good 4-5 hours.'
He replied quickly and I couldn't hold in my excitement, before we knew it we had exchanged a good 20-30 messages. But before I continued, I decided to search for him on facebook to find out more about him, stuff that maybe he wouldn't tell me. I found his page pretty quickly and it wasn't long before I was engrossed in his life. I tapped on the about section.
Full name: Adam Cedric Mcwade
Relationship status: Single
Interested in: Unspecified
I paused, did that mean he was bi, gay, or straight? Could he just not be bothered to fill that part in or is he trying to figure it out? Am I an experiment to see if he is interested in guys? All these questions ran through my head and I was starting to other think.
DOB: 21st January 1997
I paused again, was eighteen too old? It was just under 3 years difference.
I left the about page, onto his wall, I scrolled through hundreds of photos of him and his friends out and getting pissed, I also came across the assholes Facebook page, also very interesting. I also found about all of his girlfriends from the past 2 years, how could I compete with that. I don't understand how anyone could go from beautiful model like girls to average teenage boys, clearly this must be a practical joke?
What I really didn't understand was his sexuality. Was he straight? He can't be. Gay? Definitely not. Bisexual? Maybe. He's only ever dated girls so why might he be interested in me. Does he just want to experiment?
Amongst the drunken photos I also found promising things about him, after seeing many adorable photos with him and his niece and nephew.
I decided to leave his page and just add him as a friend, and let him find all this out about myself.
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