I'm kinda new to the whole book writing thing so let me know what you think. I can take criticism as long as it is constructive. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it xxxxxx
I woke up to the painful cries of my alarm, forcing myself to get up, I climbed out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom. The annoying repetitive ringtone that disturbed my sleep replayed continuously as I analysed my pores in the bathroom mirror.
Studying my imperfections, a pointless routine that I seemed to take part in each day, I realised there was something different in my appearance. For the past few months, with having dieted, starved and exercised until I could no longer, I was starting to notice a change. A change in my appearance that I was beginning to become quite fond of.
I noticed the things that have remained same first, taking into account my barely there eyes, my heart shaped lips, my acne scars along my Ivory skin. I ran fingers through my quiffed ash blonde hair as I waited for the hot water to run.
Once I had finished cleaning my face, I quickly brushed my teeth and left the bathroom, entering my bedroom. It was just a bare minimum kind of day.
Standing at 5'10 I lifted my black oversized t-shirt to reveal my new body to myself, again. I studied how my hips curved outwards with no lumps of fat or bumps getting the way, it was now a smooth surface and if you pressed hard enough, you could feel bones under them. Turning to the side, I admired my flat stomach that i refused many trips to
McDonald's for.
I let out a quick sigh and continued to my wardrobe. I had no idea what to wear and couldn't really decide because I didn't know what I was doing. In the end, after toying with what to wear for ten minutes, I made a choice. I threw on my skinniest black jeans and paired it with a navy oversized flannel and low doc martens. My hair was already done, so I just ran my fingers the through the top of it, whilst hair spraying it in the other hand. Running to my bed and searching through the covers for my phone, I eventually found it stuffed down the side of my mattress. Turning it on, I looked for clues as to what I was doing today, oh yeah, I was supposed to be going to cinema with the girls. Well I was slightly overdressed for cinema but I didn't care.
Here's something's you should know about me, I'm fifteen, in the closet (although everybody can pretty much guess) and have never had a boyfriends or any kind of relationship for a prolonged period of time. I have four solid friends who are my rocks, all in which are blonde and beautiful and can get any guy they wanted.
I envied how easy it was for them to find someone . The reason for this being that guys are completely uninterested in me, even the gay gay ones! And to top it all off, I'm still a Virgin.
I came to the conclusion that I didn't need foundation today, but I still applied power and lightly pencilled my eyebrows in. I informed everyone on the group chat that I was setting off to meet them at the bus stop, skipped breakfast and stepped out the door. I plugged my ear phones and started blasting out Beyoncè, as any homosexual teenager would.
I arrived at the bus stop, late as usual and was greeted by my friends. I didn't realise there was going to be this many of us.
I was greeted by a Kacy.
Bouncing up and down and practically screaming, she generally looked excited all though we all knew that nothing was going to happen with anybody at the cinema. When do people ever meet someone half decent at the cinema?
The bus pulled up and we all got on, handing the bus driver our money, I was the last one I be served. I asked for a child's return, the bus driver studied my face and simply shook his head.
"There's no way your under sixteen!" Said the driver.
"Well you have just let all my friends on with a child's ticket so can't you put one and two together and work out that I'm the same age?" I tested him, I was in no mood to pay $3,75 for a bus.
Still he insistent and I handed over my money and walked away with a look of annoyance paints on my face. The drive was long, too long.
I love my friends but our conversations were very generic for a group of young teenagers. I tuned in on a couple of the topics. I tuned out again after gathering after a few seconds that all the conversations were about guys. I never understood the attraction with guys, yeah they can be way to attractive and make your insides melt with just a look but I've never met one who had a genuine personality to match.
I was daydreaming until the bus came to a stop almost throwing me over my seat with its aggressiveness. I stumbled off the bus without thanking the driver.
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